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"And here I was thinking that you had this game in the bag." Hoseok chuckled out at the boy who sent him a glare. Knowing that the younger hated when he lost.

"Fuck off." Jungkook grunted in disdain. Dropping his head back as he ruthlessly brought the bottle of soju he held to his lips. Wanting to flood away all the built up aggression in his system as he threw his cards at Jimin who took them with a huff.

And it was then that Ming let her head tilt gently to the side. The cards she had, placed right over the bottom half of her face and eyes narrowed as they met Yoongi's.

"Check." The woman's sultry voice fled the air in a soft whisper as she lightly tapped the table twice. Moving her gaze over to Jimin who nodded before placing down another card into the line.

"Oh, kitten." Yoongi shook his head. Resting his cards down on the table as he threw out two black chips. Keeping his eyes trained on the woman while taking hold of his own bottle of alcohol. And she loved how confident he seemed as she softly let out a chuckle. Doing the same with her cards before reaching out to take the tray of cocaine from Jungkook who gave it to her with a seductive smirk.

"Thank you, kookie." She let his name drag off her lips. Knowing that Yoongi hated when she openly flirted with the other boys. But also knowing that he loved how playful she could be.

So with a slow drag of her nose along the metal tray, the woman dabbed away the excess from her skin. Keeping her head slightly held back as she sniffled down the substance. Already feeling the effects that had her more than at ease.

"Careful, baby. . ." Yoongi caressed his chin with the slimness of his digits. Watching the woman who took hold of the glass sat before her that held two large pieces of ice and the substance of whiskey. "You know what happened last time you used too much of that stuff."

And with a quiet scoff, the girl swirled the glass around in her fingers. Mixing the contents in a slow manner before raising the item to her lips. Letting the burning liquid caress her throat that gladly took it in.

"Shit." A sudden curse came from Hoseok as he caught sight of Ming's cards that she had placed back in her hold. Receiving a chuckle from the girl who playfully slapped a hand across his arm. Watching him toss his deck away while voicing out a gruffly fold.

"Hmm." She could practically hear the hesitation in Yoongi's tone as the man hummed. Sending a quick smile towards Hoseok who leaned back in his seat. Flickering his eyes between the last two players.

"Don't tell me you're nervous, Yoongi." Ming giggled out in a cocky manner. Earning laughter from the other three boys that stayed seated at the table. Their expressions one of excitement as they studied Yoongi's next moves. Taking in the way his lips curved into a smirk before he leaned into the table. Keeping his eyes narrowed at the girl who couldn't help but rub her thighs together from the sight of the man all tensed up and smothered in the act of arrogance.

So with a shaky breath, Jimin finally displayed the last card in the line. Asking for the two to fold over their decks in which they cautiously did so.

"Kitten. . . kitten. . . kitten." Yoongi shook his head with a laugh. Leaning back in his seat only to watch the girl stand to her feet. Taking slow and sensual strides towards the man who caught her waist. Making sure the woman felt just how proud he was of her as she connected their lips in a hard manner. Tugging diligently at his roots with a smile. She had won.

And it was then that Jin came out into the living room area with his shirt off and hair slightly tousled. Representing one of sexual relief.

"Looks like someone had fun." Jimin's smug voice fled the air. Catching the couples attention as they looked over at him along with the other boys. Especially Jungkook who got to his feet only to pad his way over to the man. Slapping an amused hand over his shoulder.

"Jeez, Hyung. I thought you'd never get laid again."

"Fuck off." Jin shoved the man away. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge while meeting Yoongi's gaze which held a sense of pride.

"I told you she was good." That earned a smirk from Jin. But also a slap across the chest from Ming who playfully glared at him. Receiving nothing but a gruffly tsk from her love while feeling his hand move down the curve of her back before reaching her ass in which he roughly grasped it.

"You should be careful with what you say." She watched the man's gaze flicker down her body that was placed on his lap. And god had she never seen someone hold such dominance in their eyes as she slid a hand along his neck. Her expression threatening at the man who smugly leaned back in his seat with an arm harshly placed around her waist as he voiced out a raspy you know it's you who should be careful, kitten.

And those words could have never. . . been. . . more true.

Hope you guys are enjoying ♡__<

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