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"Junsu?" Ming couldn't help but laugh as she walked out of her current bedroom. Watching the man hold up two pieces of paper work with knitted brows. "What are you doing?"

"Huh?" He didn't even try and look at Ming who slowly took a seat on the couch opposite of him. Crossing her legs in an amused manner with her head tilted.

"What. . . are you doing?" Biting back another giggle, she finally met his eyes that rounded as they caught her gaze.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He placed the paperwork down. Running a diligent hand through the black locks that roughly laid on his head. "I'm just finishing up my final reports."

"Reports for what?" Pushing furthermore, Ming couldn't help herself from edging him on. Missing all the times she got underneath Yoongi's skin in such a playful way. Leading the two of them into a chuckling mess because Yoongi never had a problem with her doing so. If anything, he loved it.

"For my patients." Junsu raised a brow at her. Noticing that certain glint in her gaze. Even if it held a sense of pain behind it. Because with days creating weeks and weeks creating months, Ming was suffocating furthermore in her own life decisions. Hiding all the sadness stored in her being because it hurt too much to let go. And just like Yoongi, she was too hard headed to allow herself to cave in.

So with an amused hum, she let a sigh escape her lips. Simply enjoying the sudden silence which occurred more often than she would have liked. Because although the woman loved being by herself when younger, right now it seemed as though she was craving for some sort of physical contact. That she was craving to have someone make her angry just to have a reason to react or even do so much as speak. But all that was going on within the last month were quick sentences between her and Junsu when the man was actually home. And perplexed whispers coming from the man who she hated just as much as she enjoyed; Hyungsik.

"Ming?" In a daze, her eyebrows raised from the sudden stern call of her name. Taking the opportunity to voice out a stuttered yes which only received a gentle laugh from Junsu.

"Could you run to the store for me? I wasn't able to go earlier."

"O-of course." It was insane how such a simple task would have the woman so excited. Her face etched in relief because she was finally going to be leaving the house and have the reason not be for school.

So with a smile, the woman got to her feet. Slipping on a black hoodie and a pair of shoes to attire her sweats that were much too big for her. Because she couldn't keep herself from wearing them. Making the reason in her head be because they were comfy and not the fact that they were Yoongi's.

"The list is on the kitchen counter. Just grab my card from my wallet." And so she did. Trying to suppress the smile on her lips while quickly exiting the front door. Immediately feeling the nights cold air, brush against her skin as she did so.

And as she drove through the lively, Saturday night streets of Seoul, on a mission to reach her favorite grocery store, the woman realized just how much she missed going out. Just how much she missed the nights when she'd force Yoongi to roam the random stores, that for some reason always had her intrigued. Even if they didn't have anything she actually wanted. But he never said a word. Because the smile and excitement etched on her face, each time they did so, was always enough for him.

Ming could finally see the blinking lights of the market which in her favor, was located exactly in the midst of downtown. Making the girl come up with a plan in mind as she swiftly parked into a parallel spot. Not really caring how she looked because that thought was way beyond her worries. She just wanted to relive some of the many memories created with the man she still loves.

And like an amused little girl, Ming couldn't help but guffaw over the beautiful items, displayed behind glass windows. Each one of them making her heart pick up its pace just a bit more because the want to go in and look at everything was still there. But she wouldn't. She wouldn't allow herself to go and see all of the intricate little things. Because he wasn't with her. He wasn't there to pull on and point at all the items that had her eyes sparkling as they marveled over every detail. And he wasn't there to hear all the childish things Ming had to say. Or cut her off with his lips when the woman began to babble just a little too much. Receiving only a playful glare from the girl who would always voice out an embarrassed sorry after doing so.

And Ming didn't even realize that there were tears brimming her chocolate eyes as she quickly blinked them away. Pulling the sleeves of her jacket down just enough to cover her fists so she could get rid of any of them still lingering on her skin. Giving herself time to breathe before resuming to her earlier actions of going to the market in which she gladly picked out the items on Junsu's list. Getting a few things for herself as well because it wouldn't hurt to maybe indulge on some junk food while watching a sad movie. Yes, that was her plan for the rest of the night.

And with having paid already, Ming made way to her car. Stopping dead in her tracks when catching sight of a very familiar somebody walking around with a girl latched on his arm. Her smile brighter than the sun as she did exactly what Ming used to do. Pointing at just about everything while Yoongi reluctantly followed. Holding nothing but emptiness in his gaze that was dark enough to have even Ming herself feeling afraid. But she wasn't paying attention to that. She wasn't paying attention to the fresh blonde locks resting messily on top of his head. Or the blood built up on the corner of his lip. Something she would've lectured him about for days because she hated seeing him hurt.

The only thing that had her attention was the sudden movement from the girl who was Yoongi's distraction. Who was Yoongi's current toy until he got tired of her and was ready for a new one as she stepped in front of the man. Grasping onto his hair that only remembered Ming's hands which have pulled and tugged on the strands oh so many times.

And Ming continued to watch her get on the tips of her feet. Too engaged to look away while she connected their lips. Immediately giggling when the sudden feeling of raindrops began to paint their skin. Acting like an unsaid prayer, because next were the tears. The tears that desperately trickled down Ming's cheeks. Camouflaging them as they splashed onto her clothes. The clothes that were his.

And before Yoongi could turn around and see the woman standing there, Ming was already in the car. Not even allowing herself time to regroup as she started the engine completely blank of thought.

All she knew was that the breaking of a heart was something real. Something not in the terms of fake but in the terms of being immensely unexplainable. Because as she watched the raindrops that slipped from the clouds and onto the windshield in the most treacherous manner, she could feel it happening; the breaking of her heart. Just like Yoongi did. . . when he watched Hyungsik. . . take her.

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