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"Do you have everything?" Ming looked over at the man. The same man who was standing at the end of their bed with his suitcase laid flat upon the mattress. Putting away no more than his clothes into the thing itself, only to look at the one girl who's voice had never been so soft.

"Do you know how many times I've done this, Ming—"

"I-I know, baby. . . I just don't want you to get there and realize you forgot something." She already had herself placed in front of him. Having been laying in bed watching the man, only to push his suitcase to the side the second she could do so much as bring herself over to him.

Yet all that came from the man was that head tilt. Pairing with the way he let his hands fall upon her waist as the girl looked at him with that gaze completely round.

"Ming—"And he could already see those tears in her eyes. Having followed suit upon that sudden pouting of her lips that had instantly trembled, in which the man knew the girl wasn't worried about him leaving something behind. Yet was terrified to watch him go with the possibility of never coming back.

"Don't cry, Ming—"

"I'm sorry—"

"Ming baby—" Yet all that came was her head within his chest. Pairing with those pure tears that had nowhere to go but down her cheeks as the man let his arms come around her frame. Able to feel that gentle shuddering underneath those cries so quiet as the man swallowed down that immediate lump that surfaced his throat. Having never thought that it would make him so upset to see the woman this way. That he would even have someone be so worried to let the man leave their sight, as Ming let his hand take hold of her cheek. Making the girl immediately grab his wrist as she nudged the side of her face further into his palm.

"I promise I'll be back—"

"You can't promise that, Yoongi—"


"W-What if something happens to you, Yoongi? Hmm?" He knew she didn't want him to go. Knew she wanted nothing more than for him to cave and stay there with her. But the man had responsibilities. Had people relying on him. Had people ready to kill him if he fucks them over as Yoongi watched the girl sniffle out those words. Swearing that he would never. Never meet anyone else who would ever care for him as much as her.

"I-I just don't want you to get hurt, baby—"

"I'm not going to get hurt, Ming—"

"You always say that, Yoongi." He would. Would tell the girl that everything was fine. That the situation wasn't as bad as it seemed. Having always did that to her when they first met. Completely disregarding every bruise, or cut, or dried blood upon his face and body anytime the woman would notice. Because the man would try. Try so hard to not make her worry.

"I just want you safe, baby. I always want you safe." She let her hands take hold of his face. Connecting no more than their lips ever so softly as she did so, only to look at the man with those eyes so hesitant. Wondering if this. This was the last time she'd ever see the man again.

"I promise I'll be cautious, baby. . . you know I can't live without you—"

"Yoongi!" And that was all he wanted. That laughter from the woman he could listen to the sound of all day and all night as Yoongi kissed at her neck and jaw. Unable to deny that he himself was afraid. Afraid to never see the woman again. Afraid to leave her behind without him there. Hating to ever leave the woman without either one of the boys or he himself. Knowing that someone wouldn't think twice about hurting her. . . to hurt him.

"I love you." Her voice was so soft. So soft and so quiet as she caught his lips. Eyeing every inch of the man who she wouldn't. Wouldn't handle hearing got killed. Wouldn't handle hearing wasn't coming home, as that sudden knocking of their bedroom door rang through their ears. All while they watched Jin walk in on heavy feet. Having immediately taken notice of those tears in her eyes.

"YongJu said he wanted to meet with us before we board." He couldn't help but look at the girl. Knowing just how nervous she was to watch the man before her leave.

"He'll be fine, Ming, huh? Don't get yourself worked up." Jin met her eyes. Speaking to the woman just as nonchalantly as he had, in which the woman swallowed down every tear she could feel burning her eyes. Having let out that soft okay, only to watch the man look back over at him with that deep let's go, in which the younger only nodded. All while that bedroom door closed shut behind the man, in which it was then that he looked back down at her. It being the one girl who immediately felt those tears slip her cheeks, only to have her head bury itself into his chest. Knowing exactly what it was her boyfriend was getting himself into. And she couldn't. Couldn't stomach knowing how dangerous it all was.

"Kitten." She didn't want to hear that nickname. Didn't want to feel like this was her last time seeing the man who she let take hold of her chin. Watching every tear slide down her face. And every sniffle escape her lips as looked up at him with those eyes so round. So round and so glossy.

"Why are you crying, baby? Huh?" He let his thumb brush along her chin. Swallowing down every inch of that want to have tears surface his own eyes. Because he couldn't couldn't give in to what he'd feel. Couldn't let the girl know just how scared shitless he himself was to leave. To be around people who weren't his own. Yet this time the man wasn't leaving with nothing holding him back. Yet had someone at home waiting on him. Anticipating the man's arrival back home, as he let his lips meet with his girlfriend's own. His same girlfriend who immediately let her arms come above his shoulders. Encasing no more than his hair with the length of her fingers as she fed into every kiss she was so desperate to endure upon with the man. The same man she had given. Given herself to in ways she didn't think were possible.

"You know I'll miss you right—"

"Yoongi." He watched as she giggled. Having felt the way his hand came across her ass, in which the girl brushed away her tears. Knowing that the man was trying. Trying so hard to make her feel okay. Even if the girl would never. Never feel whole without him by her side. Never feel as safe without him next to her, as she let her hands come against his face. Looking at the man in every way he never. Never thought someone would look at him like.

"Just be careful, baby. . . please." Her words were so timid. Pairing with the way her thumbs brushed along his skin as Yoongi nodded out that deep I promise. Earning no more than that sniffle from the girl who pecked his lips ever so quickly. Knowing that the man needed to go. Go with him.

"Promise me you'll call me when you get there?" She gave him that look so stern. Making the man simply grin at the girl with that heavy, you know I will, kitten, in which she giggled underneath that squeezing of her ass from him. Swearing that she'd never. Never love a man as much as him.

"You promise you'll send me pictures. . . and videos—"

"Of what—"

"You know what." Yoongi nudged his nose into her own. Earning that laughter so soft from the one girl who only smiled at the man with that whispered maybe. Having always loved how inappropriate he would be with her. Because he was. Was so inappropriate.

"You'll have both Jimin and Jungkook with you, so if you need anything just let them know, huh?" Yoongi watched as she nodded. About to leave the one girl who couldn't help but give him those kisses so soft and slow. Hating to not have the man in her own sight as Yoongi felt her grip as the base of his shirt.

"I love you." She let her nose nudge against his own. Having whispered those words so softly, only to give the man that look he knew so well. So, so well.

Yet all that came was the man's own look toward the girl. The same girl who let her lips kiss at his own a few more times, only to force herself to let the man leave. The same man who let out that deep I love you too, to the one girl who stayed placed on that single bed. And who watched her boyfriend leave her. . . with no promises of coming back.

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