[Chapter Thirty-Six]

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The members of Sibuna walked down to the cellar and into the antechamber. Amelia, Alfie and Amber walked through the bookcase first, Nina, Fabian and Patricia right behind them. After the light had scanned all of their amulets, they started to walk off, not realizing that the light was still scanning Patricia. They realized as soon as Patricia started screaming and Frobisher-Smythe's voice started to play, that she had been blinded by the light and that her amulet hadn't worked.

"What happened? Why didn't the amulet protect her," Nina asked as they all ran over to her. Patricia started to cry, "I can't see guys, I can't see." Fabian opened the bookcase and they all filed back out into the antechamber. Nina and Fabian grabbed Patricia and sat her down on the couch that was in there. "It's horrible, isn't it?" Totally blind, bat blind, three blind mice," Amber rambled on. "So, now we know how Amber was blinded a few weeks ago," Amelia spoke up.

"What, do you think there's a time limit on them?" "That makes absolutely no sense!" "Maybe that's why the spirit keeps saying watch the time piece." "But ours work fine and they're all the same, aren't they?" "No," Patricia finally spoke up. "What do you mean Patricia?" "Mines-mines the spare." "What do you mean," Fabian asked again. "I lost my amulet okay!" The whole group started to freak out.

"I'm sorry. So, I took the spare from the dollhouse." "What if Victor gets his hands on it?" "I know, I know, I'm so sorry." "Where did you lose it?" "I don't know," "It's okay," Nina sighed, even though she clearly didn't think it was fine.

"It still doesn't make sense why it didn't work. Spare or not they should all work the same. I mean how could it have timed out if ours still work? Plus, these amulets have been sitting here for centuries. There's no way they would just stop working after all these years. There has to be some other explanation," Amelia finished.

"We'll figure this out, let's just get Patricia upstairs first. Patricia shook her head, "No, I'll be okay. You guys go." "Patricia I'm not leaving you," "I promise I'll be fine." "Only if you're sure," "I'm sure," she reassured them. "I'm not," Amelia interrupted. "What if someone gets in here? Victor may not have an amulet, but he does know how to get into the antechamber. It's too dangerous! I'll take her back."

"No, Amelia, you're our best web-walker, we need you." "No one's going to get in. I'm sure the amulet's safe and that Patricia will be fine." "Go seriously," Patricia urged them, slightly moving her hands to force them away from her. Amelia huffed in annoyance, not wanting to leave her behind. Amelia turned with one last look back at Patricia and followed the others back into the tunnels.

They walked through until they got to the newest part. Amelia started to feel a small aching sense in her stomach, but she figured it was her head getting to her and pushed the feeling down as best she could.

Amelia, Alfie and Fabian positioned themselves in front of the web of strings, Nina and Amber right behind them. "Okay, so remember nice and slow. There's no need to rush." "And don't step on the threads; any of them," Amber added. "Slow," "Yeah, right," "We've got this," "Let's do this boys." Fabian turned and noticed that the girls looked worried, "Don't worry, Amelia and I aced it in practice; we'll be fine."

Amelia took one last deep breath before starting to duck and dive under the threads. Fabian and Amelia were on either side, with Alfie in the middle. The girls were yelling out instructions to them. "Go Fabian," "Okay, over to the yellow Amelia." "Now go, go under the red. Careful, watch for your head, watch, okay, okay." "There's a yellow one right behind your left shoulder Amelia."

Each of them finally got to their perspective spots, each of them underneath one of the three hooks. "So, what about the hooks?" "Yeah, there's a silver one here," Fabian called out. "Yellow here," "And a red one by me," Amelia finished. "What about the gigantic spider?" "It doesn't seem to go anywhere," Fabian commented. Amelia looked at it and noticed that it was an indentation in the wall. "So, that must mean we put something in it." "And whatever we put it in it will probably open up the wall, into the next tunnel," Amelia guessed.

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