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Ming walked into a scene that she never thought she'd see. Catching Junsu laughing alongside Yoongi at the poker table. The both of them holding a half empty bottle of soju in hand while the others boys played a game.

"Junsu?" Her gentle voice immediately caught the elders attention as his lips curved into an incredulous smirk. Voicing out a sultry, Yoongi told me you'd be home soon before the girl walked over to them. Feeling one of Yoongi's hands slide along her lower back only to move down to her ass in which he gave it a light squeeze.

"What's going on?" They could hear the confusion in her tone. Knowing that the girl thought that the both of them still hated each other.

"Kitten. . ." Yoongi let out a quiet sigh. Peering his eyes up at the woman who looked down at him with worry present in her chocolate eyes. "The past is in the past, ok? We're fine now."


"He's right, Ming." Junsu cut her off. Twirling a pair of poker chips in the slimness of his digits while letting his head just barely cock to the side. "We've discussed a lot over these past few weeks in private. And I think it's best if we just forget what happened."

That earned a nod from Yoongi who placed his bottle of soju down onto the sueded table. Resting both hands on the girl's waist in which he pulled her down onto his lap. Feeling her stiffen from what he just did. Because even though Junsu wasn't jealous and showed zero reaction, Ming couldn't help but feel a little off.

"Just let it go, huh?" Yoongi whispered in her ear. Receiving a cautious nod from the girl that Junsu currently was suspicious about. Because even though she looked happy on the outside as the couples lips connected in a soft kiss, he could sense that something was bothering her. But he wouldn't say anything. Because only time. . . will tell.

"So how's school going?" Was the question which informed Junsu of all he needed to know. Catching the sudden nervousness that encased the woman's being as she nodded with a strained smile. Letting out an unconvincing good before getting to her feet.

"I'm gonna go get cleaned up, okay?"

"Okay." Even Yoongi sounded confused. Watching as she forced a smile at Junsu in which the elder gave a nod. Taking in the way Ming's head casted down before she left the area. Not even having spent more than five minutes with the two men who gave each other looks of curiosity.

And as Ming closed the door with a harsh breath, she could've sworn that her heart was about to fall from out of her chest. The anxiety she withheld almost too much to even stand as she walked over to Yoongi's bedside drawer. Running her trembling fingers along the handle only to pull it open. Revealing a gun and bag of cocaine that was stored inside.

So without a single thought, the woman did a few lines. Probably more than she should have because god was the product potent. Making every vein in her body throb with ecstasy as she stumbled towards the bathroom. Not even realizing the tears built up in her eyes while stripping herself of all clothing.

"I never thought you were that wild. . ." It was his voice resonating through her ears as she stepped into the shower with a broken sob. Trying her best to keep him out of her head but god was the man intoxicating.

"It is Yoongi, correct?" Just hearing his name slip his tongue, had shivers running down the woman's spine as she scrubbed at her body. Her chest heaving with each intake of air she consumed before she let out a silent weep. "I mean it was the name you were practically screaming yesterday. . .but also the name that'll soon become a memory."

And those were the words that had the woman scared to fucking death. Because Hyungsik knew exactly how to have the woman wanting more. Just from the way he spoke. From the small gestures he'd do or give to her every time he'd walk into class. Or even from the inappropriate comments he'd discreetly whisper into her ear, had Ming completely compelled.

Because anything. . . even something as pure as water. . . can intoxicate.

For those who need to be refreshed on who Junsu is, he was in the second book towards the ending. SeJun's (Ming's brother) best friend who had gotten in a fight with Yoongi.
But ty for reading !! Ily

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