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Yoongi watched Ming walk around the kitchen. Being nice as ever to the boys who were sitting down on the couch. Having asked the woman to get them a few snacks as she made her way back towards them with a smile. Handing over a few bags of chips in which Jungkook voiced out a teasing thank you, Noona. Receiving a playful roll of the eyes from the girl who sat down next to Jimin. Keeping her distance from Yoongi, even if she could feel his eyes burning holes through her frame that leaned itself against the couches arm.

And Yoongi couldn't remember the last time she's even talked to him. Giving the man complete silent treatment because she wanted him to see how Jimin felt on the night of Tee's party. And how fucked up it was of him to treat the man so badly, as she bent over to grab a snack from off the coffee table. Making sure the man could see her cleavage that was on full display, all while catching Jungkook stop the process of his chewing. Voicing out a stuttered your shirt, noona, in which the girl couldn't help but giggle. Watching his cheeks slightly tinge with the color of pink as she sat back up with an innocent thank you, kookie, only to meet Yoongi's eyes ever so quickly. Having sent a glare towards the man who's jaw had went instantly clenched.

"Ming baby, you'll go grab me a bottle of soju?" He let his head tilt to the side. Keeping his legs spread in a gruffly manner because he knew that the girl loved seeing him that way. But Ming didn't speak. Didn't give the man a nod with a soft connection of the lips. Didn't do anything more than scoff at the man before returning her gaze back to the TV. Earning immediate ooo's from the other boys except Jimin.

"Looks like Yoongi's in the dog house." It was Hoseok's smug voice that fled the air. And Ming could see how tense Jimin became after the boy questioned out yet another teasing, what'd you do now.

But Yoongi didn't respond. Didn't really have to seeing as though the man instantly met Jimin's gaze. His gaze that was dark enough to make the whole aura become stiff as Yoongi laughed underneath his breath. Shaking his head as he did so, all while Ming watched in hesitation, even if Yoongi didn't know that Jimin confessed. That he had kissed his girlfriend again. Or that he had told the woman all about his past life. Having cried in her arms all night as she ran the softness of her palms up and down his back. Calming him down because she knew that no one else would. Because no one else cared.

So she let the aura stay stiff. Realizing that Yoongi wouldn't put his pride aside as the man let his eyes rest back on the TV. Feeling the boiling of his blood because god did he hate how fucking smug Jimin looked as the man brought his arm behind Ming. Keeping it on the couch yet still close enough to make her notice.

And Jimin knew what he was doing. Flaunting off the girl just like Yoongi would, all while spreading out his own legs in a gruffly manner. Testing the mans patience because right now he couldn't give a single fuck about putting his life at risk. Or taking the chance of having Yoongi lash out on him because if anything he wanted him to snap. Wanted him to realize how it felt to be treated like utter shit. Or to be treated as if they're unwanted as he let his knee just barely come in contact with Ming's body, even if Yoongi could see. See just how startled she looked as Jimin did so. Making the elder smirk as the girls gentle eyes met with his own. Knowing that she was afraid he would snap. And that she'd have to get to him before he did so. Because even if she was trying to avoid the man, it was always Yoongi who had her full attention. And it was always Yoongi who'd make her breath get caught the second she watched the man get to his feet. Taking the slowest of steps towards the kitchen, only to grab a bottle of soju from the fridge. Letting everyone watch him go back to his room as he did so.

And Yoongi waited for Ming to come. Wanting to trap the girl who had been waiting until Yoongi was asleep to enter their room at night. Unable to trust herself with being able to ignore him as she peeked her head into the door. Noticing that the room was completely silent and dark, before she allowed herself to walk inside. Making herself hold back a scoff from catching sight of her love passed out on the bed. Thinking that he was asleep due to the steadiness of his breaths as she stripped herself of all clothing. Having moved over to the bathroom in a cautious manner, all while praying for the water of the shower not to wake him up.

And like an answered prayer, the man didn't come barging in. Saying and doing the things to her that Ming herself knew she could never resist as her freshly bathed frame made way towards the bed. And all with her body clad in Yoongi's favorite robe. The robe he had made her get one day when she went shopping for undergarments. Unable to stop herself from teasing the man by wearing it. Knowing that when he woke up in the morning he'd be able to see all of her.

So, slowly, she let herself settle down underneath the covers. Resisting the urge to cuddle up against the man who waited until she was turned on her side. Facing the opposite direction of him which would have his blood boiling each time she'd do so.

And as if she was being watched, Ming could feel ones eyes on her. Making the girl tug the covers even closer to her body before Yoongi's hands made way against her waist. All while his lips pressed themselves against her neck. The raspiness of his voice enough to drive any woman insane as it vibrated against her skin.

"You can't avoid me forever, baby. . ." He could hear the way her breath hitched. All while feeling the way she stiffened underneath his touch. Making his ego boost more than it already had as he made sure she felt just how big he was getting. Because even Ming noticed that the mans build had been developing. That his chest was becoming broader than it already was, and that his clothes were beginning to fit tighter than usual. Remembering the past few days when he'd come home covered in sweat. A scene that had her lower half aching every time he did so. Yet the girl wouldn't allow her needs to get in the way. Nor the act of lust as she turned around. Glaring at the man in the harshest manner before slapping his hands away from her body that was craving to have him touch her. To touch and use her as though she was only meant for him to please.

However, Yoongi could see the playfulness in her gaze, even if she tried her best to hide it. Making him grumble out a breathy chuckle as she scoffed at the man before turning back over on her side. Leaving Yoongi to know that she'd crack soon. And that he'd make sure she cracks. . . in front of Jimin.

Hello my little kittens *evil laugh* I hope u all had a good weekend and I love youuu!! Plus why tf did Yoongi's stylist not just alter his clothes instead of making him lose weight. Let my mans be THICC, smh. . . Night night (`_')ゞ

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