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"Tee." Yoongi grinned over at the man who opened the door to his home. Not having seen the boy since his party as he pulled him into a rough hug. Trailing behind the man who grabbed two bottles of soju from the fridge with a chuckle. Handing Yoongi his own bottle while taking a seat on the couch opposite of him.

"It's been a while, huh? How's your girl doing?" Tee leaned back in his seat. Spreading his legs out in a gruffly manner while Yoongi tossed the cap of his bottle onto the coffee table sat before him. Taking a grateful sip of the burning liquid while letting out a satisfied sigh.

"She's fine. Our anniversaries coming up though, so I've been trying to think about what I wanna do for her." Yoongi watched the way Tee smirked. And the way he tried to hold back a chuckle as Yoongi nodded his head at the boy with a curious what?

"You really do love that girl, don't you?" Tee couldn't help but smile. Having noticed the change of aura around Yoongi. And how he wasn't as tense anymore.

But Yoong didn't say a word. Didn't really have to seeing as though the man only chuckled with a shake of the head. Realizing just how whipped he was for the woman who would do anything for him. Because she would.

"I mean have you considered popping the big question to her?" Tee quizzed. Catching the sudden confusion in Yoongi's eyes as his brows raised.

"You mean proposing?"

"I don't see why not. I mean how long have y'all been dating?"

"Almost two years, why?" Yoongi downed even more of his alcohol. Trying to mask the sudden nervousness that took over his soul. Not knowing why the fuck he was so nervous. Or why the fuck the palms of his hands went sweaty.

"Almost two years?!" Tee couldn't help but laugh. Making Yoongi more nervous than he already was. "Hyung, if that's not long enough to tell you that neither of you aren't going anywhere then I don't know what will."

"But I don't want to scare her off, Tee. You know marriage isn't something you play with." Yoongi huffed out. Trying to calm himself down because god was the anxiety eating him alive. And he fucking hated it. "I've already lost her more times than I would have liked. And I can't lose her again, Tee. I just can't."

"Well has she ever brought it up before?"

"Not really." Yoongi dropped his head down. Keeping his eyes trained on the green bottle placed between the tips of his digits while earning a sigh from the man who lowered himself further down into his seat. Voicing out a defeated well it was just a suggestion only to meet Yoongi's eyes again. His eyes that held an unknown emotion behind them. Because Yoongi couldn't deny that he was now curious. And that he wouldn't mind spending the rest of his life with the girl who was out and about with Jungkook. Having been begged to accompany him.

And with a tensed sigh, Yoongi placed his bottle of soju down. Rolling out his shoulders that had became oh so tense as Tee became intrigued all over again.

"Enough about my relationship." Yoongi dismissed. Even if the topic was almost too present in his mind to ignore as Tee nodded in a gesture to tell him that he was indeed listening. "I'll start you off with two kilos. And you already know how it goes. . . and how I expect to have back exactly what I gave."

"Oh come on, Hyung." Tee chuckled. "You know I've never came up short." He hadn't. It being a reason why he was so valuable to Yoongi himself. "And you know that I've never been disloyal to you. Because I never have."

And in silence, Yoongi studied the boys actions. Having to watch out for himself. But he knew that Tee wasn't like that. That he wouldn't dare distrust him. And that he wouldn't dare fuck him over as Yoongi let his head tilt. Feeling the thickness of his locks, rest over his eyes.

And it was then that a buzz came from the back pocket of his jeans. Making him take hold of his phone only to see a picture sent to him from Ming.
Catching sight of the woman wearing something that only had his lower half instantly aching.

"You like it?" He continued to read the words she sent to him. Imagining just how innocent she'd sound when saying them. And just how playful she'd be as she lets her hand rest low on his torso. His torso that'd tense up with each second passing by. Feeling her fingers find their way down as Yoongi let out a breathy chuckle. Noticing that Tee's eyes were on him. All while typing back his own message.

"You should know better than to tease me while I'm working Kitten. ." He could tell just where she was. It being the same lingerie store that he had taken her to oh so many times. And the same store that he's had her begging in as his phone buzzed all over again.

"Didn't you say that you were only seeing Tee. . . huh?" Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle. Receiving yet another picture right above the message that had his fingers making way against his chin. Running themselves across the skin only to have Tee scoffing in the most amused manner. Making Yoongi just barely look up at him in which the elder huffed out a quick what?

"Jesus hyung. . . I haven't seen you this happy in years." Tee met his gaze. His gaze that only held a sense of annoyance as Yoongi scoffed. Trying to mask the smile that didn't dare etch its way onto his face while Tee laughed. Downing even more of his alcohol before saying his next set of words. "I mean she is hot—" He cut himself off almost instantly. Watching the way Yoongi narrowed his eyes at him in which Tee raised his hands up in defense with a smile. Knowing that it'd make Yoongi irritated. But Yoongi wasn't worried about the boys childish ways. He was only worried about what he was going to do for Ming. And whether or not he'd actually take Tee's advice.

Short chapter but I hope you all like it!! Mommy loves you so much and make sure to take care of yourselves. . . night night, hehehehe >♡<

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