[Chapter Eighteen]

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Mara pressed the bell to indicate that Jerome could start eating the creamed carrot. Jerome got through the first and the second with no problem. Time flew by as he ate and ate and almost in the blink of an eye, he was on his last few bites of the last bucket. Everyone could tell that the food was getting to him by the look on his face.

Alfie walked around the table, yelling about how he was going to throw in the towel for Jerome, because he didn't want to see his best friend be put through any more pain. Jerome was very persistent though. He stopped Alfie and continued to eat, finishing off his last couple bites. "Aint no gong till it's gone," Eddie told him. Amelia rolled her eyes and cheered as Jerome finished off the last of the carrot.

Jerome pretended to throw up in the bucket but then turned it around to show everyone that he had finished. Everyone in the room started cheering for him. Amelia ran up and gave him a big hug, Eddie following close behind her. Eddie shook Jerome's hand, "Well that was really dumb, but you did it. Good job carrot boy." Eddie went to hand Jerome the money, "This is for you." But before Jerome could grab it, Eddie pulled his hand back, "Ah, double or nothing?" Jerome practically jumped out of his chair and over the table to grab the money from Jerome.

While Jerome counted the money, Amelia asked Patricia if there were any leftovers. Everyone looked at her like she was crazy. "Why, do you want some Amelia," Alfie asked her. "Up for the challenge Edwards," Eddie challenged. "Don't do it," Jerome warned her. Amelia rolled her eyes and walked over to where Patricia had pointed. "I would never take you up on a challenge Eddie, I know your tricks."

Eddie laughed and sat down at the front of the stage, his back to Amelia. Amelia put her hand in the leftovers, cupping some of the creamy carrot in her hands. Amelia walked over to Eddie and dropped the carrot she had in her hands, on top of his head. "Oh look, a new gel for your hair," she snickered as she rubbed in the carrot. He looked up at her in shock but that was quickly replaced with a smirk.

Before Amelia could run off, Eddie grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder, so her hair was hanging down in front of him. He walked over to the bucket of leftovers and dipped her hair in. Once her head was halfway in, he pulled her out and placed her back on the ground. Amelia shook her head, getting carrot all over Eddie's white shirt, and all over the stage.

The sound of Jerome's loud groaning took Amelia's attention off Eddie and onto him. Amelia tied her hair up to try and stop the carrot from dripping and walked over to Jerome who had his head on the table. "Alfie, will you help me get Jerome back to the house?" Alfie shook his head and grabbed Jerome's left arm while Amelia grabbed his left. The two friends tried their best to support Jerome's weight as they guided him out of the school and to the house.

Once they got to the house, Alfie laid Jerome down on his bed while Amelia went and grabbed a bucket just in case he needed to throw up, which she suspected he would. "Here's a bucket and here's a warm towel. Put it on your head, it'll help." "Thanks guys," Jerome groaned while Amelia placed the wet and warm towel on Jerome's forehead, placing the bucket next to his bed.

"What are best friends for, right," Amelia smiled. "Hey, I never signed up to clean up someone's throw up," Alfie stated. "Shut it Alfie," Amelia laughed, slightly pushing him. "Okay, well I'll come back down and check on you in a bit. I need to go wash this carrot out of my hair and get changed."

Amelia left the two boys and walked up to her room to clean up. When she walked in to grab her stuff, Amber and Nina were standing around the dollhouse. They both turned around when they heard her walk in. "Hey, we need to have a Sibuna meeting," Nina told her.

"Where's Fabian?" "Downstairs getting changed," they told her. "Okay, let me wash my hair and change and then I'll come back. I'll be ten minutes tops," she told them. Amelia grabbed her clothes and ran to the bathroom, not wanting to keep the girls waiting too long.

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