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"You know how much I love you right?"

"Yoongi—"Ming couldn't help but giggle. Feeling the way he buried his face into her neck with a smile. Having pulled away the woman's textbook from her lap which was something he'd do anytime he wanted to get her attention. And something he'd do anytime he knew she was stressed. Because he could see the exhaustion lingering within the softness of her eyes. And the anxiety constantly stored within her being, due to school. The same school he wouldn't allow her to attend alone. And the same school that he had scared Hyunsgik shitless in after he tried to talk to her all over again.

"I have to finish by tonight, baby—"

"Just do it it later, huh?" Yoongi could hear the way she sighed. Giving into his ways because she couldn't deny that she needed a break. And that she needed a little distraction. Because she did. And so she let herself take hold of his face. Smiling ever so fondly at the man who caught her lips. Feeling the way she laughed with each kiss that grew stronger until pressing a hand to his chest in a teasing manner.

"Come here. . ." She moved from underneath the man. Catching the curiosity in his gaze as she stuck her hand out for him to hold in which he hesitantly did. Noticing how hard she was trying to bite back a smile before she took place behind him. Getting on the tips of her toes only to try and cover the man's eyes that closed almost instantly for her while the sound of his laughter filled the air.


"No peaking." She cut him off. Unable to see if he was looking or not while leading him towards one of the empty rooms in the house. The same room that had her heart beating just a little faster than normal. And the same room that she opened in a quick manner. Threatening him to keep his eyes shut before moving away from the man who could hear the door close behind them.

"Ming baby, what are you doing?"

"Just open em, huh?" And with that, she watched his gaze slowly meet her own. Her own that was brighter than he had ever seen before as she smiled over at the man who didn't know how to react. Catching sight of a piano. The same piano that he had owned as a kid. And the same piano that had unknown tears beginning to prick his eyes as Ming watched him move over to where the instrument sat right in the middle of the floor. Grazing his fingers along the old wood it was made of, before looking over at the girl who had never looked more beautiful right now. And who he knew he could never replace as she whispered out a gentle you like it?

But Yoongi didn't say a word. Didn't really have to from the way he immediately took hold of the girl. Receiving the most intoxicating giggles as he peppered her face with kisses. All while she draped her arms around his neck. Realizing how much she needed him. And how much she'd do for the only man who could still make her heart race. And who had her heart clenching as he whispered out a quiet I love you.

"Aww, Yoongi. . ." She could see the tears that slipped down his cheeks. All while she silently giggled at the man who watched her pout down at him. Something that had his own heart pounding as he set her back down on her feet. Pressing her ever so softly against the piano only to catch her lips. Her lips that had his grasp on her waist tightening before she pulled away. Asking for him to play for her in which he took a seat on the stool. Making room for the woman who kept her eyes trained on the keys. The keys that emitted the most beautiful melody she had ever heard as Yoongi's fingers ran along them oh so seamlessly. Just like they would when he was young. All until he looked over at the girl who met his gaze. Taking hold of her hands that felt so soft against his own while he hovered them over the keys.

"Just like that, kitten." He continued to show her what to press. Catching the way she smiled in excitement as he side glanced at the woman who couldn't help but giggle after hitting the wrong note. Making Yoongi emit his own laughter before pressing his nose into her neck with a whispered it's okay. Feeling the way she ran a hand along his undercut as his lips began to move. Moving like feathers along the skin until Ming pulled his head up to meet with her own. Smiling ever so teasingly at the man who was currently on the ground holding her. And who was currently watching the disgusting amount of blood leave her body that was so precious to him.

"Ming baby, look at me!" She could barely even hear his words. His words that were so broken as they came out. Completely flooded by the screams of those in the club and the music that continued to play. All while she tried her hardest to bring a hand up to his cheek. Watching the desperate amount of tears falling from his eyes that stored so much love for her. And so much adoration as she whispered out an incoherent Its okay, baby. But it wasn't. Because she could feel herself slipping away. Unable to handle the pain that was eating her alive as he plead for her to stay awake for him. And to keep her eyes trained on his own that moved to look over at the girl who was still holding the gun in her hands. Too startled to even speak. And too terrified to do anything but stand there as she caught the darkness in Yoongi's eyes. And the danger that they held as he watched her mouth out her last set of words.

All until her body hit the floor from the way she planted the gun against her own head. Letting the words I love you be the last thing she said. And the last thing Yoongi would remember of her as even more tears fled from his eyes. Because there was still no closure. And no answer to why she did the things she did to him. But he wasn't worried about that. Or about the other people who were running ragged around him. He was only worried about the girl who's grip on his shirt began to loosen. And who's eyes were barely able to stay open as she listened to Yoongi beg for her. Rushing out the most broken you can't leave me's as he pulled her up. Placing the woman's arms around his neck even if they continued to fall.

"We need to get to the hospital, Yoongi." Hoseok didn't even know he had his own set of tears brimming his eyes as he yelled at the man who's startled gaze met his own. And who hadn't even thought about the boy who was currently too intoxicated to comprehend what was going on. And who followed them out of the club on unsteady legs while Yoongi kept Ming against him. Too immersed in the woman herself to pay attention to what was going on around him as he sobbed out the most quietest it's okays. Even if it wasn't. But he wished it was. He always did.

"It hurts, Yoongi." Her words were so breathless. Breaking his heart more than it already was as he hushed the girl with his lips. Brushing away the hair that loosely framed her face, all while nuzzling their noses together. Trying to keep her focused on him. And not the pain that was almost too unbearable to even withstand as Hoseok made way to the hospital. Surprised that he hadn't killed them with how reckless he was being as he pulled into the emergency area. Immediately opening the door for  Yoongi who ran inside. Holding onto the only woman that he loved, for dear life as he yelled out a rushed help. Causing all heads inside to snap in his direction before the nurses frantic shouts began to flood the air. Having taken notice of the blood scattered amongst his clothing as they pulled Ming away from him. Placing her onto one of the empty emergency beds only to rush her into the back. Yelling for Yoongi to stay after he tried to follow. But he could see Ming voice out her last set of words to him. . . the words being exactly what Yoojia's were before her body came crashing down onto the floor. And the same words that had Yoongi sick to his stomach. Because he didn't know if her silent I love you was going to be the last one. . . he would ever hear.

The boys looked so handsome tonight at the Grammys and I am so proud of them !! But I hope u all are are enjoying *evill laugh*  >♡< mommy loves you. . . night night !

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