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"YongJu." Ming watched Jin move to go and hug the much older male. His face etched with a smile as her mind tumbled in confusion. Unsure of who this man was. But with a quick transfer of his gaze, he caught Yoongi and Ming's eyes. Making her heart suddenly drop from just the warmth stored within his stare. Warmth that fled quicker than it stayed with most people.

"Who's this?" YongJu tilted his head with a smile. His eyes crinkling as he does so.

"Kitten. . ." Ming could feel the palms of Yoongi's hands gripping onto her hips as he leaned down to let his lips reach her ear. Whispering out a set of words that she never knew could make her so nervous. "Introduce yourself."

And as she swallowed down the lump in her throat, Ming let her head drop in a gentle bow. Voicing out a quiet It's nice to me meet you, I'm Ming which made her feel so utterly vulnerable. Because for some reason, she knew that this man wasn't just some random man. That he was someone very important to Yoongi himself. Because he was.

"Don't be shy." YongJu brought his hands out for her to hold. His voice completely welcoming to the girl who could feel Yoongi's eyes on her back. "I don't bite."

And so she let herself take hold of them with an unknown smile laced on her lips. The apples of her cheeks slightly reddened in embarrassment while YongJu chuckled at the girl.

"You must be very important to Yoongi, you know that." He looked over at the boy. "He's never introduced me to any of the girls he's been with before." And Ming could see the sudden wavering in Yoongi's gaze as she pulled her hands back from YongJu's in a polite manner. Resting the softness of her palms on one of Yoongi's cheeks in which she voiced out a teasing is that so. And Yoongi could've sworn his heart was going to burst from out of his chest as Ming caught his lips in the lightest manner. Giggling the most genuine giggles after he stayed silent. Too immersed by Ming herself to say a word.

"Just make sure that you keep him in check for me, huh?" YongJu chuckled. Taking his seat again at the impeccably long dinner table in which he gestured for the two to take a seat as well. Seeing as though the other boys had already taken their seats. "Yoongi's always been a bit more reckless in this business." That earned a silent scoff from the man who kept his arm around the back of Ming's chair as she chuckled from YongJu's words.

"It's true though." The elder grabbed ahold of the short glass of whiskey sat before him. Taking a diligent sip of the burning liquid before looking over at Yoongi who had Jin on the right of him. "I can remember when he was a kid, trying to do everything and anything just to prove himself to his father. Whether it be making small deals or giving him ideas for future ones, Yoongi was always involved." YongJu met Ming's eyes. Her eyes that slightly softened because she knew that Yoongi did indeed crave for approval. For someone to be proud of him and for someone to make him feel like he was doing the right thing.

"But anyways. . ." YongJu let out a sigh. Switching the subject because he didn't want to dwell on past memories. Past memories that were almost too ungodly to even think about. But also past memories that made Yoongi into the man he is today after his father died. "Where's Namjoon and Taehyung? I haven't seen them in forever."

And just like that, the aura became undeniably stiff. Making YongJu shake his head due to the silence. Because he was too wise and too experienced to be clueless as to what happened to the two. "I see." He ran his fingers along the rim of his glass. Narrowing his gaze at Yoongi who returned the gesture. "It better have been worth it."

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