[Chapter Twenty-One]

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Everyone was at the dance. Amelia was standing with Jerome making small talk.

Amelia watched as Fabian and Nina danced together, happy that they were finally together. She watched as they shared a beautiful kiss, and then all the sudden Nina ran out of the room.

The dream changed from the dance to Nina in the tunnels, completing the hopscotch pattern. The spirit appeared behind her and followed her to the chasm.

The spirit got in Nina's face causing her to fall back and down the chasm, not being able to catch herself. The last thing Amelia heard was the sound of Nina's screams as she fell, a constant noise that filled her ears.

*End of dream*

Amelia woke up, not able to shake the image of Nina falling down the chasm, or the sound of her screams as she fell, out of her head. Amelia got ready for the day and walked down to the kitchen where Amber and Fabian were.

"Let me guess, you guys had a dream about Nina falling down the chasm too," she asked as she walked into the kitchen. They both shook their heads. Amber ran out to the dining room and grabbed Nina, bringing her back into the kitchen so they could all talk about the dream they all had.

"Nina, you'll never believe the dream Amelia, Fabian and I all had last night." "The spirit pushed me down the chasm," Nina replied, looking completely shaken up by the whole thing. "Wow, that was a really good guess," Amber replied, oblivious to the fact that Nina had dreamed the same dream as them. "I think she had the same dream," Fabian spoke up. "Right, obvi," Amber replied, trying to make it seem like she knew that all along.

"We're having shared dreams now, Amber's seen the spirit in a personal dream, and now Amelia's seen the spirit in this dream. This is getting out of hand," Nina ranted. "Wait, what if I have the mark? I have flawless skin," Amber started to freak as Nina and Fabian checked her arms, luckily finding nothing. "Okay relax, you don't have it," Nina sighed in relief. "Doesn't the spirit have to touch you," Amelia asked them. "As long as you don't give her your hands or let her touch you, you should be fine," Amelia reassured her.

"We can't relax though, can we? I mean the spirit is reminding us that Nina's life is at stake! I mean we have to get you-," Fabian stopped mid-sentence when Vera walked into the kitchen. Amber began to hum while the rest of them stood there silent, waiting till Vera left to speak.

Fabian moved in closer to the group, "We have to get her safely on the other side of that pit and find the mask." "Don't worry guys, we can do it!" Amber quickly changed the subject to something more lighthearted to try and get their minds off the possibility of Nina dying. "In your version of the dream did you two get kissy kissy," she asked, motioning to Nina and Fabian. They looked at each other, both fumbling over their words as they talked, clearly flustered. "Uh I can't remember," "I don't know I was distracted with the whole falling," they both rambled.

"Yeah, I totally saw you guys sucking face in mine," Amelia smirked. Amber turned to Amelia and smirked, "And I totally saw you flirting with Jerome in the dream." "We were just talking, unlike these two who had no air space to talk because they were too busy smooching." "Let's head to school," "Yeah we need to finish setting up for the dance," Nina and Fabian suggested, wanting so badly to stop talking about the dream and their kiss.

The group grabbed some food before heading out to the school. Once they got there, Joy was running around with a headset, trying to make sure everything was in order for the dance. "Come on people, let's keep it moving, you're on my time," she yelled. Amelia grabbed some chairs and started to arrange them around the tables placed out. She went to grab another stack, when Trudy walked in.

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