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Eddie walked back inside of the library in search of the others, specifically Patricia, while Jerome headed off to the house. All he wanted right now was to be alone. As Eddie walked in, everyone rushed over to him. "What happened," Alfie rushed to ask him as he ran over to him. "I'm not sure," Eddie sighed. "But they are taking her to the hospital to check her out. She was completely blacked out."

"It's probably her connection to the house. When Rufus died it must have severed it and we all know how her connection already affected her. I can only imagine the pain she felt when it got destroyed," Fabian sadly explained. "Her what," Eddie asked, now even more confused than he already had been before. "Come over here, I'll explain everything," Patricia called out to him from the floor, where she was sitting next to a still out of it Joy.

Nina and Fabian walked off to a corner, while Eddie, Patricia, Joy sat next to each other on the ground. "So that scary man that you just banished was Amelia's father," Patricia explained. Eddie's eyes widened as he thought back to all the absentee dad stories they had swapped before. "Wow, now I get why she was so afraid of him," he shuddered.

"Yeah well, I guess because Rufus grew up in this house and had a connection with it, when he and Amelia's mom had her, she gained this sort of tether to the house. So, every single time some part of the tunnels underneath the house would move, she would feel these pains course through her. And basically, what Fabian just explained is that he thinks when Rufus died, that connection was severed and therefore she probably felt an immense amount of pain and that's why she passed out."

"But she'll be okay, right," Amber asked them. "She's strong; she'll survive," Joy smiled. "What I want to know is how did you know what to do with the crown," Patricia asked Eddie as she changed the subject. Eddie shrugged his shoulders, "I-I don't know. It's like someone was telling me from inside my own head. Rocked it though right," he smirked as Joy and Patricia nodded their heads with small smiles spread across their faces.

Over in the corner of the room, Nina and Fabian were talking to each other. "Hey," Fabian smiled as Nina stood up. "Is she really gone," Nina asked him as Fabian nodded his head and they both checked to see if their marks were still there. "My mark, it's disappeared," "Mine too," Fabian cheered as he pulled Nina in for a big hug. As they pulled apart, Fabian noticed the sad look on Nina's face.

"I hate celebrating knowing that Amelia is in the hospital right now. I can't help but feel like it's all my fault." "Hey, don't think like that. We couldn't have known that Rufus dying would have affected her like it did. She's one of the strongest people I know. She'll pull through this and she'll be back with us soon enough," Fabian reassured her. "I sure hope so," Nina sighed as they began to head over to where the others were.

As the others continued to talk, Alfie walked over and grabbed the gem out of the mask, causing it to return to its unusable form. "I know where this belongs," he smiled, already planning on giving it back to Jerome so that he could return it to the Frobisher shield. "Hey, where's Jerome," Alfie asked as he looked around the room, not noticing Victor reach over to grab the now useless mask of Anubis.

"I don't know," Amber shrugged her shoulders as she walked over to Alfie. She let out a loud sigh as she stopped in front of him. "So, you were pretty brave today Alfie." Alfie let out a small chuckle, "I know." There was a small pause as Alfie looked down at the gem in his hand, a million thoughts racing through his head. He realized tonight how easily he could lose someone he cared about, and because of this he's vowed to go after what he really wants.

"Um, I've been thinking. Maybe Amfie does have a certain ring to it," he smirked as Amber looked at him with a slightly thrown off look on her face. "I think you mean Alber." "Although I may have certain conditions." Amber let out a loud scoff, "You have certain conditions!" Alfie looked over at her with a small smirk on his face, waiting for her to give in. "And I'm calm," she exclaimed as she took a long deep breath and let it out. 

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