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"Noona!" Ming couldn't even open her eyes before Jungkook came busting through her bedroom door. Making the girl do no more than bring a single pillow over her face, in which she listened to that muffled sound of Jimin rushing in behind him with those breaths all too heavy.

"Whatever he says, he's lying, Ming—"

"Fuck off." Jungkook was met with Jimin's arms coming around his neck. Making the younger heave out that single groan so deep, only to try and push the man off of him. Even if he could feel. Feel the amount of strength the elder held.

And it was Ming who could hear that rustling. Rustling that had her pulling the pillow from off her face, only to peer her eyes over at the two boys who were completely strangling one another. Making the girl let out that snapped what are you doing, only to get out of bed on slow feet. All while she moved over to them. Earning no more than their eyes against her own the second she could do so much as stand next to them.

"Why are you fighting—"

"He drank my last banana milk." Jungkook was the one to speak. Completely cutting off the one girl who couldn't help but widen her eyes at him with that immediate scoff. Pairing with that laughter she couldn't help but let out, despite that glare he gave the girl. The same girl who couldn't believe. Believe a man so reckless in life could act this way behind closed doors.

"I didn't drink shit—"

"Fuck you—"

"Jungkook." Ming was quick to look at him. Voicing out no more than that soft we'll go buy more, okay, in which Jimin himself couldn't help but scoff underneath the girls words. Knowing just how gentle she'd act with the boy. The same boy who'd do anything for the woman herself.

And like lost puppies, the two didn't know what to do. Following the girl into that single bathroom, in which she was quick to look back at them with that expression all too confused.

"W-Where are you going, Noona—"


"Can we come—"

"Yeah. . . can we come?" Jimin let himself step up from behind the girl where she stood in front of that bathroom counter. Earning no more than that shove from the one man who let out that deep don't touch her, in which Jimin only glared at him with that immediate fuck off. Making Ming turn around with a sighed stop fighting, even if she couldn't help but ponder about Jungkook's question. Knowing that he would try and speak to her. It being the one man who her boyfriend had wanted to kill in ways so inhumane. Having not wanted the girl to go back to that single school at all. Yet Ming wouldn't. Wouldn't let Hyungsik stop her from living like JiSung had done to her. Able to remember how long. How long it took to get back to herself. And all with him by her side. Helping the woman in ways she wouldn't be able to describe even if she wanted to.

"You really want to go?" She watched as they nodded. Making the girl's eyes fall just as round as their own, only to voice out that soft okay. Trying not to look so relieved to know that they'd be with her. That they'd keep her safe. Because they made the woman. Made the woman so comfortable.

So, she watched as they left to get ready. Heading to the one place that had the woman's heart already racing at the thought of seeing him. Unable to deny that this was when she wanted Yoongi the most. Using the man as that sense of security no matter where they were nor what they were doing. Seeing as though the man would always. Always make sure she was looked after. Always make sure she was okay.

And on those steps so hesitant, the girl led them both to her classroom. Having the two be seated on either side of her, despite her attention being fully taken by her thoughts. Continuing to glance at the door every time someone walked in. Because she knew that his face would soon meet her eyes. His face that would make her think of JiSung each time she'd look at the man.

"Ming." It was Jimin's voice that filled her ears in that manner so low. Able to tell that something was wrong. That she was anxious. Knowing that something had happened. Happened with a man he knew she kept Yoongi from killing.

"He's in this class, isn't he—"


"You know we're with you, Ming. There's no need to be anxious." His voice was always so sultry. Looking at the girl in that same manner Yoongi would as she noticed that complete darkness overcome his gaze. All while she watched him just barely lean further down in his seat. Encasing no more than his chin with his palm, only to keep his gaze held on the door.

And it was Ming herself who tried to ignore every inch of worry in her being. Focusing back on that single class she knew was beginning as the two stayed placed on her sides.

"Jungkook! Stop that!" She looked over to her left. Immediately snatching that single pen from the one boy who was writing all in her notebook, in which she watched that sighed pout form upon his lips. Making the woman do no more than scoff at him all too playfully, even if it was then that she caught sight of him walking through those doors. Having came into class late, as he immediately met the girls eyes. The same girl who he had ever so terrified. And who's entire thoughts became filled with the one man who had completely ruined the woman, even if it was then that she felt. Felt his hand fall upon her thigh. Felt his aura turn all too dangerously heavy.

Yet Jimin didn't look at the girl. Didn't look at anyone other than the one man who he let watch his hand stay all too firm upon the woman's thigh. All while he tilted his head. Watching every single step the man made as his jaw fell completely clenched. Carrying that look to himself Ming couldn't deny was attractive as she watched the man completely stare Hyungsik down. Hyungsik being the same man who only took his seat with that smirk over at the man.

"What's wrong—"

"Jimin." It was Ming who cut Jungkook's question off. Having noticed that immediate shift in Jimin's demeanor the second Hyungsik had smirked at him, in which she let her hand fall upon his arm. Knowing that the man would've gotten up. Would've confronted him. Would've pulled out he gun she knew he had lying in the back of his pants as she met his eyes in that manner so hesitant. Not wanting for any of them. Any of them to get hurt.

And just like that, Jimin realized. Realized exactly as to why Yoongi was the way he was with her. Why he had killed people just to keep her as his own. Why he was as possessive as he was. Swearing that he had never been looked at or spoken to so softly before as he met the girls eyes. The same girl who whispered out that quiet it's okay. Because it was. And she wouldn't. Wouldn't let the man go do something he had no business doing.

Yet the man wouldn't let himself fall for her. Wouldn't let himself catch feelings he knew would get him killed if he did. Because there were lines. Lines he knew. . . he couldn't cross.

So with that nod, he let himself turn back to the front. Glancing every so often down at the one man who he would've confronted. Who he wouldn't have cared to pierce a bullet through as the three sat there in the girl's classroom. Completely distracting the one woman who had no more than Yoongi in the back of her mind the second he had done so much as left.

Yet she'd let her attention be filled by them. Giggling the most genuine giggles every time Jungkook pestered her, or every time Jimin whispered something undeniably inappropriate into her ear. Needing all too much attention from the one girl who they barely let concentrate. Yet she didn't mind. Because right now they were all she had, just like, Ming. . . was all they had.

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