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"Noona, please." Ming couldn't help but glare at the boy who had his own eyes rounded down at her. Realizing how deceiving the man was. Because she could remember all the times she's seen him doing the most sinful things with the most random girls. And the most satanic things when it came to dealing drugs. But right now, she had never seen someone hold such fake innocence as she let out a sigh. Not being able to resist his childish ways as she groaned out a fine. Feeling his hand encircle her wrist as he pulled her into an ice cream shop. Immediately smelling how sweet everything was.

"Two scoops of cookie dough" Jungkook didn't even let the employee speak before saying his order. Receiving a slap across the arm from Ming as she scoffed at him. Watching the way he voiced out a quiet sorry while the employees chuckling filled the air followed by an, and for you ma'm in which Ming had to hold back the excitement that seeped through her veins. Seeing as though ice cream was one of her favorite foods.

"I'll take vanilla." Ming could feel Jungkook's eyes on her. And the way they crinkled from the sudden laughter that rang through her ears.

"Who the fuck eats vanilla?"

"Oh shut up." Ming shoved him away. Taking hold of her ice cream from the woman behind the counter. Walking over to the register in which Jungkook pulled out his wallet.

"Funny boyfriend I see, huh?" The employee whispered over at Ming. Receiving a smirk from the girl because it was then that a plan arose in her mind. Making Ming give a gentle tilt of the head as she ran a hand up Jungkook's arms. Startling the boy almost instantly because next were her eyes. Her eyes that rounded as he met her gaze.

"Kookie. . ." There was a sudden change in her tone. And a sudden change in the way she leaned into him. Brushing away the hair that deliberately fell over his forehead as he watched the girl pout up at him. "We can go home after this. . . right?" He could've sworn that he felt his stomach drop. Making Ming hold back a laugh as his mouth became agape. All while the employee watched them. Discreetly pulling away the cash from Jungkook's grasp in which the boy immediately regained his composure. Trying his best to hide the nervousness that engulfed him while the apples of his cheeks slightly tinged the color of red. Unable to deny that he hadn't always had a little crush on the girl.

"Th-thank you." Ming watched the way his adam's apple bobbed. Sending the woman her own thanks as she latched an arm around Jungkook's. Walking ever so carelessly out of the shop only to feel how stiff he had become. And it amazed her to see how innocent he really was as they made their way back home.

"Jungkook? What's wrong? You're all red." It was Jin's confused voice that fled the air as the two walked in the house. Meeting the elders eyes in which Jungkook voiced out an immediate nothing. Taking a quick seat on the couch, all while eating away at the ice cream placed within his grasp. Ignoring the teasing coming from both Jin and Hoseok while Ming held back her giggles. Feeling his sudden arms come around her from behind while his face buried itself into her neck.

"What'd you do to him, huh?" Yoongi noticed how her breath slightly hitched. Taking the opportunity to turn her around in which Ming narrowed her eyes at him.

"Who said I did anything. . . huh?" She swiped her ice cream across the tip of his nose. Making Yoongi unconsciously smile as he caught the woman's lips. Getting the dessert on her own nose in which Ming couldn't help but giggle. Pulling away from the man only to drag her finger across his skin. Taking off the contents before slowly bringing her digit to her mouth. Causing Yoongi to let out a throaty chuckle while bringing a heavy hand down on her ass.

"I got you some things." Ming teased. Slipping away from the man only to walk over towards the couch where Jungkook sat. Keeping his gaze away from the woman who took away the bags placed beside him. Making sure to swipe her hand across his knee only to watch him grow even more flustered while Yoongi took the seat across from him. Allowing room for the woman who pulled out a few shirts. The same shirts that were black. Knowing that it was the the only color he'd allow himself to wear.

"You like them?" She looked over at her love. Receiving a nod from the man who took hold of them.

"Let me see what you got." Ming could hear the way he emphasized the you. Catching sight of another bag hidden within his own. Making the woman voice out a stern call of his name. Instantly slapping his hands away from the items that he knew were something a little too inappropriate.

And it was then that Hoseok's sudden words fled the air. Causing Ming to look up because next was Jimin. Jimin being the same man who she had never seen look so exhausted before as the redness of his eyes met her own. Her own that unconsciously glossed over as he grabbed yet another bottle of soju from the fridge.

"You look like shit, man. When's the last time you went outside?" Hoseok chuckled out. Receiving nothing but silence from the boy who only ran a heavy hand through the black locks resting on his head.

"Don't forget about that deal with, Tee, Jimin. You know how much I'm counting on you for that." Yoongi tried his hardest to sound nice. Keeping his expression one of sympathy as Jimin scoffed at the man with a laugh. Shaking his head as if to say fuck off before going back to his room.

And Yoongi could feel the way Ming's hands took hold of his face. Making him look at her in which the girl connected their lips. Whispering out a gentle just give him time, baby before brushing their noses together. Proud of the man for not lashing out on him. Because she knew that Yoongi hated when others didn't respect him. And that his temper wasn't the best.

But Yoongi wasn't worried about the man who was slowly becoming just like him. Or who was using drugs and alcohol to fill the void. He was only worried about the girl sitting before him. The same girl who he knew he wanted to have forever. And the same girl who's loved him more than he ever thought someone could. Leading Yoongi to linger on the decision of doing just as Tee suggested. . . even if it means having to kill someone in the end.

Sorry for the late update my little kittens :(( I will try and get back on track lol. And hopefully this doesn't feel too repetitive because I'm beginning to think that it is. So expect some drama soon *evil laugh*
But ily so, so much and stay healthy!! Night night     (。╯ᴗ╰)〜♡

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