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Ming could feel her stomach flopping as she sat in the airport. Waiting for the man who was supposed to be arriving at any minute. It being the same man who already had someone bringing the drugs back to Seoul by train. Knowing that transporting 11 kilos of cocaine through the airport would be completely idiotic.

"Kitten. . ." It was his voice. His voice that came out so smug as Ming's head immediately jerked up from where she had been day dreaming. Not having noticed that the man had already spotted her as tears brimmed the delicacy of her eyes.

"Yoongi!" She was already wrapped up in his arms. Burying her face into his neck as he took hold of her thighs. Securing them around his waist as the girl pulled back with a quick connection of the lips. Feeling the immediate hunger in his own as he slid his hand down her skirt clad ass that was on full display. But Ming didn't know. Nor did she care. Because right now she was only worried about the man holding her. And the man who had a bruise painted against the skin of his cheek. Making Ming only shed more tears as her thumbs ran themselves across it.

"I'm so sorry, baby." Yoongi knew why she was. Because Ming had finally realized why the man had always been so ruthless. And why his emotions were so shot.

But Yoongi only gave the woman a gentle shake of the head before whispering out a husky I missed you with a smile. Making the girl sniffle out a laugh as she brushed her nose against his own. Whispering back an I missed you too only to feel his grip on her ass tighten. And it was then that she realized just where they were. Noticing the way Yoongi's gaze was beyond her, but instead on another man who had been eyeing the girl since she had been there. Watching the couple that was standing before him all while looking underneath Ming's skirt.

"Yoongi!" With widened eyes, the girl slapped a hand across his chest. Unable to control the giggles that escaped her lips after he had brought his palm down on her cheek. Knowing that he did it just to show that she was his. And only his.

"What?" Yoongi let her get back on her feet. Meeting her eyes with a smirk etched onto his face as she playfully glared at him. Immediately moving away from the man only to run over to where Hoseok and Jin were standing. Searching their faces in complete worry as she placed a hand up to both of their cheeks.

"Did he hurt you?! Are you okay?!" Jin and Hoseok couldn't help but chuckle from her action. Taking hold of both her hands only to whisper out a gentle we're fine. Because they were. And they had gone through this oh so many times. Having been completely unfazed at this point.

And with an arm draped around Ming's waist, Yoongi signaled for the boys and them to go. Heading straight to their house where YongJu was supposed to meet them at. Having got a call from Yoongi before they had even left Shanghai. Telling him that everything was good. But YongJu could sense the danger in Yoongi's tone. Choosing to ignore it because questioning the man would only lead to him getting irritated. And YongJu knew how the boy would get when in that state.

So in tensely packed silence, the four made their way back home. All while Ming stayed seated in the back with Yoongi. Missing the warmth that emitted from him as she stayed pressed against his side. Looking up at the man every here and there just to brush the softness of her fingertips through his hair. Knowing that he loved when she did so. And knowing that they were about to do something undeniably satanic.

Because she could already feel the tension lingering within the air. And how stiff Yoongi had become as she whispered out a quiet you okay, baby? Only resulting into the man huffing out a grunt as he leaned further down into his seat. Tightening his grasp on the woman unconsciously because the boiling of his blood was already too much to withstand. And Ming knew that. So instead she let her lips attach themselves to his neck in a sensual manner. Running a light hand across his abdomen only to voice out a gentle calm down.

Drugs 3- Yoongi [18+]Where stories live. Discover now