Moving Out

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"Anne, is it okay if I go out with my friends?"
"Where are you guys going?"
"Some Japanese restaurant. They wanted to go somewhere before Kaylee left for vacation."
"Find out exactly where you're going and when." She said while giving Amaya two puffs.
"Why do you always get to go somewhere alone? I can't even go anywhere without an adult with me."
"I think Kaylee's Dad is coming actually soo.."
"It'd be awkward?"
"I mean, I already know who he is and we're okay. But us kids just wanted to hang out....alone."
"So you guys can do adult stuff?" Amaya said while laughing.
"No, don't let me expose you."
"No dont!" She started chasing me down the hall and I could hear Anne laughing.
"I'm faster than you."
"No, I'm faster than you." Amaya growled as I went and took the elevator back upstairs.
My Bedroom (Amaya's Perspective)
I'll catch up to her. I said in my head. Allie likes to mess with me a lot. She talks about telling Mama and Dad but she never does. I still get scared though.
"Hmph." I wasn't about to wait for this dumb elevator.
"Amaya?" My Dad was there looking at me.
"No big hug or kiss?"
""Not right now. I have serious business to deal with."
"What is it? Do you need help with something?"
"No Dad."
"Is something wrong? You look very angry."
"Hey dad!" Allie smiled and I growled again.
"So dad-" I went over and tackled her.
"Hey! What's up with you? I just came to tell him about my Lab report." She rubbed her shoulder and sighed.
"I thought you were about to do something else. Don't let me expose you."
"Amaya why don't you go to your room and cool off?"
"Don't need to. I'm fine now." I glared and Allie and she laughed.
"Jeez, I said I wasn't going to tell anyone."
"About what?"
"Don't worry about it. Amaya, relax. Why are you so on edge all of a sudden."
"I'm not! You keep getting on my nerves. I told you something and you keep trying to make it not a secret anymore."
"You know I was only joking. You're never upset about these kind of things. Do you wanna talk?"
"No. Go away! Everyone go away!"
Talking With Dad (Allie's Perspective)
"What secret?"
"I can't tell you. She wanted it private. I just like joking about it. But she doesn't usually get upset about it. Only today she seemed legitimately angry."
"Is she mad at me?"
"I don't think so. Maybe it's just her becoming a young woman Daddy. Didn't I do the same thing?" Dad was quiet for a while.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Nothing. Do you know if M had a talk with Amaya yet?"
"She hasn't, she going to talk to her soon. Because she's budding." I looked down at the floor quietly.
"Budding? Oh....oh!" My dad said finally realizing what I was trying to say.
"I barely have anything." I said laughing.
"Amaya seems like she's going to have some big girls with the way she's growing." I added and my dad laughed.
"I'm not ready."
"She is that age though. You've already seen me.. start it. We're only two years apart. Did you expect it to take forever for her to start changing?" I asked.
"I'll go talk to her, it'll be alright. She just needs some time to herself and she'll be in a much happier mood." I looked up the stairs and scratched my arms.
We're moving out of the townhouse, people were coming to take pictures of the place so we were trying to get all of our stuff out before they came. Lots of people were taking things out of my house and it was making me slightly sad. We were moving to some kind of a rental apartment I believe until Mama and Daddy find a new house. I've gotten so used to walking up stairs in this house and now everything will be on the same floor.
"Mama doesn't this make you feel a little bit sad?"
"Does it make me feel sad? Of course it does. We've made so many memories in this house, I'm going to miss it, but our needs are changing and we don't know need this place anymore. You can't get so attached to things sometimes. They don't always last forever my bug."
"You're not wrong. Where's Amaya?"
"Maybe outside in the garden, wanna go and check on her? I've been worried about her lately to be honest."
"I'll go check of course." I went out to the garden and Amaya was there looking at flowers.
"What do you want? I'm looking at flowers right now."
"I just wanted to check on you. Are you okay?"
"Do I look okay to you?!" I sat down on a little block and waited for her to calm down.
"Sorry. I'm not okay though."
"What's wrong? You can tell me. I'm listening."
"I can't."
"I dont- I cant-"
"What? Take a deep breath, take a deep breath. Deep breaths." I gave her a hug and kept rubbing her back.
"You're going to make me cry aww."
"I'm going to miss this house and stuff."
"Is that all?"
"I guess. Nothing else is wrong with me other then that and me being angry for no reason. I didn't mean to be mean with you. I was just really, really, really upset. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, you know why?"
"Because I've been there too. You just get super angry and you're like why did I just do that. I feel so weird inside. Why, why, why? Right?"
"Yeah, I felt like that."
"Mama's going to talk to you about that."
"I'm scared can you be there too?"
"Of course, if you want me there I'll be there. It's nothing to be scared of though. It's the fact of life and yeah."
"When you say it like that you're making me even more scared. Now I'm scared for my life. I keep hearing things about a talk and I don't know what it means."
"Trust me you'll find out soon."

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