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"Yoongi?" Ming looked up to see the man snoring. Her words almost inaudible as she yawned them out. Hearing heavy knocks sounding from the wood of the front door. "Yoongi baby—"

"Just five more minutes." Cut off, Ming couldn't help but giggle. Rolling her eyes even though he couldn't see while slapping a playful hand across the mans chest who had helped her so much last night. Making sure that she got everything off her chest. All while being exactly who she needed in that moment; someone comforting.

So with slow steps, Ming made way to the front door. Looking around the house only to see it completely empty as she brought her fingers around the handle. Opening the thing in a cautious manner only to see Junsu standing there.His eyes filled with panic until he met the woman's gaze.


"Ming!" She couldn't even say another word before the man grabbed ahold of her. Restricting the woman's breathing from just the strength of his hold. "I've been worried sick about you."

Ming let out a breathless chuckle. Placing her hand on the upper half of his back before he pulled away. Keeping his palms on her shoulders.

"I thought you would've realized by now that I was back here. I'm sorry—"

"Kitten—" It was Yoongi's sudden voice that had the both of them looking to their left. Catching the man standing their as the base of his chest heaved in worry. His fingertips encased with the coldness of his favorite gun, all until he met Junsu's eyes. Because after hearing incoherent yelling, he couldn't help but think that she was in danger.

"It's ok, baby. It's just Junsu." She smiled over at him while he tossed his head back in relief. Throwing the gun he held, onto the couch before walking over to the two with a smirk encased on his lips.

"Sorry, Hyung. I didn't even think to tell you." The younger met Junsu's gaze. But there was nothing but happiness stored within it as the man shook his head. Slapping a hand over Yoongi's shoulder with a silent huff.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad everything's okay. But don't let this happen again." And there it was, the man Yoongi was used to as Junsu glared at him in a brotherly way. Receiving only a tsk from Yoongi who grinned before sliding his arm around Ming's waist. Voicing out a gruffly I won't while feeling the softness of her lips place a gentle kiss to his cheek.

And it was then that Jin came in sight. His hair tousled in an almost sexy manner and face still painted with the colors of purple. "Junsu." He let a smile adorn his lips as he walked over to the three of them. Moving past Yoongi and Ming only to give Junsu a bear hug in which the elder chuckled. Patting his back as he does so while catching the disheveled appearance of the man standing before him.

"Looks like Yoongi had some fun with you, huh?" Junsu tilted his head. Receiving an amused fuck off from Jin who looked back to see Yoongi too occupied with Ming. Placing the most ticklish kisses against her neck as she giggled underneath his childish ways. But he could already see how much she affected the mans aura after just a few days. Making him feel nothing but happiness for the two. Just like Junsu who walked over to the poker table. Taking a diligent seat while asking for a fresh bottle of soju in which Jin nodded with a grin. Sitting down as well with a heavy sigh.

"What's this?" It was Jimin's smug voice that floated through the air as he walked into the house. Closing the front door shut behind him while running a hand through the thickness of his black locks. And they could see red lipstick smeared along his neck. Telling them exactly where he was.

"I should be asking you the same." Jin shook his head. Watching the boy take a seat at the poker table as well. His gaze one of mischief while he ran the slimness of his digits along the green suede.

"Oh come on, Hyung. You know we all have needs." Jimin looked over at Ming who was sat on Yoongi's lap. Winking at the woman only to receive a scoff from her as she got to her feet. Voicing out a sighed in your dreams, Jimin while the man kept his eyes trained on her ass. All until the bedroom door closed shut behind her. "Plus don't act as if you weren't banging some random chick just the other night." That received yet another fuck off from the man who nodded his head over at Yoongi. Catching the youngers attention before Jin looked at his bedroom door.

"Have you told her yet?" His voice was treacherously quiet. Creating a new aura as Yoongi nodded. Swiping his thumb across his nose only to have Junsu pipe up.

"Tell her what?"

"We're going to Shanghai next week." Yoongi was the one to respond. Keeping his eyes planted on the poker table while maneuvering two sets of black chips between the slimness of his digits. "But she's staying here. I can't risk something happening to her like that." And there was only silence to fill the air as Yoongi got to his feet. Not needing to hear anyone's opinions about the situation while the man headed for his room. Because he knew that Junsu was going to say something about him even going in the first place. But Yoongi was just too set in his ways.

"Ming." He was met with the girls bent frame as she stood over the sink. Finishing up rinsing the toothpaste from her mouth before patting her lips dry with a hand towel. Feeling Yoongi's palms graze the skin of her waist as he pushed up the oversized shirt she attired.

"Yoongi. . ." Her voice was stern. "What are you doing?" And he never thought that someone could look so beautiful as she turned around. Brushing away the hair from his chocolate eyes all while keeping a hand pressed to his chest. It being something she would always do to the man in order to get underneath his skin. But Yoongi didn't mind. If anything he loved it. But most importantly he loved her.

"What makes you think that I'm trying to do something? Huh?"  He let his fingers brush against her inner thigh. Receiving a smile from the girl who couldn't control the giggles of his name from her lips. Creating the most melodic sound to ring through his ears while she caught his lips with a shake of the head. Utterly whipped by the man himself.

And Yoongi didn't know what happened within the few minutes that passed. All he knew was that right now, having Ming's quiet giggles caress his ears while the softness of her finger tips stay locked within his hair, answered the unsaid question in his head. Because he knew that she wasn't just some random girl. That she wasn't just some toy that he was going to get rid of in a few weeks. But that she was everything to him.

"Kitten." Ming noticed the sudden change in his tone. And the sudden change in his fingers that had her lips parting as she gently sighed. Holding onto the front of his shirt while he backed her up into the bathroom counter. "I want for you to meet somebody of mine."

Hello my little kittens! I've been going through my first two drug books and realized that they are in desperate need of editing lmao. They're so fuckn cringy *kills self* -.-
So I will be working on that lol. But for now ily. . . goo nighhhh

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