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"Yoongi baby, stop." Ming giggled out. Trying to move away from the man who only buried his face even deeper into her neck. Holding onto her waist from behind while Ming continued to giggle. Voicing out a stuttered you're gonna make me late in which the man let himself turn her around. Catching the playfulness in her gaze as she glared at him.

"Who is it you're going to see again?" He pressed. Sticking his bottom lip between his teeth as the girl let out a huff.

"Junsu." She let her eyes narrow even more at the man. "I've told you this how many times now?"

"Oh come on, kitten. . ." Yoongi could see how hard she was trying to bite back a smile. "You know my memory's not that good."

"Oh really?" She couldn't help but roll her eyes. Teasing the man by just the way her fingers took hold of his chin. A gesture that only had the man tightening his grasp on her waist. "So you're saying that you forgot about our anniversary coming up. . . huh?"

"No." He couldn't tell why the question had his heart immediately picking up its pace. Trying his hardest to act unfazed as the girl let out a playful whatever you say. Catching a certain emotion waver in his eyes. His eyes that turned into little crescents as his gums went on full display. Making the girl giggle as Yoongi grinned even harder. Masking the beating of his heart by catching her lips. Her lips that always felt so good pressed against his own as Ming placed a hand to his chest.

"I'll be back later, okay." She caught his lips one more time. Receiving a nod from the man who let her go. Voicing out a quick be safe as Ming mouthed a soft I love you to the man with a smile. Taking hold of her things before leaving Yoongi to himself in which the man made way out of his room. Catching sight of Jin alongside Jungkook sitting there on the couch. Enjoying not having to go out as much due to YongJu being dead. The same man that tried to get Yoongi killed. And the same man who both Jin and Yoongi used to look up to as a father. But sometimes even the ones we love the most. . . have to be sacrificed.

"Hyung." Yoongi let himself take a seat on the couch with a huff. Tossing his head back only to receive a questioning hum from the man who's legs were spread out in a gruffly manner. All while his hair fell carelessly over his eyes that moved over to look at Yoongi himself. Yoongi being the man who's heart began to beat faster all over again. Because it was time to ask Jin the question.

"You know that Ming and I's two year anniversary is coming up, right. . ." Jin could hear the nervousness in his words. And the way he couldn't keep eye contact. Having known the boy for much too long to not realize that something was up. But he stayed quiet. He always did.

"And I was wondering about maybe—"

"Maybe what?" Jin couldn't help but tease the man. Remembering all the times Yoongi's asked him for advice. And the way he'd always be so hesitant when doing so. Because even if Yoongi didn't act like he cared about what the elder thought, he always did.

"I don't know. I was talking with Tee about it and I was just thinking that—"

"Thinking what?"

"Oh fuck off already, okay?" Yoongi glared over at the man who only chuckled. Slapping a heavy hand across Jungkook's shoulder in which the younger couldn't help but tease Yoongi as well. Knowing that when it came to Ming, the man was always more. . . soft.

"Go on, huh? I wanna hear what you have to say."

And with a scoff, Yoongi continued. Swallowing down the pent up emotions lingering within his being as Jungkook and Jin watched the man. Holding themselves back from laughing anymore as Yoongi dropped his head down in between his knees. Too embarrassed to look them in the eyes.

"I was thinking about maybe. . . proposing?" And he waited for a response. Continuing to wait until the silence began to get a little too eerie. Making his stomach drop more than it already had, as he peered his eyes up at the two. The two who didn't know what to say. Too surprised to even speak. And too excited to do anything but smile. Realizing just how whipped the man was for the girl who had shown Yoongi oh so many things. And who had loved him more than he had ever loved himself.

"Hyung, if you propose, can I be the best man?" Jungkook was the one to cut Jin off. Not allowing the man to speak before putting in his request. Only earning a chuckle from the man who had never felt so relieved. Because he knew that they would support him. They always would.

"Would you help me go pick out a ring—"

And it was then that the front door opened. Catching the three off guard as they turned to look at the said object almost immediately. Catching sight of someone who had Yoongi's stomach completely dropping as he got to his feet. Watching Jimin enter the house alongside a girl who he wished he had never met. And who he wished he had killed all those years ago. Watching the way her eyes glossed over in surprise. And the way they caught his own. His own that began to sting with each second passing by. But he wouldn't say a word. Because the boys didn't know about her. . . and he didn't want them to.

Short but necessary *evil laugh* mommy will now catch sum z's heheheh. Love you!! Night night

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