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"I want you guys to write down these words on the board, for homework you have to define them." I looked around the classroom at everyone and then wrote them down. I need to open this note. I opened the note quickly and it said, Meet me after-school, I have something for you. I think you'll really like it! :) -Ur Joshy
"Allison Hermann!"
"You've been staring at your hands for almost 15 minutes now. What's going on young lady?"
"Nothing." I picked up the pencil and tried to copy down the notes. I had contacts in because glasses are not my type. But I couldn't help but to daydream again, what would Josh have for me? Is it food? You know, I'm kinda hungry right now. I would try to ask him but we sit so far away from each other in this class.
"Ms.Hermann!!" The Bell rung.
"Come here." Everyone was fighting to leave class but I made it up there. Josh looked at me and mouthed 'I'll be at the benches' before leaving.
"Is there a problem?" She asked me while holding my hands.
"You don't have to lie. I know you were thinking hard about something, I can tell you don't want to talk right now but remember-"
"I could always vent to you if needed." I finished.
"Exactly. Have a good day."
"You too." I got up and left quickly so I could meet Josh outside. The cool fall breeze hit me again, the same exact way it did in the first day of school.
"Allie come on!" I saw Josh grinning and I ran over to him. He put my hand over my eyes and then took them off a couple seconds later.
"Thank you!!" I hugged the teddy and inhaled some caramel m and m's.
"No problem." He put his arm around my shoulder.
"If it makes you uncomfortable I'll stop." He took his arm away.
"No it's okay, I've moved passed it, well for the most part I did. Plus I'm a bit cold." We sat there for a while talking and cuddling.
"So how do you feel about that?"
"Well, I mean it's better then having to hear them fight, if they need some separation right now so be it. I know it'll work out in the end."
*Mama💝 is calling*
"Hi Mama."
"Where are you? People are worried sick."
"I'm at the school Mama."
"What are you doing there? It's 6:30, start walking home this instant! You're grounded."
"No buts start walking, now!"
"Stop yelling at me!"
"Start walking, NOW!"
"YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO." He grabbed me by the arm and pulled down my pants.
"You're mean to me!"
"Shut up." He slapped me hard on the face.
*Flashback over*
"Allie, Allie, it's okay." He was rubbing my back to calm me down. He put my phone in my bag and started walking me home.
"I'm sorry I had a flash back on you."
"Don't apologize. Come I'll walk you home-"
"You don't have to, I'm already in trouble."
"Just let me, this one time." I nodded and crossed the street with him. It was starting to get darker and colder as we got closer to my home. We were finally arrived across the street I said,
"I'll take it from here."
"Alright bye." We hugged and I dashed across the street to my home. I rang the doorbell knowing what was waiting for me. Anne opened the door for me and was very angry.
"What were you thinking? I was so worried about you. Go straight to your room." I took my shoes off and ran straight upstairs. At least my phone wasn't taken away or anything. They wouldn't take it considering they need to call me a lot. After showering and doing my homework my mom came busting into my bedroom extremely angry.
"Allison, explain to me why, I just want to know why."
"I don't wanna talk to you! You made me have a flashback!" I cried into my arms.
"On the phone today! You didn't have to say those words!" I could tell she felt terrible, but she was still super angry with me.
"I'm sorry about that okay? I was really worried that something would happen to you again. That's why I was yelling at you."
"I'm not accepting that right now." I turned away from her.
"You don't need to accept it, but I need you to tell me why you didn't come straight home from school." I held the teddy in my arms and kissed it.
"Who gave you that?" Mom took the teddy and inspected it, it had my name on it and there was a button. But it was a secret one that only I could find however.
"My friend."
"What friend is giving you teddy bears and chocolates?" My mom was getting more upset with me by the second.
"Don't yell at me young lady!"
"Warming you up?" She eyed me suspiciously.
"Ew mom, we didn't do that stuff. He just put his arm around me! I felt warm. Look I'm sorry I didn't call you or Anne, but I would never ever go around doing that kind of stuff mama. I had my promise ring on and everything, I would be breaking my promise."
"Doesn't change how upset I am with you. So many things could've happened out there!"
"I'm not a baby, I can handle myself. I just forgot to call, it isn't a big deal. Don't have a crap attack."
"Alright, I was being nice. I want your IPad, and Laptop."
"I have homework to do."
"You should've thought about that before running off with someone. I want them right now young lady." I picked them up and gave them to her.
"You're lucky, I would take away your phone too but you actually need it. Just wait until tomorrow, your dad will have more to say than I do, especially since you were with a boy." She left my room with the devices and stomped off to her room.
"Oh whatever." I whispered. All I did was talk with my friend at the benches, he was having a hard time and giving me those presents as a surprise and venting to me made him feel better. So what if I forgot to call? Nothing happened. Even though we all know mom thinks he was being inappropriate with me. Ugh, he would never. At least I didn't get hurt tonight.....

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