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The tears. God the fucking tears. So beautiful yet so painful as they caressed the woman's cheeks. Drawing an exact image of how she felt while standing before the mirror in front of her.

Ming could feel herself going insane. Her mind too twisted with the idea of him amongst the act of lust.

She didn't want Hyungsik. . . need Hyungsik. . . or in fact like Hyungsik . But the idea of doing something so wild. Something so doubtfully wrong and something so fucking permisbcucous, just have the woman desperate to rebel. To have the softness of his tainted lips dragging along her body. Or to have him pressed up against her chest while he fucks her against the wall.

And Ming found herself trailing her fingers along the freshness of her bathed skin. Eyes shut in imagination of just how well he'd take care of her. That dirty mouth of his just edging her on with each thrust he gives. And breath heavy against her neck while he fucks her as roughly as he can, just craving to get off.

"Ming." The sound of her name off his lips never had the woman feeling so disgusted with herself. So incredibly disloyal to the man who's killed for her. And the man who she loves so much to the point where her body aches when he's not around.

"Where's Junsu?" The tears were already ridded from her cheeks. Eyes still slightly red as her trembling fingers lightly tapped away any evidence of having cried.

"He left." Yoongi could tell something was wrong as she turned around. Her stance one of almost nervousness yet expression one of wanting to do just anything and everything to get her mind off of him.

"Well I'm glad that the two of you have made emends." She took a step closer to Yoongi where he stood a bit away from the bathroom counter. Sliding her hands along the bottom half of his torso in which he looked down at her with a tilt of the head.

"What's wrong?" The question was enough to have her heart already picking up its pace. But Ming was good at hiding how she felt as the woman let out a questioning hum. Responding to her love with a quiet nothing before sighing as the man took a heavy hold of her chin.

"Kitten. . ." The irritation in his raspy voice was enough to have any woman wanting to drop on their knees to please the man. And god was that exactly how Ming felt as Yoongi's other hand slid along her waist while he backed her up into the marbled counter. The same counter that she had been bent over and fucked against more times than she could even remember.

"Yes?" This was the Ming who he had first met. The one who was completely closed off from those around her and the one who he had to break down in order to receive her surrender.

"Don't lie to me." She could feel his breath hit her skin. His lips just barely close enough to have them brushing against her own as he spoke in such a threatening manner.

"I'm not." She let her teeth take hold of his bottom lip. Receiving a shake of the head from the man who hotly chuckled.

"Who is it, huh?" He nudged his nose into her own. Keeping their eyes locked while Ming grabbed the front of his shirt. Her mouth agape and breath heavy against his skin as he brought her up and onto the counter. "Who is it that has you all worked up? Who has you coming home and not being able to even keep fucking eye contact with me, huh?!"

Ming could see the anger held within his irises. The grasp on her waist unbearably tight and jaw clenched so much to point where it looked as if it'd break.

"It's no one, Yoongi. I'm just stressed, okay?" She tried to calm him down. Brushing her fingers diligently through his hair while he shook his head. Grunting in disdain with a harsh you're lying to me before pulling away.


"No." He cut her off. His eyes deadly as they shot daggers into her glossy ones. "I know you, Ming. And I can tell when something's wrong."

"How many times do I have to tell you that nothing is wrong?!" She cried out. Getting to her feet in which Yoongi met her body once again. Wanting nothing more than to harshly shove her back into the bathroom counter and do anything just to get her to talk. Because he could see the guilt that consumed the woman as tears softly fell down her cheeks. "I'm fine, Yoongi, okay. . . I promise."

And with the words slipping off her tongue, Ming brought both of her hands up to cup his face. Trying to meet his eyes that looked down at her in disgust before he thrashed his head from out of her hold. Giving the woman one last glare only to storm out of the bathroom. Letting the front door shut so hard that the house shook, be the last thing she heard.

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