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"You have to call her." It was Jin who had Yoongi looking to his right. Knowing that Ming was probably going insane by now from not knowing if they got there safely or not. And with a nod, Yoongi left both Jin and Hoseok. Heading straight for his own room, in which the two watched him leave.

So, lazily, Yoongi let himself fall back onto the bed. Hearing the door close shut as he pulled his phone from out of his pocket. Keeping an arm over his eyes while that endless sound of dialing emitted through the air. Wearing his patience even lower because right now he was annoyed. He was frustrated. And he was wanting to be home with the one girl who answered the phone with that gentle hello. The sound of her voice doing wonders to his soul as Yoongi voiced out a tired, kitten. Earning no more than that immediate laughter from the one girl who knew. Knew he was stressed. Not wanting to burden the man millions of questions about whether or not everything was going okay. Or lecture him on being safe even if she still would.

"How was the flight, baby?" Her voice was so soft. And Yoongi wanted nothing more than to have it caress his ears in person. All while she runs her fingers through his hair. Something she'd do subconsciously. Yet something he loved when she did.

"Fine." He grunted out. Imagining how she looks right now on their bed with one of his shirts on. The bottom of it riding up against her thighs while her fingers trail the bed linens. Tracing the most random patterns against the white sheets that he's had her begging on oh so many times.

"Have you eaten?" She already had his attention pulled back to her. Making the man hold back a groan as he voiced out a heavy no. Receiving a stern call of his name from the girl as she narrowed her eyes even if he couldn't see. Telling him to make sure he does because she knew. Knew he lacked on taking care of himself. Knew he didn't care. And that it was already late into the night.

"Have the boys been ok?" Yoongi could hear them in the background even if they weren't in the room. Arguing about the game they were playing, in which Ming let out a playful sigh.

"Yes." She couldn't help but giggle. Knowing just how clingy the two were. Having tried to sleep in the woman's bed the first night Yoongi left. Following the woman around like two lost puppies the second the three men left.

"What about, Jimin?" There was a sudden change in his tone. Making Ming's lips curve into that smile so lazy as she voiced out that teasing, what about him. Knowing that Yoongi knew how infatuated the boy was with her. And how many times he's tried to touch the woman whether or not Yoongi was there.

"Kitten. . ."  She could hear the depth of his voice. And the drag of it that was so attractive to the one woman who let her fingers trail along the skin of her thighs. Her thighs that Yoongi would pay to be buried between as she whispered his name ever so quietly. Teasing the man in every way she knew would distract him.

"What did YongJu have to say before your flight? Hmm?" She let herself switch the subject. Wanting to have Yoongi just as frustrated as he'd be when home, as she ran the length of her finger along the front of her panties. Imagining just how flustered the man looked right now with his hair all tousled and shirt barely tucked into the slacks he attired. A state she loved to see him in as Yoongi laughed that laughter so deep. Having the unsteadiness of his breaths emitt through the phone in such a way that had Ming craving to have him by her side.

"Nothing important." That earned yet another stern call of his name from the woman who let a silent moan escape her lips. But Yoongi could hear the heaving of her chest. And the sudden innocence in her tone as she whispered out a quick don't lie to me. Already feeling the heat begin to spread in the pit of her stomach as she slipped a hand underneath the lace material. Wanting to distract Yoongi from the things that she knew was beginning to eat him alive as his next set of words rang through her ears.

"I'm not." There was so much irritation. And so much fatigue in his voice. Leading Ming to know exactly what she needed to do as her silent calls of his name resonated through the line. Making sure that they were quiet enough for others not to hear.  But loud enough to have Yoongi reaching for the belt of his slacks. Unable to allow the aching feeling in his lower half to dwell any longer as he took hold of himself. Already picturing how fucked out the woman would look after he was done with her. And how she'd beg him for more even if he'd only give a head tilt. Wanting to watch the way she slides herself between his knees as his hand began to move.

"I miss you." Ming knew how much he loved to hear how desperate she was for him. Just craving for the man himself as he grunted out a breathy, yeah? Only receiving a gentle nod from the woman as she bit down on her bottom lip. Moaning out his name because god did her fingers have her lower half dripping in pleasure.

"How many fingers are you using for me? Huh?" She could've sworn the way he so carelessly spoke had her already about to cum. Never having thought that phone sex could have her so aroused as she whimpered out a quiet one. Knowing how to get underneath Yoongi's skin with much ease as he shook his head with a throaty grunt. Closing his eyes just to only see her. And just to imagine that it was her hand picking up its pace as he played back the times she's done the deed for him. A deed that only had him wanting to fuck the woman just to get rid of the shit stored within his mind. And just to have her realize that she's his. And only his.

"Kitten. . ." His voice was so deep. "I know you can do better than that."  And she did. Letting him know by just the muffled cry of his name as her back lifted off the mattress. Barely able to even hold onto the phone as the pleasure rummaged through her veins. All while the base of her hand rubbed up against her clit which had tears pricking at her eyes from just how fucking good it felt.

"You gonna cum for me. . .huh?" He could imagine just how innocent she'd look. And just how rounded her eyes would be as she nodded with a whimpered yes. Finishing off on her fingers while whispering Yoongi's name in the most eluded manners. Knowing just how close he was as she coached the man to his release. Saying all the things she knew would have him cursing underneath his breath. All until he lets go. Feeling better than he had before as Ming's gentle voice caught his ears. Her voice that Yoongi could calm down from almost instantly.

"I love you." She did. And she did so much. "Just try not to be so stressed, baby. I know it's hard but you have Hoseok and Jin, Yoongi. . . don't push them away." And he knew she was right. Because Hoseok and Jin were the only people who could help him make the right decisions. The decisions that were to be decided soon. And the decisions that Yoongi didn't even know were lies.

Im so sorry for the shitty update T__T and a late one at that. I will try harder !! And let's get this evil bread mwahahah. Night night my littles kittens, mommy is tired ('ω`)
Love youuu!! Xx

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