32. stop

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Who missed me?

No one?


Err school starts next week.

And I go to a super competative private school.

Also I'm trying to skip a year, so I gotta hit the books.

So stick with me, I try for you!



This... this can't be happening. No. No no no no no. Please no! Oh man, and he was still as hot as ever. His hair looked just as soft, if not softer. I got that nervous feeling in my stomach, and I couldn't tell if it was feelings feelings, or just plain anxiety. He shot me a cocky smile, and walked into the apartment. He strode all the way over to the couch, and plopped down, and kicked his feet onto the coffee table. He knocked over some magazines.

"Whoops." He yawned. He pulled out his phone and checked it. I picked up the magazines and set them on the other side of his feet.

"So, I just want you to know, I'm really sorry." He said, smiling really sweetly at me.

"For pushing me down a flight of stairs?" I shouldn't have said that. Oh god. I braced myself for his next words.

"You slipped and we both know it." His voice turned menacing, in a don't fuck with me way. So I guess I slipped.

"Why are you here?" I asked inquisitively. Please, please just leave. I have to admit, he's really nice once you get to know him, and he is really hot, and-

"I still love you baby!" He says, now grabbing my hands, yanking me towards him. He was waiting for me to return the statement.

"Then why'd you break up with me?" I asked meekly. I used to have so much confidence, but when Michael is around, it all melts  into a puddle and swirls down the drain. I am putty in his moody hands.

He has a sneaky charm and wit, he's a master of deception. I remember one time, he ripped my hoop earring out of my ear because he wanted me to stay longer, and he took my to the hospital and convinced all the nurses that it had gotten stuck on a lamp, and I had just kept walking. They ate it right up as he played the part of the concerned boyfriend. Hey, at least he took me to the hospital.

"I... I made a mistake. I really  do love you, with all my heart, and without you, you can ask Pete, I have been a mess. I deserve another chance though. I mean, c'mon." 

He pulled me onto his lap, and I reached my feet to the floor and tried to get up, but he pulled me back into his chest. He started stroking my hair, and pushing my head closer to his face, the more I strugged the more he attempted. He finally managed to give me a wet peck on the lips, and he held my head there.

When he felt me slowly backing away, he released my head and went for my hips. He had his arm around them, and started toying with the end of my skirt.

"Now that we're back together, let's have some fun, ey?

"We're not back together."

His face darkened. I had disobeyed him. I heard the faint jingling of keys, but was pretty sure that that was in my head.

"Yes, we are. Now let's have fun," 

He was now rubbing my thigh uo and down.

"No, we're not. Can you stop?"

"Why would I?"

"Because she asked you to,"

Said Harry, followed by Liam. 

"Ahh, so this is your new boyfriend," Cooed Michael, pulling me closer. I felt one of his arms gravitiate to his pocket.


"So you just fuck?"

"We don't do anything, now will you please let go of me?"

Liam and Harry were now coming closer, preparing to kick him out. I haven't seem Liam this distraught since... never. There was that time when he found out Michael dabbled in a "brotherhood", or a gang, but that was the least of it.

"No, babe, we're dating again, so I'm in charge."

"She said Lay-off. Get out of my house." Barked Harry. Liam started flexing. Now I was glad he was buff.

"It's her house too. I'm not leaving, but you fucking are," Said Micahel, as he withdrew a knife from his pocket. I reconized it. It was the one he polished whenever I did something he didn't like, and held it right on my skin. Right now it was there, resting above my neck.

"fuck off or she dies. Your choice."

I tried to keep it calm. I knew one day, Michael would kill me. I just thought I'd get to live a blt longer.

I saw Liam do something with his pocket, and I knew there wasn't a weapon in there. Liam, run while you can. Liam was putting on his mask too, he was smart enough to do this. He'd properly met Michael  before.

Harry, on the other hand, is freaking out.

"If you love her, why would you kill her?"

"If you left, I wouldn't have to. Besides, Val wants to be here with me anyway. She doesn't want you guys here. Right, sweetie?"

"Mhm. Could you remove the knife now?"

"Sure," He said, moving it to my upper thigh. He took the tip of it, and started lightly breaking into my skin, causing blood to shallowly form. He drew his favorite design, a M+V. I have a scar of this on my back, and a small one on my fore arm.

It stung, but you learned if you didn't show pain, you didn't excite him. And exciting such a creature would lead to who knows what. Just deal with this so other things don't haunt you.

Just then, the door opened again, and in came police officers. The next moments went by in a blur. All I know is that my ex-boyfriend is in jail for 3 alleged accounts of attempted murder.

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