13. Prissy assistants

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dear lovelies, 

I've been busy, and i apoligize.

I hope this makes up for it.

Sincerely, Elle XOXO

P.S. I came up with an idear for a new fanfic. Anyone interested?


Louis drove me to the auditions. It was this tall, shiny building. There was not a single flaw in the outside. The lobby was cool and unwelcoming, with grey and metallic ruling the interior. I asked the receptionist for directions to the room. Louis insisted on guiding me. 

"Just remember act like you know what you're doing"

"I know what I'm doing" My voice gave me away though.

"That's the spirit!' 

We went into this room set up with chairs, which lead to a smaller room, where I assume they would call us in to audition. Apperently, they got some hot shot up and coming director on this film. Nothing better than embarrassing yourself infront of guys like that. They started calling names randomly. Fright overtook my features. Louis looked at me and laughed. I scrunched up my eyebrows but that only prodded his giggled more. 

"Stooooop itttuh" I moaned.

"Noooo you're too cuuuute" he said, making fun of me. But he said I was cute. Hmmmm. I didn't have time to reply, because the squeaky little clipboard man called out.

"Jessop, camille, george, oscar, and Thompson, valarie." He said with too much dignity for such a voice. 

Oh god oh god oh god. Giving Louis a pleading look, I felt myself limping into the small office. My monolouge rushed through my head. WAIT! Do I say I will attention problem, or daydreaming problem?! Do I pause, or is that cheesy? What should I make my face look like? Oh god oh god. There was a table lined up at one end, with three bored people sitting there. Well the first man's eyes lit up when he saw us walk in. He was pretty fit, I'll say that. He had muddy green eyes and black brown hair. He was all muscle too. He was the kind of guy they put on the cover of romance novels. Next to him was a prissy, fragile women with her hair (and blouse) all did up. Next there was slightly heavy man, with what I can only describe as a pirate's beard. 

"Sit." said prissilla, as I am forever referring to her as. There was a row of three chairs, opposite the judges. God is this scary. I looked over at them, and Mr. Fit was staring at me. Did I have something on my face? He turned and whispered something at the other two, and they instantly nodded and smiled. Ok now I'm curious.

"You-" I pointed his fit finger at me. What. 

"Go back outside. We want to talk to you after the auditions."

"Ok." So I guess I'm just that ugly. Oh well, Louis was wrong. I shuffled outside, escorted by the squeaky man.

"What did you do?"

He looked utterly confused.

"They told me to wait until everyone's left."

"Oh. Well we might as well make ourselves comfortable."

I woke up a while later. It was one of those sleeps where you don't even realize you fell asleep. Everyone was gone. I straigtened up from Louis's lap, where I didn't even realize I had fallen into, and did a little walk around to wake up. The door opened. 

"Thompson, Valerie?" said squeaky.

"Here," I said, walking with confidence into the room. Louis gave me a thumbs up. I sat in the familiar chairs, and turned to the panel: Fit, priss, pirate.

"Valerie, I am Jed Williams, pleased to meet you. I am a directior, and while I will do a minimal amount of work on this project, my main work these days are getting my dream show, which I have written, called Somerton, which has the same set-up as friends, or how I met your mother..."

Blah blah blah. What's he getting at?

"Basically, I've been searching for the final member of the cast, which is this sassy-"




"Young woman."

ding ding ding.

"When you walked in, I picked up on your charisma, and your looks, and I think you are what I've been searching for."

Wait what?

So much that I'm not even going to do a table read. That much commitment."

"Thank you sir-"

"call me Jed. Also, this is Claire, my assistant, and Peter, the real director for this project"

So imma see pri- Claire a ton more. Score.

"I will reach you with the details. It might be ambitious, but I'm hoping to get the show on air by the fall"

"I would love to work with you on this." 

"Claire, Peter, you can start cleaning shop."

They rose, and speedwalked outta there. As soon as the door slammed, he rose and placed himself in the chair next to me.

"I hope to see a lot more of you, Valerie." He put his hand on my knee. I'm not quite sure what to think of this. Is this friendly or flirtatious? Jed is fit, but I already have an apartment full of cute boys waiting for me, not to mention the one in the hall. He raised himself, and stode to the door, glanced over his shoulder, and winked. So flirtatious. This isn't going to end well. I got up  and met up with Lou. I told him, and he sweeped me into his arms. He carried me over to his car, and drove me home, with a smile even bigger than mine on his face, a comfortable silence enveloping us in a tight, happy hug. My mind was racing. Flirtatious directors. Should I get my own apartment? If he touched me, could I file a lawsuit? I should move out I'm a burden to Danielle. I don't want to live alone yet. I need a new place."

"Yeah, you should move in with Harry and I" Louis chucked.

I think I said the last part out loud. whoops.

"Sure, as long as I'm not doing the dishes."

"We can have that arranged" 

Well today was productive. 

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