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Pillows wet. Eyes drained in the color of red. And heart breaking, Ming waited for Yoongi all night. Desperate for him to come home and wrap her in his arms like he always would.

But with the hours passing by in a dreadful manner, the man never showed up. Never walked in and took hold of her. Never walked in and showered her with kisses. He just stayed out. Getting drunk enough to the point where he felt like his body was giving up on him. Not being able to even withhold the amount of alcohol coursing through his veins.

Her beautiful smile. . . Her soft eyes. . . Her desperate moans. . . Everything about the woman made the man go fucking insane. Having her be so close yet so far away.

Maybe Ming wasn't unconsciously falling for Hyungsik. Maybe she wasn't giving up on him. Maybe she wasn't the one who he should let go. Every thought of his was encased with her. And every lazy blink of the eye, he swore he could see the woman as he continued relishing on the lousy green bottle of alcohol barely hanging from his lifeless digits. Just waiting to slip from his grasp and come crashing down onto the floor just like his love who's head snapped in the direction of the bedroom door. Watching a stumbling Yoongi finally walk in.

"Yoongi?" Even in a groggy state, she was quick to her feet. Meeting his pained eyes that stored so much defeat within them. And so much heartache and pain that she could practically see him drowning in sorrow.

"Get off of me!" Growled out, the man pushed her away. Running the back of his hand, roughly across his lips while Ming stumbled back in fear. Not having seen this side of him since the first time they met.

"Baby, you're drunk." She could smell the alcohol on his skin. Giving flashbacks to the times when her brother would come home disgustingly intoxicated. Reeking of sex and liquor as she took cautious steps back towards him with tears caressing the softness of her cheeks. "Let me help you—"

"No!" Again, he rejected her. Only being able to do so in this state. Because the sudden sob that escaped her lips had him ready to fall down on his knees and beg for her forgiveness. For her to stay and tell him everything and anything that she wanted him to do. Wether it be giving up dealing drugs or attend school full time with her. He was completely desperate at this point. But instead he only seethed out a gruffly just get the fuck away from me which received a slap across the face from Ming as he backed her up into the wall. Driving a fist straight into it beside her head.

"You asshole." She weeped. Doing just what Yoongi wanted her to do; get mad at him. And she watched as he laughed a painful laugh with tears welling in his own beautiful eyes. But he couldn't let them fall. He wouldn't. Because he couldn't let her call his bluff. He couldn't be selfish again.

"I've waited for you all fucking night, yet you treat me like this?" Her voice was oddly calm. Barely even audible from the amount of tears relishing amongst her face. Splashing down onto the oversized shirt she had stolen from him. And that was one of the things he loved about her. How she'd always wear his clothing even if she didn't ask to do so. "Why are you doing this, Yoongi. . . huh? Why are you so angry at me?"

She couldn't see the trembling of his lips due to the darkness of their room. Having only the subtle hint of moonlight lingering through the curtains. And Yoongi could feel the gentleness of her hands moving up to hold his face. Because even with him yelling at her, the woman's heart was just too whipped for the man.

"Because you're always treating me like a fucking kid." He grunted out. Still in a more than drunken state which was the only way he could thrash his head away from her hands. "All you ever do is tell me how I should act. How I should be and how I should live my fucking life and god I am so fucking sick of hearing it." With a broken laugh, the man tossed his head back. Showing off the bobbing of his adams apple as he does so. And all that he said were lies. Because the man she fell in love with wasn't the one she wanted in her head. He was crazy. . . rebellious. . . dominant. . . he was Yoongi. And she accepted all of him.

"No I don't." He could finally hear the anger in her voice. Craving for more of it because he needed her to let go of him. He needed her to realize that he wasn't the man she deserves. "Yoongi baby, you know I love you just how you are—"

"No you don't." He cut her off with yet another laugh. Disrespecting her in such a way that had her breath getting caught in her throat. Because he was never this ruthless with the girl. Never this cold with his wording as stalked back up to her in an aggressive manner. Hating how fucking scared she looked underneath the moonlight that softly caressed her skin. "You always try and get me to attend school. To stop dealing drugs and to act all fucking lovey dovey when you know that's not who the fuck I am. And I will never be." In a slurred manner, the words just barely slipped his tongue. Feeling like acid pouring down his being. "And god you don't even know how many times I've had to stop myself from fucking other woman. From cheating on you and leaving you fucking dry—"

"Shut up." There was no anger in her words. And there was barely any force from her hand that came across his cheek again. Cutting off the words that had her heart breaking with each second passing by. All until Hyungsik flashed through her mind. His golden smile doing wonders to her soul. Because even if he over stepped his boundaries with her, she still found comfort in his existence. And right now that's exactly what she needed; comfort.

Yoongi could tell what she was thinking. He could tell the minute she casted her head down with a gentle laugh. One that had him so flooded with pain that he could barely continue on his actions. He was already breaking.

"I've tried so hard with you, Yoongi." Her voice was nothing more than a whisper. And he knew that his plan had succeeded. "I've tried so hard and you've taken all of it for granted." She shook her head. Looking back up at him even if she couldn't see the pathetic amount of tears in his eyes just begging for release. Wanting her to smooth them over his skin just like she would anytime he'd cry. "I just can't do this anymore, Yoongi. . . I'm done."

And with that, she moved away from him. Not even sparing him one last kiss even if his lips were craving to feel her own. Just desperate to make sure that her touch wouldn't flea his skin.

But Ming didn't kiss him. She didn't brush away his tears. And she didn't think anything of his sudden outburst. She just left. Taking one bag full of basic necessities before looking back at him one last time. Never having been broken hearted so badly since Jisung who didn't even come close to being the man Yoongi was.

And he watched as she left. Letting her do so without a single word slipping from his lips because she would've caught his bluff. And she would've immediately turned around and do exactly what he didn't want for her. Which was be with him. Because sometimes we make sacrifices for those we love. Even if it meant having tears streaming down our cheeks the minute the front door closed shut.

I am not feeling this chapter AT ALL. Smh -.-
I hope my babies enjoyed though and don't be too sad ): also, is this beginning to feel repetitive? If so pls let me know because I hate when I do that lol.

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