[Chapter Twenty-Nine]

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When Amelia woke up the first thing she did was check to see if the mark was still on her waist. Sure enough when she lifted her shirt the mark was there. "So, I guess it wasn't just a dream," she sighed, her gaze wandering over to Nina and Amber who had just woken up.

Amber took off her socks and looked down at the mark that rested on her ankle. "I don't know who I'm more scared of. The spirit or my dad." Amelia laughed and watched as Nina rummaged through her closet. She turned around, holding a pair of long socks. "Here, these will cover it," she told Amber as she handed them over.

Amber looked down at the socks in disgust, "Okay, so I just have to wear long socks for the rest of daddy's life. That will look great around the pool," she sarcastically replied. "Just tell him they're a new fashion trend," Amelia suggested, causing Amber to glare over at her as she put them on.

Nina looked at the both of them, a sad look resting on her face. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want any of this for you guys. I just, I feel so powerless against this thing." Amelia stood up from her bed and wrapped her arms around Nina, bringing her in for a much-needed hug. "I know, it's okay. Hey, we were with you anyway, now we're just really with you," Amber joked, trying to lighten up the mood. "Yeah, now the club's super official. We have a secret handshake, a cool name and matching tattoos! What else could we ask for," Amelia laughed.

The girls were interrupted by Patricia barging into the room. She threw her wrist out to show the girls that she also had acquired the mark of Anubis overnight. "What do you call this," she yelled. "Membership," Amber shrugged pointing down at her ankle. "You too," Patricia asked looking over at Amelia. Amelia sighed and slightly lifted her shirt to show the bottom of the mark.

"Who else," Patricia asked. As if he knew what they were talking about, Alfie barged in yelling about the mark he had gotten over night. "I'm freaking out! I just acquired a tat overnight." He lifted up his leg to show them where his mark had been placed. "I'm too young, it's illegal and if I had the choice I would have gone for some sort of fire breathing dragon!" "Not my name," Amber asked confused. "We broke up," he yelled, throwing his arms up.

Amelia walked over to Alfie and placed her hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. "Alfie, calm down, it's going to be okay. "It's going to be okay," Patricia scoffed. "Does this mean we're cursed? Are our lives at risk too," she asked Nina. But before Nina could answer Fabian walked in and looked around at the group, almost immediately spotting the mark on Alfie's leg.

"So, you've met the spirit?" Patricia showed Fabian her arm, Amelia lifted her shirt up again and Amber pointed down at her ankle. "Met, stamped," Patricia told him. Fabian looked over at Nina confused, "Wait, they've all got them?" Nina shook her head yes causing Fabian to grow worried.

"Well, what about you," Alfie asked him. Nina finally decided to speak up. "Fabian already had one, after me." Patricia scoffed, "What? And you didn't think it was important to tell us it was kind of contagious?" "But when Amber and Amelia never got one we thought it was just us, so well we decided-." Patricia cut Fabian off, clearly enraged. "Oh, you decided? From now on we make all decisions together! Okay," she huffed stomping out of the room, Alfie right behind her.

Amelia turned to the remaining members of the group, still in their room. "This just means we have to work harder and faster. We only forfeit our lives if we don't find this mask, right? So, we find the mask and we all get out of this safe and unharmed. We can do this guys, I know we can," she told them, trying her best to reassure them all.

Amelia left the trio in her room to finish talking while she got ready for the day. When she walked down to breakfast everyone was quieter than usual, especially the members of Sibuna. Once everyone was done eating, they all headed over to school together.

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