[Chapter Twenty-Five]

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"Oh no," Amelia muttered when she saw Nina walk into the room, a hard glare on her face. "It is simple; if we don't find that mask before anyone else, Nina loses her life," Fabian warned them.

Nina glared at Amber, Fabian and Amelia, quickly realizing that they had gone behind her back. "It's simple," she asked, causing Fabian and Amber to turn around in shock. "I told you not to tell them. You know for a guy who never betrayed anyone before, you're sure on a roll," she spat. Amelia stood back, trying her hardest not to lash out on Nina, that was until she turned her anger on the rest of them for seemingly no reason.

Nina turned toward Amber and Amelia, a disgusted look on her face. "And you two," she glared, snatching the map out of Amber's hands. "I think we all know what this is really about," Fabian spoke up. "I don't know what this is really about," Alfie said, but quickly shut up when he realized this wasn't the time for him to be making jokes. "Don't even," Nina warned Fabian. "Look it was an accident; I thought she was you!"

Amelia had enough of Nina's attitude and decided to speak up. "Look, Nina, I know you're pissed off at what happened last night, but you have no right to go off on the rest of us, or even Fabian if we're being reasonable here. We're trying to help, and newsflash, everyone with the mark forfeits their lives if we don't find this mask. That means Fabian is in as much danger as you." Alfie placed his hand on Amelia's shoulder, knowing it would help calm her down.

"Look, Patricia and Alfie are involved now, so there's no point going over it." Patricia decided to finally speak up, "You guys know we're in the room, right?" "So, um, do we get to see this puppy or what," Alfie asked them, protectively wrapping his arm around Amelia, bringing him into his side. They all looked over at Nina, waiting for her to tell them it was okay. Nina shook her head yes, "Let's head down now, before Victor does his countdown."

They all headed down to the cellar through the oven and then into the antechamber. They each took an amulet, and they walked Patricia and Alfie through the tests they had already completed. Once they got to the chasm, the two of them stared down into it, both of them shocked and slightly scared. "Woah," "So how's this going to work," Patricia asked them.

They all looked over at Fabian who had told them when they entered that he had a plan. "Well, instead of trying to kill ourselves lifting it, we're gonna push it." "Wait what," Amelia asked, not seeing how it was going to work. "Genius," Alfie muttered.

Fabian ignored them and wrapped a rope around the beam. "Now, the beam is only long enough if it rests on that point there." Fabian pointed over to the small ledge on the other side of the chasm. "And we cannot risk a mistake." "And you think you're strong enough for that," Patricia asked him in disbelief. "He's been doing push-ups," Amber told them. A light chuckle slipped out of Amelia's mouth, but she quickly stopped it short, realizing that this was not the time or place for jokes.

Fabian grabbed the rope and readied himself. "Now, when I say go you push, I pull." "Yep," "Okay," "Ready, go." They all started to push the beam. "Keep going, keep going, keep going," Fabian urged them, causing them to push again, this time with more force. "Alright one more, to the right, to the right. Stay to the right," Fabian shouted. All the sudden Fabian's foot began to slip, and the beam started to tip over the chasm.

"Fabian," "Fabian be careful," Amelia and Nina yelled. Amelia jumped up and grabbed onto the back of the rope, starting to pull to try and help Fabian. Meanwhile, Alfie grabbed Fabian and pulled him to the side. Amelia pulled with all her might, somehow being able to pull the beam away from the edge. Amelia fell back harshly, slamming her back into the ground as she let go of the rope.

Alfie ran over to check on her, while Nina looked around at everyone's distraught faces. "Hey, don't worry guys. We'll figure something out. We'll practice and get it next time. We're Sibuna right? Sibuna," they all shook their heads and did the Sibuna signal, "Sibuna."

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