36. go fish

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OK. So here's the deal!

First week of school and I already am working from the moment I get home till I go to sleep.

I will try and update on the weekends, sometimes fridays, and maybe wendesdays. 

I will try. 

Thank you for understanding.



I was sitting with Lou playing Go fish when his phone buzzed. Curious, and yet bored by the disruption in the game, I sauntered over to the fridge and bended over to look at our yoghurt selection. When I looked back at Lou, I saw his eyes dash away. He was checking me out.

"Hello, mum," He said. While talking to his mother? What class.

Niall was at his apartment, Harry was out. For all I know Danielle and Liam took a weekend to go to Italy. Zayn was... actually I don't know what he's doing.

"All is good, I miss you! How's everything at home?"

I decided to take this moment to set my blueberry yoghurt on the counter, but I was still watching Louis blubber away to his mother. I actually missed the counter. It was really stupid, I just dropped it and it spilt everwhere.

I sighed, and took my socks off, stepping cautiously over the yoghurt, and rinsed them off. We still had strawberry and vanilla in the fridge, but I didn't really live vanilla yoghurt by itself. I set them aside to dry, and I looked at the dreary rain on a 7 o'clock on a saturday. I'm such a party person.

I got a wet paper towel, and two dry ones, a perfect ratio, and bent down to wipe it up. After towel number one made some good damage on the outskirts of the mess, I turned to see Louis's intense gaze on my... rear.

Personally, it's been about a month and a half since I've done something remotely physical, besides short spurts of running (Key word short) and swimming. I've definately lost a bit of muscle and gained fat. 

I should go to the gym sometime.

I don't think he notices me noticing him noticing my ass. Oh Louis, now your in for it. I threw the towel away, walked back to the mess wiggling my hips, and bent down nice and slow.

"That's nice you did that for her, Mum. Tell Ms. Kennison I say hello."

A large dallop of yoghurt splated off my towel on to the floor again. I moaned in frustration, not quite a groan, and went to work again.

"Ok mum, Love you."

"Ok I will, next time you ring. Buh bye now"

I finally tossed the napkins into the bin, washed my hands, and turned to him.

"Who was it?"

"My mum. She was complaining another mum in the 'hood."

"The 'hood?"

"Hush up, girl." 

It was then I noticed he had a book resting in his lap. 

"Hey what book is that?"

"Err.. my new favorite one."

"Oh can I see?"

"NO!" at this he sprung up, and left the room. Just before he made it, I called out to him.

"Oh, and Louis?"

"Err yes?"

"Next time be more suble when you're checking me out."

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