[Chapter Twelve]

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Amelia and the girls, minus Nina and Amber, walked down to breakfast, eager to see who their new house mother would be. They walked into the living room to be met with Victor, some lady and a table full of food. "Woah," "We have entered Heaven boy and girls," Amelia cooed sitting down at the table. "The residents of Anubis house," Victor told the lady. "This is Vera Devenish, your new house mother. Please ensure that you are polite and respectful at all times, if you possibly can."

Victor walked off, leaving them with Vera. "Good morning everyone," she smiled at the kids. "Has Trudy started at the library already?" Vera shook her head yes, "She left about an hour ago. I can tell I got big boots to fill, but anything you need, you just come to me. Now then who's for blueberry pancakes?" Everyone raised their hands, "Heck yes," "Amazeballs." 

Alfie and Amelia both grabbed a pancake and a sausage, making a sandwich with them. Vera stared at them, a little grossed out, "It's nice to see my food being appreciated." Jerome walked in and grabbed the bowl of eggs that Vera was holding. "Wow, thank you." He watched Vera walk back into the kitchen. "Bright, discerning, scrambles my eggs just so," he mumbled as he grabbed some of the eggs with his hand and tasted them.

Everyone's attention turned to Fabian and Nina when they walked in, guiding a blind Amber who was wearing sunglasses. "And the sun is where exactly," Jerome asked Amber. "Um, allergies. She had a reaction to her face mask. Yeah, yeah, they must contain -," "Raspberries," Alfie finished. "Right, right raspberries, they're like her kryptonite," Nina explained. "Ambs hold on, I'll just go and get -," Alfie rushed up to help her but Amber stopped him. "No, no, no fuss. All I have left is my dignity." She went to sit down but missed the chair and fell to the floor. Amber quickly stood up as the others laughed. "It's okay, it's okay, that happens all the time."

She composed herself and then proceeded to sit down on Jerome's lap, thinking it was her chair. "Dude," Alfie yelled. "Amber, Amber," Nina whispered, trying to get Amber to realize she wasn't sitting on her chair. "Good morning," Jerome laughed. Amber stopped dishing out her cereal and started to feel up Jerome's arms and then face, quickly realizing that she was sitting on his lap. "Um what, so a girl can't sit on her friends knee anymore," she scoffed. Everyone started to laugh harder, knowing that she hadn't meant to sit on Jerome, but they all figured they wouldn't argue with her.

Patricia and Amelia walked into Ms. Andrews class together, both of them sitting down at their seats and talking to each other from across the room. A few moments later, Mara and Jerome walked in, in the middle of what looked to Amelia like a deep conversation. Amelia sighed and looked down at her notebook, starting to doodle a random bird. After another couple of minutes passed, Fabian walked in, his hands full of Amber's stuff. Nina walked in after him, guiding Amber to her seat. They sat down, and Nina explained Amber's 'condition' to Ms. Andrews. This was going to be a long day Amelia thought, not yet realizing how right she was about that.


The rest of the day went on with Nina and Fabian guiding Amber around the school. After school, Mara and Jerome rushed off to who knows where, and Amelia walked back to the house with Alfie. Alfie could not stop talking about how worried he was for Amber. "Maybe make her a card or something," Amelia suggested. "She can't see Amelia," Alfie shook his head. "Well when she gets her vision back she can read it," she huffed, leaving Alfie downstairs while she went to her room to get changed. Once she was done she grabbed a book and headed down to the living room to read.

While Amelia and Alfie were downstairs, Nina was upstairs helping Amber change out of her uniform. Amber was complaining about how she felt a crease in the outfit Nina had given her, when the spirit of Senkhara appeared behind them. "Darkness of her eyes must not delay you." Senkhara raised out her arm, ready to mark Amber when Nina yelled out to her. "Please don't," Nina begged. "Please don't what," Amber asked, not being able to see or hear Senkhara. "Don't, don't change that top. It looks lovely."

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