22. Boston logan

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One request.




Thats all.

LOL (lots of love, what else?), Elle XX


So the flight was getting bumpy. And i was gripping the seat cushion so hard my knuckes where white. I do what I always did in times of trouble. No mother Mary did not sing to me. I sing to mother Mary. In my head. And I sing the Alphabet. I was on about the letter j, turning onto k when Niall removed my hands from the cushions and put them in his. He made sure to hide them so the old lady wouldn't see. Don't want to break her heart. I glanced over there.

Louis was in a deep converstation with her, and her eyes shone like lighthouses cutting through a foggy night. Then we dropped about then feet unexpectedly and I let out a yelp. I looked out the window to see the Boston Harbor islands dancing around in the ocean laced with sailboats. It's so funny because the boats look no bigger than a pinhead. 







"It's ok, we're fine. Look out the window. Isn't America amazing?" Niall whispered in my ear, putting all the loose ends untied within me into a bow. I looked out the window. Surely the waves weren't this big before. They couldn't be. We're going to die! Land in the water! Then the tarmac appeared underneath, and the wheels smacked down.

"See, we're fine."

*       *      *         *     *      *       *     *        *          *         *

The ferry ride from Hyannis port was no doubt interesting. Suze kept trying to see if she could tell which house was the Kennedy compound, no matter how many times I told her that it was in Hyannis port, far from this Harbor. Niall has family somewhere in the area, and he liked to pretend like he knew where we were going. The old lady, as it turns out, lives right down the street from my aunt in Nantucket. Joy. She and Louis were talking up a storm. I want to, and don't want to know what they're saying. It'd be like opening Pandora's box. Harry is out. There was a screaming kid behind us. I ended up just playing solitare on my phone.

When we finally made it to the port in Nantucket, it was pouring rain. And we were trying to hail a cab. Unfourtunately, everyone had called one in advance. So we walked up the streets a bit and rented a shiny red jeep, and lid so our clothes don't get even wetter, which I don't think is possible. Finally we pulled up to a familiar house with roses climbing up the front and blue hydrangias exploding in front. I went to the second bush, felt for the second flat stone, and pulled the keys out. I unlocked the house, and breathed in the scent of mildewy beach and teenage perfume, obviously from Maddy. Sarah left me a note on the counter.

Have fun, remember to take out the trash, don't leave lights or the tap on all night or I will murder you. I love you. P.S. IF- and IF as in extreme emergency that I need to come back, you can call. If not, don't, because international calls are expensive.

Lots of Love, Aunty Sarah

That would be my aunty all right.

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