The Day Of

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"You look amazing sweetheart!" The rest of my family had this specific theme that I wasn't a part of. This year they were food, that was one of the reasons why I did my own thing this year.
"Thanks dad." I said while pulling my skirt down.
"Are you putting on tights?"
"Yeah, it's gonna be cold right?"
"Yeah, bring a jacket."
"Alright," People were setting up stuff throughout the first floor of our house and Dad was helping.
"I'm dropping you and Josh off,"
"It's okay Dad. Josh's parents could've done that."
"They said it was okay."
"Oh." Dad looked up from the brownies he was cutting and made eye contact with me.
"Where's mommy? She said she had something to ask me."
"She's getting some stuff, if I were you I'd rather talk about it when you come home. By the way, when do you plan on coming home young lady?"
"10, 11?"
"Fair. Can you pick me up?"
"I'll try. If I don't your mother will." The doorbell rung.
"That's Josh! Let me go get it." I ran to the door and opened it cutely.
"I'm so tired. But I brought you a flower." It was a white rose.
"Thank you! Come in, I'll get you a glass of water- and fix your makeup too." I walked him to the kitchen where dad was waiting for him.
"K uh- Dad meet Josh, Josh meet Dad." My dad stuck out hand for a handshake and they shook hands awkwardly.
"So I hear you guys are in a relationship. Is that true?"
"Yes sir."
"I want you to understand that there are boundaries, such as you two not being allowed in Allie's room alone." I honestly felt bad for him.
"Yes sir."
"Whatever you're doing now, you're not allowed to do anything past that- I don't need to elaborate. Respect my daughter and Allie respect Josh. Don't do anything that the other doesn't want to do especially if it has something to do with peer pressure. And, if I hear that you upset my baby girl just know I'm coming after you. That's all." My dad smiled and ruffled his hair.
"Daddy, you're scaring him!" I held Josh's hand and led him to the couch.
"Aww, it's okay. He's just protective of you that's all." He said while I was fixing his makeup.
"Yeah, I guess." I added some more black to forehead and fixed his eyes a little.
"Alright I'm done!"
"Thanks. When does Joys' party start again?"
"Uhh, I think 7. Our party's starting at six so we're going to have to stay here for a bit."
"Daddy, can I take him to the playroom?"
"Sure. I was going up there anyways."
"Thanks." I ushered him to follow me upstairs to the highest point of the house.
"Your house is really big,"
"Yeah, I said the same thing when I first got here." We sat down on a couch in the playroom and took a breath. Walking up all of those stairs was pretty exhausting.
"I heard Stacie's going to the party."
"I'm not surprised. She's just kinda rude."
"What's the beef between you guys?"
"She was talking about us, talking about my parents, my siblings. She's lucky she didn't receive a punch to the face, I really wanted to do that."
"Why didn't you tell me? I would've handled it for you."
"Because, then it'd look like I couldn't fight my own battles. I don't want-"
"Did I interrupt something?"
"No not at all, Nice to see you Mrs.Hermann." Josh got up and gave her a side hug.
"Hi Mama. Mama when I come back I need to talk to you about something."
"Sure, do you guys want a snack?"
"Yes please."
"Okay, let me go get some." Mommy kissed me on the forehead and then went downstairs.
"As you were saying?"
"I don't want you to get involved before rumors about you spread."
"You know I'll do anything for you. Just let me try. Can I at least try?"
Joy's Party
"Hey! This party is amazing. You guys did so well. I'm sorry I couldn't help."
"It's alright! Come in, it's starting to get cold outside." I walked inside to see food, decorations, and a photo booth.
"Are you doing a haunted house?"
"Yeah it's gonna be epic. We have to do it before we go trick or treating."
"Where's Cody?"
"I don't know actually he's supposed to be coming."
"But Joy-"
"What?" He just posted a pic with someone else.
"Never mind. Um, Josh can I talk to you in private? Now." He sensed the seriousness in my voice and came with me into a corner.
"What's wrong?"
"You need to talk to Cody! Look." He looked at me with wide eyes and nodded.
"Stay with Joy for a second."
"Should I show her?"
"In a minute." I went over to Joy and tried to have a little convo with her. I feel terrible! She isn't going to be happy when we tell her the news. Leila whispered in my ears something about Cody and at that point I knew it was time to tell her.
"Guys, we're going trick or treating soon right?" It's best if we talked about this outside.
"Yeah, let's just get some food in our systems first! Like, look at these monster burgers we made." I smiled and put one in my plate. I wonder how long this happiness will last. I picked up a brownie, some candy and a chicken sandwich. I was just really hungry.
"Why are you guys so quiet? Is something wrong?"
"Yeah, we have to tell you something." We just left her house and got some candy from her neighbor.
"What is it?"
"Cody was taking pics with another girl. He's at some other party right now."
"What are you talking about! He said his parents were holding him up.
"He lied." Josh said seriously.
"He posted this on his story and hid it from you and the girls. Don't you think something is kinda fishy?"
"Yeah, if he had permission he wouldn't go out of his way to do all of that."
"He hid it from us knowing that we would tell you."
"Yeah," Joy was pissed to the max and I could see it.
"Let's go to the party."
"No. I know what you're thinking, I know how much you want to do it but no." Joy started to cry and I comforted her as much as possible. Leila came in and gave her a hug. We had to keep walking though, as the streets started to get crowded.
"If it makes you feel better I'll share my candy with you."
"Same. Last minute sleep over?"
"If my parents say yes." She sniffled and held my hand.
"I just texted my mom, she said you can come over if you want."
"Is it okay if we talk with your mom about it?"
"Of course. Now come on let's trick or treat! We need to do candy swapping later." Hopefully this'll get her mind off of it for a while.
Dad's Car
"Good Night Mr.Hermann."
"Good Night Joy. Is everything alright?"
"She was crying, it's girl stuff."
"Oh, feel better Joy. If you want to talk to me I'm available. You're like a daughter to me at this point."
"Thank you."
"Daddy, can I talk to you privately?"
"Of course my ladybug."
"We're here girls." I opened the door and I ran the door bell. Please be quick. It took a minute but Mama came downstairs in a robe and her glasses.
"Hey muffin! Joy, do you wanna talk?" Joy started to tear up and mommy pulled her into a hug.
"I'll take her stuff upstairs." I took her bag into my room and set it down on the floor next to me bed I went in it and took out her toothbrush and her pajamas. Just to make her life easier. Then I went back downstairs and saw my mom hugging Joy still but she wasn't talking.
"Joy, I set out your pjs on the bed."

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