[Chapter Four]

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Amelia laid her head down on the dining room table, trying to catch up on all the sleep she had lost the night before. "No sleeping at the table Amelia," Trudy sang as she walked by and into the kitchen. She let out a small groan as she lifted her head up and laid it down on her hands. "Why do you look so tired," Mara asked her, sounding concerned. "For one Nina's gran snores super loud," she started. "That was Nina's grandmother? I thought we had a pack of wolves taking residence outside the house," Jerome cringed. Amelia smiled, glad that Jerome was sort of acknowledging her. "What's the other reason," Patricia asked. "I had this nagging feeling in my stomach that something bad was going on. It's like every time I tried to sleep, I was woken up by this pain. "Maybe it's gas," Alfie suggested, causing Amelia to playfully smack him. "Well I'm staying far away from you today," Patricia joked. "Wow thanks guys," Amelia yawned.


As they were all walking to school, Amelia couldn't stop yawning. "You keep that up and Ms. Andrews is going to give you a detention," Patricia laughed. "I am so tired, it's not even funny. I'm tempted to go to the bathroom during break and just sleep." All the girls started laughing, "Oh you think I'm joking," she scoffed.

Her first couple of classes were pretty easy, and now it was time for Ms. Andrews class. Amelia went and sat in the same seat she sat in the other day, at the back of the class next to the boy she still hadn't learned the name of yet. Amelia let her eyes wander over to Jerome and Alfie who were at the table next to her. She noticed a bunch of crumpled up papers sticking out of Jerome's bag. She squinted her eyes trying to get a better look at them, when she realized they were pictures of Jerome when he was younger. "Aw," she smiled. Her eyes widened as she realized she had just said that out loud and quickly averted her eyes back down to her book, as everyone else in the class turned toward her.

"Something interesting Ms. Edwards," Ms. Andrews asked her, walking into the room and setting her bag down. "Oh, um no sorry, I was just thinking of uh bunnies." The boy next to her started laughing and shaking his head. "Bunnies, really? You couldn't come up with a better lie?" She groaned, leaning her head down on her books. Before she could fall asleep she sat up and rested her head on her hands.

Near the end of class Amelia was called into Mr. Sweet's office. She grabbed her books since class was about to end and headed toward Mr. Sweets office. As she was walking there, she passed a younger looking girl that was holding a board. She looked familiar, but Amelia was way too tired to try and figure out how she knew her.

She walked up to Mr. Sweet's office door and knocked on it, waiting for him to call her in. "It's my second day and I'm already in trouble," she joked as she walked in. "Come on Mr. Sweet, I haven't even pulled any pranks yet." Mr. Sweet shook his head at her last comment, "I do not wish to hear about any pranks you do or do not have planned. Amelia started to laugh, "Don't worry Mr. Sweet." "Nevertheless, I called you here to inform you that your transcripts were successfully transferred. You have officially been re-enrolled in Amun. We welcome you back with open arms." Amelia smiled up at him; she had always liked Mr. Sweet. He was always so nice and caring and she sometimes found herself wishing her was like him.

She stood up and shook Mr. Sweet's hand, "Thank you for everything Mr. Sweet." "I do hope everything goes well for you here," he smiled. They both walked out of his office and parted ways. Mr. Sweet walked toward the main hall where there was some type of commotion going on, while Amelia headed for the bathroom, figuring that the others would tell her what was going on later. Instead of sleeping in the bathroom like she had joked about earlier, she did her business, washed up and then headed toward the lounge area. The students had a small break right now, so she figured she could take a quick nap on the comfy couches in there.

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