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He forgot how good it felt. . . the drip. It being the feeling of cocaine running down the back of his throat. The potency enough to have his whole face going numb as he dropped his head back. Noticing the way his fingers began to lightly tremble as he closed his eyes shut. Praying that Ming wouldn't come looking for him. Because he didn't want her to see him this way. To see him sitting in the dark all alone with only drugs and alcohol to keep him company, as the sudden desperate whimpering of Jimin's name began to just barely emit through the house.

Yet Yoongi could hear it. All while the man relish all that pent up aggression he felt through the alcohol sitting before him. Remembering when the girl who Jimin had desperately writhing underneath him would whimper his name just like that. Making him feel like he was the only person in the world. And the only person who could make her feel that way as Yoongi let himself take hold of the tray of cocaine lying there on the poker table. Running his nose across the drug almost angrily as his nostrils began to burn. Feeling like they were practically bleeding as he took stumbled steps back towards his room. Unable to listen to the girl cry out Jimin's name any longer. It being the same girl who had fucked his mind up oh so much. And the same girl who's sudden voice rang through his ears in a pleading whisper. Having said his name in the exact way she used to.

"Yoongi, wait—please." He didn't know why he stopped himself. Didn't know why he let himself turn around, only to be met with the one girl who's legs were shaking as she stared at the man. Just like her eyes that had tears relishing within them as he watched her walk up to him where he stood near his bedroom door. Wanting nothing more than to be with the woman who he knew would calm him down. And who he knew would never do the things that the girl standing before him had done all those years ago.

"Stay the fuck. . . away from me." She could smell the alcohol on his breath. And the cocaine that lingered on his nose as he scoffed at the woman who moved to grab his arm. Even if Yoongi was quick to thrash himself from out of her hold with a satanic laugh. The action alone enough to make the woman step back. Realizing that he was no longer the same innocent boy she had met on some random day due to her father doing business with him. And that he was no longer the same boy who was so clueless. So clueless and so desperate to be loved as he glared at the woman before entering his room. Making sure the door slammed shut behind him, only to instantly regret it as his eyes met Ming's startled ones. Seeing as though the girl had been asleep. Yet still she woke up. Watching the man with blurry vision as she whispered out the most beautiful call of his name. Barely able to even see the man who's body was drowned out by the subtle moonlight. And who's body moved to where the girl laid in bed. Not having noticed that her love had been gone all that time.

And in silence, he took place above her. Desperate to show the woman just how much she meant to him. And just how much he wanted her as he caught her lips. Becoming aggressive almost instantly because he could feel the pain coursing through his veins. Pain that he never let himself face. And pain that had tears coming to his eyes as Ming brought her hands up to his cheeks. Tasting the mix of alcohol and cocaine on his tongue as she tried to stop him. Knowing that he wasn't in the right state of mind. But he was. Because Yoongi was feeling. And he never let himself feel.

"Stop pushing me away." His words were so broken as they came out. Having been the same words that he told Yoojia when things started to crumble down. Crumbling down hard enough to the point where the man almost killed himself as Ming surrendered. Obeying the man's orders because she could feel it too. . . the pain. The pain that the both of them have had to go through as the man covered their bodies with the white sheets, sprawled out amongst the bed. A gesture that had the man remembering the night he first told Ming that he loved her. Not having known that his feelings were even that strong as the girls back came off the mattress. Engrossed by the way Yoongi's fingers slid down her stomach and to the one thing that had her whimpering out his name. Whimpering it just loud enough for only him to hear. Because it was always him. And it'd always be.

"I love you." He didn't even know that he said it. Nor that the three words continued to slip off his tongue as Ming kissed away his worries. Knowing that something was up with him. And that he was using her as a way to feel closure with himself. And a way to feel like he wasn't alone as her hands released the man of all restraints. Having felt him pressing up against her thigh as she cried out a desperate please. Not worried about how late it was in the night. Nor how intoxicated the man was as he buried his face into her neck. Grunting out the woman's name each time she tightened around him. And each time she'd tug on his hair just a little harder while tears fled from both of their eyes. Tears that they didn't even know were falling. Because both Yoongi and Ming were fucked up in the head. Their past actions too satanic to say other wise. But they were also both hopeless. Having been used almost too much in their lives. Their lives that would be thought of as insane to one, yet so normal to Yoongi and Ming themselves.

"Yes." Her pleas were so quiet. But Yoongi could've sworn that the woman was screaming with each cry of his name. And each desperate moan for him to continue. All while her hands stayed planted on his back. Needing to hold onto everything and anything because god had he never been so rough. So rough yet so gentle with the woman who he hadn't known he was falling for. And who he wanted to fucking kill the minute he found out who her brother was. But who he also couldn't pull the trigger on. Having felt the uncomfortable pounding of his heart as she looked up at him with those eyes that were to soon hold all the stars within them.

And Ming could remember it too. The constant days of trying to stay away from the man. Having noticed that she didn't mind him. And that she was almost craving to be near the man himself. To be able to tease him. Or maybe even have him do something to her that he had no business doing. Like placing an innocent hand on her thigh. It being a gesture that used to make the woman's blood boil every time he did so. And every time he only smirked after earning a scoff from the woman who wouldn't know what to do with herself if she hadn't surrendered to him. And if she hadn't given herself to the man who was the only person that made her feel. Because she never did. . . and she never could.

"Don't do to me, what she did, Ming. . . please." She didn't know what he meant. Nor who he was talking about. But she could hear how vulnerable he sounded. And how angered his words were as she nodded almost instantly. Too immersed by the man who only became rougher. And the same man who's ex girlfriend was in the house cuddled up next to Jimin. Jimin being the boy who was just as clueless as Ming. Having noticed how startled the girl looked as she met Yoongi's eyes. But he didn't let himself dwell on it. Didn't really have to seeing as though the truth. . . always comes out.

I hope I'm not annoying you guys with the consistent updates, lol. I know it can be overwhelming but when the writing comes to me, I take advantage *evil laugh* also I'm impatient asf (`_')ゞ but mommy loves you all so, so much and ty for all the love and support!! Night night. . .

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