33. Quarry

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Boys. Ahhhhhhh my god I'm freaking out.

That's very general. So cute.. eek!

Ok I will stop now.

:D is how my face seriously looks right now. I'm such a loser.

You guys aren't, I loooove you!

Eloise. Hugs and kisses guyyyys :)


I sat, crumpled in the couch. If Michael held me as a puppet with his hand as my core, controlling my everymove, without him I was an empty puppet. Limp, worthless, dead. Unanimated. He took my worth and ran. They left me there for a while. Night had fallen, and so had I. I was brought down to the police station, where I was questioned. I had just returned. 

Their publicist management team understood, and delayed our meeting. I was talking with this man named Paul Higgins on the phone, and he seemed so nice. He was telling me how if something like that happened to his niece he'd hunt Michael down and shootl him. He really did seem nice. I hope he's the one I'm seeing tomorrow.

Tommorow! I can't even imagine having to go anywhere, ever really. I groaned more at the thought. I heard footsteps, but hoped they'd just keep walking. Yet they didn't. Oh please.


It was Liam. Liam, my dad and brother and best friend and best friend's boyfriend and my superstar and my rock. All the other boys, can try and chase me, but Liam's always there for me, he picks up when I call, always. 

I shifted and looked at him. His face was strong, and I knew this hurt him a lot. He felt guilty. You could see it in his eyes. He didn't try and let me see though. He hid it. 

"You need a shower."

"Carry me?"


He lifted me up, and dropped he into the bathroom, sitting me on the counter. He flipped the shower on, and left me to work. And I did.

I thought while massaging my scalp. I have hurt Liam. Liam is sad. It's all my fault. A tear slipped from my eye, and I quickly snapped out of it. No self pity. It is my fault, and I'm going to deal with it. I got out, flipped it off, and put my old clothes on. I changed, and went to go cook dinner.

Liam walked in, and walked out of the kitchen. He knows me so well. 

Sometimes, your glass castle breaks. The best thing to do is to rebuild it, with stone. And I was sitting In a quarry.

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