[Chapter Thirty-Two]

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"So, what's our first order of business?" "I'll go run down and turn the security lights outside on. Victor will surely come running to turn it off." "Alright, good luck Amber."

Amber ran downstairs and a few moments later she ran back in. "Point one Sibuna," she cheered. They all high-fived each other and worked to figure out what everyone else was going to do. "I'm going to go grab my comic book, so I can stay awake," Alfie told them, leaving out of their room and sneaking back down to his.

While Alfie was down in his room talking to Jerome, Patricia walked back to her room and woke Mara up, so they could prank Eddie. Meanwhile, Amelia was downstairs helping Nina and Fabian set up speakers around the living room. After they were done, Nina and Fabian hid under the sink, while Amelia hid in the mummy in the hallway.

Amelia was waiting for the music to start when she got a text from Alfie saying he had a plan and to meet her out back. She snuck out of the mummy and grabbed her jacket, before sneaking out the back door in the kitchen.

Almost as soon as she walked outside, she heard loud music start to play in the house and knew that the second phase of their plan had commenced. "Point two Sibuna," she smiled as she high-fived herself.

She walked over to Jerome and Alfie who were waiting for her by the front entrance. "Hey guys," she waved. "So, what's this late night meet up for?" "Jerome wants to go steal a long-lost gem from a suit of arms that he thinks is in the library." "Sounds fun; let's go," Amelia smiled, not bothering to ask why they were doing this.

They ran over to the library as quickly as they could, so they wouldn't get caught. The boys took out their flashlights as soon as they walked in and began to look around. "This is cool! It's like being a ninja. Ninja in the library; book ninja! Sorry I'm returning these books late. Oh, that's okay, now feel my steel," Alfie screamed. He began to flail around while Amelia stood back and laughed at him.

Jerome wasn't too please with Alfie's antics. "Alfie, concentrate! I can't see a suit of armor anywhere," Jerome sighed as he moved his flashlight around the first floor. "How about you guys," Jerome asked them, but Alfie ignored him and tried to hit one of the cases with his flashlight.

"Alfie," Jerome yelled, stopping him before his flashlight could come into contact with the case. "Careful, those cases are alarmed." Alfie groaned and looked over at Amelia mouthing, "That's the point." Alfie looked around one last time, "Nope, no armor here. Maybe it was moved, or someone borrowed it." "Why would someone borrow a suit of armor?" "For a costume party, or a war," Alfie yelled excitedly. "Admittedly two very good reasons," Jerome agreed.

"Maybe it's upstairs," Amelia suggested. She walked toward the steps and purposely tripped over her own feet so that she would fall into one of the cases. Although, before she could collide with one of them Jerome caught her. "Careful there," he laughed. Amelia started to get lost in his eyes, the mission quickly being pushed to the back of her mind. "Alright lovebirds," Alfie chuckled, causing them to break apart.

"How big is it," Alfie asked Jerome. "Man sized Alfie." "Okay, so it would be pretty easy to see right?" "You'd think," he sighed. "Well, I think it's not here. Maybe you should ask Jasper where it was moved to. He would probably know," Amelia told him. Jerome sighed, "Let's just get out of here."

Jerome walked out in front of Alfie and Amelia, leaving them alone in the library. Alfie shook the case in front of them, triggering the library's alarm. "Point three Sibuna," they cheered, high-fiving each other as they ran out of the library.

When they walked outside Jerome looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Who set off the alarm?" "Sorry, I tripped again," Amelia lied, trying to hold back her laughter. "And you weren't there to catch her mate," Alfie smirked causing Amelia to show him. "Come on, we need to go now," she yelled as she started to run back to the house.

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