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He hadn't left. Hadn't even let himself leave to use the restroom. He just stayed there. His hand engulfed with her own that slowly started to regain more feeling just like her body. And all from the anesthetics finally wearing off.

"Yoongi?" Her throat was so dry. And the pain in her shoulder was enough to have tears wanting to prick the softness of her eyes as she peered down at the man who was unknowingly asleep. His head buried into the side of her thigh and mouth just barely agape. A scene that had her heart clenching. And a scene that had the woman pulling her hand away from his own, only to comb the blonde locks that messily laid on his head. Gliding her fingertips ever so carefully through his hair in order not to disturb him. But she knew it wouldn't last. That the man was constantly alert. And that he'd be up within seconds. Because he was. And she had never seen someone look so utterly startled in their life before.

"Ming?! W-what's wrong?!" She couldn't help but let a smile adorn her lips from the moment he met her eyes. Immediately making her giggle as she voiced out a quiet everything's fine, baby. But he could tell how much pain she was in. And how hard she was trying not to show it as her giggles ended quicker than they had even started. Because she didn't want Yoongi to worry. But he would. He always did.

"God you scared me." He let his head fall back down against her thigh. Releasing a breath he hadn't even known that he was holding in as he reached back for her hand. Taking hold of the thing only to press his lips against the skin. All with his head buried against the softness of it. Cherishing each second that passed. Because it all still felt like a dream. But she was there. And he knew it the moment her hand engulfed his cheek. Making him look up at her with the softest gaze she had ever witnessed.

And she watched the way Yoongi got to his feet. Slow but undeniably impatient. Having his own hand fall against her cheek. Brushing away the unknown tears that brimmed her eyes. Because she herself hadn't even thought that she was going to survive. That she was going to be able to see her loves face again. Or be told how beautiful she was, day in and out by the man who let their lips connect. Wanting to feel the way she melts into it. Or the way she can't help but tug on his shirt for more. Wishing that she wasn't trapped on the bed. That she could easily stand without feeling unstable. Or let him pull her up around his waist. But that wouldn't happen and it couldn't as their lips became a little greedier. Even if their bodies couldn't act out on it. But neither cared. Because they had each other. And that's all they needed. It always was.

"I love you. . . so, so much." Yoongi had to stop himself. Knowing that the kisses couldn't lead to anything more than kisses themselves. Even if he was desperate to show the woman just how much he loved her. And just how much she had the beating of his heart picking up its pace as he rested his forehead against her own. Letting the tips of their noses brush while Ming nodded against him. Whispering back the softest I love you more only to watch him pull away.

And it was then that she caught the color of purple painted along the skin of his fists. His fists that had been that same color more times than Ming could even remember as her eyes travelled the subtle bruises that rested there.

"Yoongi. . ." She hadn't even thought about the others. Having been too immersed in the man standing before her. And never before had she felt her stomach drop so quickly. Because the unsaid question hadn't been answered. And the tears that fell from her eyes were of no help to calm down the sudden heaving of her chest. "Baby, where are they?"

But he was silent. Even if her tone was disgustingly worried. And he didn't know why the words wouldn't leave his lips. Nor why his eyes couldn't meet with her own. Maybe it was the shame that had him feeling this way. Or the guilt. But he knew it was both. Both being something that had began to eat him alive. Because he couldn't control himself. Couldn't stop the pounding of his fists as they continued to relish on the skin of Jimin's face. Continuing until they couldn't continue anymore. All while continuing until the shame of his actions filled the crevices of his veins. Seeping into each inch of his soul that was aching for the girl who would've stopped him. Who would've told him that it wasn't Jimin's fault. Because it wasn't. And Yoongi knew that. Knew that Jimin was just as desperate for love as him. Even if they both refused to let themselves think that.

But it all happened so fast and so unknowingly. . . the love. The love that Yoongi got. . . but Jimin had yet to receive.

"Yoongi baby, answer me." Her voice was so strained. Blurring out amongst the beeping of the machines that littered the area around them. The same machines that Yoongi tried to focus on instead. Trying to count every beep that passed within a minute. And every drip of saline that dropped from her IV. But still the voices in his head were louder than ever. Completely muting everything else that he so desperately wanted to hear.

And Ming could see it. Could see both the shame. . . and the guilt. And the way he met her eyes ever so slowly. Wishing that it was just them. And that the world hadn't been so cruel to him.

"They're fine, kitten. . . they're fine." They were. But he wasn't. He wasn't fine. Wasn't okay. Wasn't anything but disgusted with himself. Because Yoongi didn't try. Didn't confront Jimin about Yoojia. Didn't warn him or even tell the man about his past with her. His past that had ruined him. . . just like it would Jimin.

And it was the same boys name that left her lips. Oh so soft. And oh so worried as it trailed through the air.

"Where is he?" Ming knew that the bruises were because of him. That Yoongi's fist were covered in the same marks Jimin had, but on his face instead. And that the boy standing before her didn't know what to do or what to say. Because that's all he was behind all the money. . . all the drugs. . . all the power. . . he was just a boy. A boy who was abandoned by those who he so desperately wanted to love him. And a boy who had been taught how to survive. . . rather than how to love.

"The nurses took him in the back." He didn't dare meet her eyes. Thinking that Ming herself was also disgusted with him. But she was so far from that. So far from being upset with him. Or ashamed to call the man her boyfriend. Because she had never seen Yoongi as an embarrassment. Nor as one who she hadn't been proud of as her hand slid up as far as it could to reach his chin. Making him look at her. And her only.

"Come here." He could feel her breath on his lips. Noticing the way she searched his face. Something that had his heart pounding harder than it already  was as she whispered out the most delicate stop putting yourself down, baby only to watch his tears meet with the softness of her finger tips. All while Yoongi slid his own hands down to her waist. Her waist that was just barely lifted off the bed as her gentle eyes traveled along with his own. Reciting every blink. And every drop of a tear that decided to release as Yoongi held her. Not knowing why or how he received someone as gentle as the woman herself. Nor why she chose to stay with him after all he's put her through. Because like I said, it was so much more than just love. But the sacrifice to watch the one they'd die for. . . be happy.

I hope my precious kittens are enjoying !! Plus I just realized how long this book is. . . but who cares *evil laugh* However, I've finally found a book to read on here after having been on hiatus for so long. . . and I realized how much I used to enjoy reading. But I love you all to the moon and back. . . sleep tight for mommy, xx

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