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Those who begin to expect things from something or someone, tend to be lead into the act of disappointment. We put so much effort into giving only to be left with nothing in the end. And that's exactly what Ming's feeling right now as she sits at her desk with her eyes set on the classroom door. Waiting for a certain someone to walk in at any moment. But also feeling eaten alive by the guilt of wanting to be so badly approached by another man beside Yoongi. And also one who she still doesn't know anything about.

"Ms.Chang." The professors voice cut harshly through the air. Almost startling the girl who reluctantly tore her gaze away from the door and onto the elder man who had been lecturing the class for longer than she was even paying attention.


"What's the difference between love and lust?" The professor sighed out under his breath. Pushing back up the thick rimmed glasses he attired, while Ming sat back in her seat with a gentle head tilt.

"I would suppose that lust is just the want to do inappropriate things with one instead of having feelings attached. Seeing as though we all tend to crave for things we know we can't or shouldn't have."

"Not good enough." Mr.Hyuk shook his head in disdain. Earning a silent scoff along with a laugh from the woman who's head snapped in the direction of the door. Watching just who it was that had her in a confused frenzy as he raised an apologetic hand up at the teacher.

"You sir, tell me what the difference is between love and lust."

The unamed boy stopped dead in his tracks. Letting his lips curve into an incredulous smirk before taking slow strides towards Ming who watched with crossed arms.

"Well you see, we all experience lust. I could ask any person in this room if they've ever been infatuated with something or someone, and they'd all say yes. But when it comes to love, not all get to experience that. It's something special. Something that makes your body ache when that persons not around. And something you don't even realize you're experiencing until it hits you dead in the face." And with that, the boy took his seat beside Ming. Finishing off his last set of words with his eyes attached right onto her soft ones.

"I suppose that's good enough." The teacher cleared his throat. "Now moving on. . ."

Ming didn't even try to pay attention to the Professors new on going topic as she glared at the man sitting beside her.

"What? Missed me so soon?"

"I want a name." Her request was blunt. And he loved how she showed not a single hint of shyness.


"Your name." The woman cut him off. Paying attention to the way his tongue stayed planted at the corner of his agape mouth that was ready to finish off his prior sentence.

"I see." The man gave an amused smile. Chuckling to himself which had Ming more than irritated. "Well since you waited like a good girl. . ." He flickered his eyes down her body. Tugging gently on his bottom lip before leaning in to her ear, just before she could pull away to whisper out a sensual, "it's Hyungsik."

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