[Chapter Eleven]

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Trudy made dinner early the night of the bid, knowing that it had been a long day for everyone and that all the kids wanted to do was eat and then go straight to bed. Amelia walked into the dining room and saw Fabian, Amber and Nina whispering to themselves. Amelia was quickly realizing that those three had a lot of secrets.

Amelia helped Mara set the table up, before sitting down in her own seat, waiting for the others to filter in. Once everyone was there, Mick tapped on his cup and stood up, ready to make an announcement. Everyone's turned toward him, everyone waiting to hear what Mick's final decision was about Australia. Everyone was anxious, but not as anxious as Mara. "Uh guys, so I spoke to Mr. Sweet and it's official, I'm moving to Australia." Everyone sat there shocked, even though they were all pretty sure he was going to end up going to Australia, well everyone but Mara.

"What," Fabian asked in disbelief. Mick was his closest guy friend and Amelia could tell that his announcement had really affected him. "When do you leave?" "Tomorrow," "So soon," Amelia mumbled sadly. "Tomorrow? It's all decided," Mara was in complete shock and hurting more than she had since she first heard he may be moving. Just knowing that it was all real and actually happening, was like a stab in the heart for Mara, for all of them really. "Well I reckon some people just can't wait to see me go," Mick shrugged his shoulders, his eyes landing on Mara. Her plan had worked; Mick really thought she didn't want him around anymore. "Why would you ever think that Mick," Amelia asked, even though she knew why. Mick and Mara had a sort of stare off before Mara got up and ran off in tears.

Patricia and Joy stood up, ready to go after her. "Guys," Amelia called out. "Give Mara some time by herself. It's the best for her right now," but the other girls didn't listen, and ran off to go be with their friend. The other stayed at the table, all making small talk and trying to keep everything as positive as they could. The phone in the main entrance started to ring. Fabian got up and answered it before walking back to the group. "Amelia, it's for you; some American boy." Amber looked over at her with a smirk on her face, "I thought you said you didn't have an American lover?" "I don't Amber," she laughed as she got up and walked out to where the phone was.

"Hello, this is Amelia." "Amelia, what's up sweet-cheeks?" Amelia smiled, immediately recognizing the voice of the person on the other side of the phone. "Kyle oh my gosh is that you," she asked, wanting to make sure she wasn't wrong about who it was. While Amelia was on the phone, the group was finishing up dinner. Jerome however stood in the doorway, watching Amelia as she talked on the phone. He tried to make it seem like he wasn't listening, but the others knew he was.

"Who else would call you sweet-cheeks," Kyle laughed into the phone. "Gosh I miss you guys so much. I need updates like right now about what's going on down there!" Kyle proceeded to update Amelia on what was going on back in America with her American friends. "No way, she finally told him? I didn't think she had it in her," she admitted. "Yeah so, how's Anubis? Is it weird to be back there with everyone," Kyle asked, switching the topic to her and how she was doing. "It's still a bit weird but I'm glad to be back." "How are things going with lover boy?" A blush crept up Amelia's cheek at the mention of Jerome. "Shut up; they're not too good right now but I'm working on it," she sighed. "Just ask him if he wants to make-out, that would hook me right away." "I hate you," she playfully scoffed into the phone. "You know you love me," he countered." "You're right I do," she laughed into the phone.

Jerome sat back and watched. He knew he would be embarrassed if Amelia turned and saw him watching her, but he couldn't look away. Just knowing a guy who's halfway across the ocean was making her laugh and smile like that, was irritating him. He knew his last stunt had really pushed her away and that he needed to try and mend the friendship, but Jerome Clarke has a very jealous side, one he cannot tame. Also, he's not very good at being serious or trying to fix things. He always made things worse; he realized that after everything that happened last year.

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