[Chapter Fifty-Eight]

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*Trigger Warning: Slight mentions of abuse*

Rufus Zeno was infamous among the teachers of Amun and the students of Anubis House. But, no one knew the big secret he had been holding onto for years. He had a daughter that he had kept hidden from the society, not wanting them to catch onto the plan he had been concocting since before she was even born. 


Rufus never cared for his wife. He found her when he was in search of someone he could have a child with. He believed that if he had a child, they would have a connection with the house like he had. And since he knew that Sarah and Victor would never have children of their own, he knew this was his only way to have the upper-hand, or so he hoped. 

He believed she would be the key to all the treasures he wanted that were withheld in Anubis House. But he had no idea how connected she would truly become to the house and the mysteries that lied beneath it.


Amelia Edwards was five pounds, five ounces, when she was born on the fifth of July. She was given her mom's last name. Rufus initially said it was because he thought the last name Edwards went better with her name, but that wasn't the real reason. The real reason was because Rufus wanted to keep her identity hidden. He knew that if the society found out he had a child, they too would try and use her for their own advantage. Rufus wanted the sole possession of her. 

When Amelia was old enough to attend Amun in the sixth grade, her parents enrolled her. Rufus made sure she was placed in Anubis house, sot that eventually she could help him from within the walls of the house. Little did either of them know how the house would really affect her. 

Rufus realized the day she was born that she wasn't the Chosen One, because her birthday didn't match up. But deep down he knew she would have a connection the house like he once had. He was Sarah's adopted brother and had even become her Osirian. Therefore, she had to be the new Chosen One's Osirian, right? Unfortunately for him, he would never find out, because before he could use her for his own benefit, she fled to America with her mother. It was a very sudden move, one that none of them were expecting, especially Amelia. 


When Rufus had decided to betray the society, he was kicked out, and that's when he knew he had to use his daughter to get what he wanted once and for all. He knew there was some sort of connection there, and he was going to do whatever he need to get it out of her. 

He had always been a very hostile and aggressive father, so when he started to become more hostile and aggressive, maybe raise his voice a little more or throw his hands up as a threat, it was no surprise to Amelia or her mother. It was only when things started to get physical and the vibe of the house became darker than usual, that Amelia and her mother knew something had changed within him. 

Amelia had a long list of horror stories about him. The pages of her journals began to fill up as the list got longer and longer, as the years passed by. Almost every day she added a new page to her book of horrors, and a new item to her list of fears. 


The summer before Amelia's Freshman year of high school, was when it all became too much to handle. Amelia's mother finally realized that if they didn't get out of the situation they were living in with Rufus, that they may not make it out alive, especially Amelia. 

Amelia used to tell her mom that she was crazy and that it was normal, that she was used to it. She could never imagine the yelling and occasional shove turning into something much more dangerous and permanent. Unfortunately for Amelia, she would soon realize that that's exactly where they were headed. Because for Rufus, he was willing to place her in any amount of danger, as long as he got what he wanted. 

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