35. Roses

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Because soon, I'll be swamped with work.

But I just need one comment, and I promise I'll reveal what you want to know

Oh I love you guys



I tapped my foot, shuffled it. Bounced it around, if you will. 

"Are.. Him?"

"Yeah, I mean, who would you choose? I mean Niall and Louis are the two highest ranked in the statistics, and they're both my best friends, so between the two it's hard to go wrong."

"I do think I should. He's... yes."

"What about Harry?" Spoke up Paul.

"What about him?"

"He really likes you... don't you think this would hurt him?"

"If he really liked me, don't you think we would have done something about it now?"

"None of the other boys did."

"Yes, but they ranked higher on the surveys."

"Well, it's not my decision."

"Thank you, Paul," said the smily woman.

"I think that dating Louis will be good for you," said the balding man.

"So this is adjourned?"

"I'll email them now."

"Fabulous. Thank you so much, I hope to see you guys again."

"You too, Valerie. You seem like a sweet girl. Treat him well."

"I will, don't worry."

Liam and I walked out into the hall. It seemed like they were all wrong answers. I just... Niall just seems so sweet, I don't want to trample on him. And Harry... I don't know what to believe with him.

We stood in that fancy elevator, and he turned to look at me.

"You have precicely a minute and 23 seconds to change your mind."

"Why would I do that?"

"I know you're confused about Harry. I get that. I just don't understand what's wrong with Niall."

"Nothing, and that's exactly it. You know me, I'm a bitch. I'm temermental. I'm screwed up. I'm stubburn and won't ever give up on anything. I'm confused and spacy. I have a selective memory. I am a starwars nerd. I... you know."

"Niall's not Mr. Perfect too, you know, and you're not that bad. Infact that was almost amusing."

"I am Liam."

"Even if you were, Niall would put up with that for you. He thinks your flaws are perfect."

"I just think Louis could deal with them better."

"He can't."

"You're being bias."

"No that's why he and Elanor broke up. He's a drama queen."

"Liam... what should I do?"


"You do the email."

He took my phone and punched it wildly. I kept thinking about all the great moments with Louis I would never have, from his hair to his eyes to his style and sass, to his bum. Oh, that's a pro for Louis.

"Done. You, my friend, are now dating Niall Horan."

"This is going to cause so much drama."

"Yeah. And you r eally do have until our next interview to make up your mind."

I shoved him over.


"Louis would make a snappy remark at you. Niall would chuckle and go with it."

"What would Harry do? And Zayn."

"Zayn would tell you it was for the best or whatever, Harry would suduce you into forgetting."

"I hate these options."

"Niall is the best one..."

"Shut up."

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

We swung open the door to my apartment, and I was immediately enveloped into a hug.

"Valerie... thank you," I could tell it was Niall. He grabbed me so I would have to lift my legs around him. He then placed a peck on my forehead.

"Imma take you out for a nice date, you can wear whatever you want because you always wear such lovely things, and I'll treat you so much better than Michael ever did. I'll look after you. You won't regret this. " He whispered into my ear, hand rubbing my back.

A sight in the corner of my eye made me doubt Niall's promise. There was Harry, in his room, tossing out a dozan roses.

What have I done?

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