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"Kitten. . ." Yoongi met his loves eyes. Having been watching a movie with the woman who only hummed in response. Catching the sudden mischief in his gaze while the heaviness of his hands planted themselves against her waist. Seeing as though they were finally getting alone time.


"It's been weeks, baby. . . weeks" It hadn't been. But to Yoongi, a few days felt like years to the man. And Ming could hear the desperation in his tone. And the lust that it held as he moved his head down to catch her lips. Having cut her off before she could speak again. All while feeling her smile into the kiss that only grew stronger as her hand ran itself down his chest and to his abdomen. Feeling every ridge and every crevice laying underneath the material of his shirt before slipping even lower. Low enough to have Yoongi tugging her against him. Wanting to have the woman writhing underneath his body just like she always would.

But it was then that the door flew open. Making each of them pull away almost instantly while the sound of little footsteps filled the air.

"Mommy!" Ming watched as her son climbed himself onto the bed. Separating both her and Yoongi before burying his face into her neck with tears running down the softness of his cheeks.

"YeJun baby, what's wrong?"

"G-gookie hyung, keeps drinking my b-banana milk!" She couldn't help but let out a silent laugh. Having caught sight of Yoongi completely frustrated as she ran her hands up and down their son's back. All until another person came rushing into their room. Causing all heads to look his way.

"First of all it's Kookie not Gookie. And second of all I did not drink any of his banana milk." Jungkook scoffed. Glaring ever so harshly at the kid who was still wrapped around Ming's body. Ming being the girl who had never been so utterly amused before as she wiped away the tears still lingering on YeJun's cheeks.

"You didn't lie to mommy, did you?" She met his eyes that rounded. Noticing the way they only began to pool with more tears while the softness of his lips trembled. And with a chuckle, Ming couldn't help but voice out a stern be nice to him, Kookie which only led to the man throwing his hands up in defense. Because the puppy eyes always worked on her. And they always would.

"I didn't even do anything—"

"Jungkook." It was Yoongi's voice that cut him off. Having made the younger instantly shut up as he caught the sexual frustration held within the man's being. "Just fuck off already, huh—"

"Yoongi. . ." Ming met his gaze. Glaring at her husband ever so harshly before peering her eyes down at the human koala bear latched onto her frame. "Language."

And in silence, Yoongi looked over at Jungkook. Knowing that Ming didn't like for him to be verbally incompetent in front of their son. Even if he was terrible at doing so. But he was trying. He really was.

"We'll go get more tomorrow, okay, baby?" Ming smiled down at the boy who only nodded with a pout. Allowing for her to wipe away his tears before he looked over at Yoongi.

"Will daddy come with us this time?" Ming could've sworn her heart had never clenched so hard. Knowing that he didn't understand why Yoongi was gone all the time. Even if he tried to give more of himself to the two.

And with a quick transfer of his gaze, Yoongi met Ming's eyes. Catching the guilt stored within them as he took hold of their son. Diligently sitting the boy on his lap only to earn immediate giggles as Yoongi tickled his sides. Having buried his face into YeJuns neck while Ming watched in adoration. Because there was no denying the love Yoongi had for him. Remembering how nervous he was while she gave birth. And how happy he had been when she told the man she was even pregnant.

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