[Chapter Fifty-Four]

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Amelia woke up the next morning in a daze. All the events from the night before came back to her as she got up and got ready for the day. She didn't talk to Amber or Nina as she grabbed her bag and headed down to the dining room for breakfast. The rest of Sibuna slowly filtered their way in. Fabian was in as big of a daze as she was, if not bigger. They both were worried that the people they cared for and trusted the most, were a part of something much bigger and darker than they knew about. 

Mara, Eddie and Joy walked in just as Fabian had decided to finally speak up. He waited until they walked into the kitchen, to finally break the awkward tension in the air. 

"Of course, the secret tunnel leads to the library! The Ibis on the amulet is the Egyptian god of knowledge, Thoth." "I'd like to call it a dead end," "Yeah, wake me up when we find an amulet for the god of shopping," Amber added on. Amber turned toward Amelia, expecting a snarky comment but instead she just got a blank stare back. "What, no comeback about how I shouldn't be so worried about shopping," Amber asked her. Amelia merely shrugged her shoulders and grabbed an apple off of the table. 

"Guys, at least it's giving us a place to hide the cup." "What now," Patricia asked her. "We focus back on finding the other reflectors! We should stake out the dollhouse. Maybe Sarah will finally have a clue for us." Fabian shook his head as he began to mutter under his breath. "The god of knowledge; it's only led to more questions," he sighed. 

"What was Jasper doing talking to Jerome?" "I'm sure he's not the enemy," Nina told him, trying her best to reassure him. "We don't know that; he lied to me!" Nina shook her head, "He didn't lie to you, he just hasn't told you." "Same thing," Fabian mumbled as he looked down at the table sadly. 

Amelia abruptly stood up from the table and headed out of the house. She didn't want to think about Jerome or Jasper being a part of the bad guy team. She figured the best thing to do is not think about it, maybe then it would go away. 


The day was halfway over, and Amelia was currently working on her homework in the lounge. Nina and Fabian were also there, but Amelia had separated herself from them. She was halfway through her assignment, when Patricia's voice came over the school intercom. "I just want you to tell me stuff. I think I should know if you kissed my twin." Amelia's mouth fell open as she listened in to what Patricia was saying, before she realized what was going on. 

She quickly jumped up and ran toward Mr. Sweets office, hoping to stop Patricia before she accidentally exposed anything too personal. She had barely made it through the hallway when her fear came to life. "Or, I don't know Eddie, the fact Mr. Sweet's your dad." She stopped next to Jerome who had his mouth hanging open and Alfie who was laughing. Amelia knew the second Eddie walked out of Mr. Sweet's office that he was going to be berated, and she was so scared of how he was going to react. 

A few moments later, Patricia and Eddie walked out and into a crowd full of laughing students. Eddie's head turned toward the inside of the office, where he noticed the intercom switch had been turned on. His eyes widened, and a large knot grew in the pit of his stomach. He was already speculating that Patricia had done this on purpose, and he knew for a fact that everyone now knew he was Mr. Sweet's son. 

Alfie walked up to the couple, "Well, if it isn't Sweetie Junior," he smirked as he pinched Eddie's cheek. Amelia was enraged as she stood by and watched hurt flash across Eddie's face. "Alfie, shut up," Amelia yelled across the hallway, as she tried to get the others to stop laughing. But it was too late, everyone in the hallway was already chanting, "Junior, Junior." "Shut the hell up," was the last thing Amelia yelled before Eddie ran off and Mr. Sweet walked in. 

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