20. Church bells

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Incase you haven't figured out, that was not really that bad.

as in not quite the worst.

oh well.

I had a lot of fun writing it. 

Also, what country do you guys think I'm from?

Hugs and kisses!



I fled up the street, still feeling my phone in my pocket. Was it always this heavy? Probably not. I felt it go off agian. I walked past the O'brian's house. They had their curtains open, and you can see them sitting down for dinner. Mindy, the daughter, if I remember correctly, is a peppy 12 years old. I remember when she was just a toddler. Her older brother, Steven, is telling her off for something, you can see it in the smugness in his face, and the mortification and sudden protestation in hers. If only I had a baby sister to tell off. I walked past the life I wished I lived, and stode into town.

After a good long time of walking until my feet had a good number of blisters, I sat down on the steps to a building. It was st. Paul's church. I remember having to get all dressed up and sing in the choir here when I was little. I finally pulled out my phone. I deleted all the messages without even reading them. I don't care. I deleted all the voicemails. I hit the home button. I waited. 




Ri- "EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" Shouted Louis, obviously pissed.

"Did you not see my note?" I asked calmly. Let them feel stupid.

"What note? There was a note? Where was it?"

"Right on the counter."

"God damn it Harry lift your coat!" I don't think that was meant for me.

"Ah my god. I'm sorry. Well what does it say, because Harry and Niall and liam and all trying to read it."

"Is Danielle there?"

"Yeah but-"

"Visiting my mum and Pa."

"Where are they...?"

"Dover, Kent."

"I know where Dover is."

"Just making sure"

"SO sassy.'

"Says you. Now is there anything you wanted to say?"

"Did you not get any of my texts?" His voice when he said it made me feel absolutely guilty about deleting them.

"No I didn't." I lied. Bad bad bad. Can I get them back?

"Oh. Well Val, you need to come home. We miss you. You sound sad. Where are you?"

"At st. Paul's church..."

"I won't ask. You wanted to clear your head? Right? Right." Am I a book, because I don't remember being this easy to read.

"Yeah how did you know?"

"I know you really well. I also like you enough to bother remembering."

"Gee, thanks."

"Val, I need to tell you somethi-"

"VALERIE BABE! How's it hanging?" Yelled Harry into the phone. I quickiy removed it from my ear. Ow.

"Pretty well, until you blew my eardrum."

Speaking of blowing, can-"

"HARRY!" I chuckled. These people got me covered. 

"It's Lou again. Just saying, You'e coming home tommorow. Also, why do you have Nantucket written largely over next week in your calander?"

"Uh... well you see my aunt Lives in Nantucket, which is in Massachusetts, which is in America, and during the summer she goes and travels the world, this year she's headed to Casablanca, and she needs someone to house sit because she doesn't trust her teenage daughter there alone. It doesn't matter because her daughter stays at a friend's anyway, but she has the keys... anyway she wants me to do it before someone else comes and takes over. So I will, before the Olymics and I start filming."

"Oh. Can I come?"

"Uh, Sure. Anyone who wants to come can, I guess"

"I doo!"

"You what, Harry?" asks Niall in the background.

"See you lot tommorow."

"OK, don't get hurt love. LOVE YOU LOVE!"

I giggled at this.


"See, we were meant to be." I think that's a joke.

"Totally. Now tootaloo"

"you're funny" I hung up at this. I immediately got a text of apology for the snarky comment at the end. I returned home, and cooked myself dinner. I sat at the table, with the sole light in the house baring down at me as I waited up to say hello to them. At eleven, my dad stumbled in. His medium hieght and shiny copper colored hair was passed to me, but I have mum's green grey slightly blue kaleidoscope eyes. He gives me a curt nod, then heads up the stairs. I think I stay until one thirty four in the morning, before I flnally get up to trudge up the stairs. I hit the bed and go out cold.

I wake up in the morning and change into a seafoam green high low dress with a woven white belt across. I throw my stuff in my bag and set out the door, ready to return home.

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