[Chapter Thirty-Eight]

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Amelia and Jerome ran into Amun and over to the trophy case. On their way there, Amelia started to stumble and fell into Mara. "Oh, I'm sorry." "No, it's our fault; we're in a ruse," Amelia told her. Jerome smiled down at Mara, "We got the gem back and we're going to put it in the shield. Do you want to come with?" Amelia slightly glanced over at Jerome and then turned back to Mara who was smiling, "Of course."

They walked to the back room where the trophy case was. Jerome took a deep breath as his eyes scanned over the mostly empty case. "School awards and prizes; this is what we're looking for. "Excited," Mara asked him. Jerome let out a long sigh, "More like relieved. Everything's been about this moment." "Yeah, and you did it Jerome, you got the gem, and you are so close to finishing your fathers request." "To think, years from now you'll look back on this moment and smile-," "Mara," Jerome interrupted. Mara let out a nervous laugh, having got caught up in the moment. "Sorry, just excited that's all. My lips are sealed."

The trio walked toward the case and looked over all the empty spots. "Oh," "Wow, our school really does suck at sport." "We're trash at sport and this case is our prime example of that," Amelia laughed.

Jerome pulled down a poster that was in the middle of a case, revealing an empty space where the shield once resided, "The Frobisher Shield," Mara read the plaque placed under the empty spot. "So, where is it?" "Great; so, I finally got the gem and there's nowhere to stick it," Jerome huffed. "Why don't you ask Mr. Sweet about it," Amelia suggested. "I'm sure he knows where it is and how we can get it." Jerome sighed, not saying a word before storming off, leaving the two girls by themselves.

Amelia left and headed back to the lounge, so she could pick up her stuff from Alfie and Amber. When she walked in, every member of Sibuna, except for Patricia, were sitting in a circle whispering. "Hey Amelia," "What's going on?" "I found a new clue in the dollhouse and the spirit basically threatened me and told me we need to finish this whole thing faster."

"Well, what exactly happened?" "I was at the dollhouse reading the clue and when I turned around, she was standing right in front of me," Nina explained. "And she just said to hurry, right? Or else," Alfie asked, looking for some more clarification. "Yeah, but she was angry, angry like you wouldn't believe. It was really scary. She said the raven is poised to swoop." "Do you think it means Victor," Fabian asked them all.

"Well, Victor didn't have the amulet, Jerome did." "That's what I don't understand." "Yeah, but when I convinced Jerome to get it for me, it didn't seem like he had actually given it to Poppy. I mean if it was a present for her, he wouldn't have gone to her to get it back. Also, why would he give it back if he need it to get down in the tunnels," Amelia finished her rant.

"Did she say anything else," Fabian asked Nina. "She said this ruler may be forgotten but she will not be ignored." "That seems like a spirit with self-esteem issues," Alfie joked. "The Forgotten Ruler," Fabian muttered to himself, like he recognized the name.

"What's the latest with the clue Fabian," Nina asked, wanting to change the subject. "It's pretty obscure," Fabian told them as he began to read out the slip of paper Nina had handed to him. "Upon the foundation on which this house rests, lies the solution to the spider web test. To find the amorer and scholars hollows, the silver thread of fate you must follow."

The group sat there for a few moments, silently trying to figure the clue out. "Amorer and scholars hollow," Nina mumbled to herself. "The library," Alfie spoke up. They all turned to him surprised that he seemed to have figured it out. "You figured it out that quick? I'm impressed," Amelia smiled.

"How'd you figure that one out," Fabian asked in disbelief that Alfie figured it out before him. "That's where the suit of armor used to be. Armor, armorer, right?" "They do sound similar." "And, I don't know, isn't scholar like an old-style word for massive nerd?" "And where do you find nerds," Amber looked over at Amelia and Fabian, causing the both of them to scoff.

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