Hell..It's What's Deserved

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(Monday, August 10th) (The Courthouse) (Allison's Perspective)
I-I just finished testifying. The whole world knows about what happened. Well, maybe not the whole world. Just, a small percentage of people. Mama and Dad made sure this whole thing was as private as possible. I thank them for trying. I really do.
A while ago.....
"This all started when I was five. He was twelve. Before the car crash that killed my parents. He would touch me, do some very uncomfortable things with his hands. I hated it. Every minute of it."
"Did anything else happen?"
"It eventually turned into rape. That's what happened." I said.
"Allie, I'm sorry, but could you go into more detail sweetheart. For understanding."

"Can we get a burger, please? I'm hungry."
"Of course, baby. Let's just get into the car and we'll go from there." We got into the car and our driver took us uptown. We didn't wanna stay in Midtown with the chance of paps seeing us. So we decided to go near home to a burger place.
"Allie, you're so brave." My Mom said.
"Thank you. Mina's coming over for the sleepover, right?"
"She is. Tonight is going to be wonderful, I've already arranged things for you guys to do."
"Mama, you didn't have to!"
"Babe, I want you to really enjoy yourself, if this really makes you feel better, then I want you to have the best time doing so." I smiled.
"I love sleepovers, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to make it super-duper epic."
9:45 PM (Riverside Boulevard, The Upper West Side) (Mariska's Perspective)
"Personally speaking, I prefer Puerto Rico."
"I don't know Italy has a zing to it." The girls laughed and so did I.
"We can agree to disagree on that. But what we can agree on is how cute Finn Wolfhard is." Mina said. Aww.
"Yeah he's cute, but I also like Micheal B. Jordan."
"Allie!" Mina said with a giggle.
"He's too old for you, young lady."
"Sorry! Mama, you don't have a celebrity crush?"
"I do, on Peter Hermann."
"Mom, someone other than Dad."
"I'm sorry I can't give you the answer you're looking for, but Dad is the cutest."
"How boring!" Allie joked.
"Actually, I think that's pretty cool! Your Mom is so loyal."
"Thank you, Mina. Someone here appreciates my efforts." The girls laughed and told me stories about their life. Allie was genuinely happy. She had a big smile on her face and was constantly giggling. This is the Allie I know.
5 years ago
"Yes, ladybug?"
"Can I tell you something?"
"What is it, honey?" I asked as she put down her juice box.
"Sometimes, I feel a bit homesick." She admitted.
"I miss mon Papa. I don't miss my brother, he's nasty. But Papa I miss."
"What do you miss about him?"
"His cuddles. Though, yours are way better. Mama, do you miss your Papa?"
"All the time. I wish he was here to see the beautiful little lady you are." She giggled. I gave her a hug.
"Allie, I'm happy that you felt comfortable telling me how you felt just now. And, I'm super proud of you. Know that, okay?"
"Okay, Mama." Allison and I were in a nearby park, just sitting and talking on one of our small, but frequent girl's dates.
"Love you!"
"Love you, too!"

"Mom, could we go to the waterpark tomorrow? Pretty please?!"
"Your Dad and I are busy tomorrow."
"Okay...so then can I go with Mina and her family?"
"Yay, so I already know what rides we're going on!" I texted Mina's family to give a heads up and watched as the girls chatted excitedly.
"I think you'll weasel out of the death drop."
"I totally won't! It isn't even scary!"
"We'll see!" It was great to see Allie so happy. But something told me that this happiness wouldn't last.
"Mom, we're gonna have a bet. I'm making it 5 dollars because I totally won't weasel out of this. I think you will."
"Wait, so what will happen if we both do it."
"Well, then we keep the money and we can use it to get some ice cream." I laughed at Allison's idea.
"Alright girls, I'm gonna leave you guys to it. If you need me I'll be down the hall. Night."
"Good Night!"
Madison Ave. (Monday, August 17th) (Peter's Perspective)
"Daddy, thanks for taking me with you!" Amaya said happily as she ate her snow cone.
"Did you have fun?"
"Yeah. My favorite part was when we were talking at lunch. I loved it. I like having conversations with you."
"Aww, thank you, Amaya." She gave me a hug and we continued to walk. It was Amaya's turn for a day out with me and we were having a good time. She seemed really pleased with the whole affair.
"Oh my gosh, look at the puppy! I want one!"
"Amaya, we have Grindelwald at home."
"Yeah...but that one is just soo much cuter Dad!" I couldn't believe Andrew and Amaya were starting middle school. I couldn't wrap my head around it. Soon, we were going to have a house full of teenagers.
"Has Mama given you the talk?"
"Hmm. She said she was going to when she was free. Should I be scared?"
"No, not at all. You don't have to be nervous."
"Alright! I trust you Dad." I hailed a cab back to our home and Amaya couldn't stop smiling. Seeing her happy just made me feel great. Considering the past week or so hasn't been the best for our family.
"We should've brought Allie. She needed a relaxing day after going to court."
"I think so too."
Allie: Dad, I'm going to meet up with Jacky.
Me: No you're not. You need to go to your appointment young lady.
Allie: I'm not going, that's it. You can make Anne drag me but it isn't going to do a thing. I'm tired of going to that shit hole for therapy, you guys are always trying to ruin my life. Fuck all of you.

"What has gotten into you?!" I whispered.
"What's wrong, Daddy? Is it work?"
"Yeah, it's work. Don't worry about it." I gave her a kiss and she played with her new crafting item.
"I can't wait to fully use this. Wanna make some stuff with me?"
"Of course honey."
Me: Mariska, this is what our daughter just sent us. She's not going to the water park with Mina. That's the end of it.
Mariska: You need to cut her some slack. Just take away her phone rather than that.
Me: So we're going to let her know that cursing at me is the way to project her emotions?! You're going way too easy on her, we're not her friends, we're her parents.
Mariska: I'd expect you to have more compassion considering you have experience with this. First hand. She's emotional right now, we're not going to reward that at all. But if we take away the water park she's only going to act out more. I'm five minutes away from home so I'll deal with it. Just focus on Amaya.

"Dad, are you still busy?" I put my phone down.
"No sweetheart. What is it?"
My Bedroom (Allie's Perspective)
"Allison Maya." I was crying in my bedroom.
"Allie, what's going on with you? Why did you curse at your Dad?" She had her arms folded.
"Because you guys are ruining my life."
"You guys wouldn't let me do anything. I just want to go hang out with my friends alone."
"Allie you can't be going places unsupervised right now."
"I hate you guys."
"Allison, saying you hate us and cursing isn't going to get to the root of the problem. All it's doing is getting you into trouble. I'm taking your phone, computer, and television privileges away. You cannot hang out with anybody until it's time for the water park, and you need to talk to me. Now. It's clear that something's bothering you. Anne said you've been in here crying all day long." I continued crying as Mom grabbed all of the stuff she was taking away. I wasn't concerned. I have other phones and laptops.
"Allison." Dad.
"Get out of my room! You're not helping."
"Get out!" I pushed my Dad out and kept hitting him because I was just so frustrated. They both had to restrain me and Anne had to take Amaya and Andrew outside.
"Let go! Let go!"
"No, we're not. You cannot be hurting others, Allie."
"I won't. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." This whole trial and it being public was making me so angry inside. I had so many problems. Josh even called my Mom because he thought I was going to hurt myself. I felt horrible. I didn't mean to act like this. But I was in so much pain and this was my way of releasing it. Therapy hasn't been doing much and I felt like shit. I feel like shit right now as well. I just attacked my Dad.
"Peter..we need to take the next steps."

To be continued~

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