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Yoongi woke up to the sound of loud banging coming from the front door. Too hungover to even think of who it'd be. All he wanted was for it to fucking stop because god was it blaring through his fucking ears.

So he waited for it to end. For one of the other boys to open it and get rid of whoever it was. But the banging continued to ring through his ears. Feeling like venom caressing his fucking soul.

And with drunken steps, the boy made way to the door. His fingers wrapped harshly around the gun that laid on his bedside drawer and body clad with the same clothes he had on from last night. Still reeking with the substance of alcohol.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Growled out, he swung the door open. Wishing he hadn't done so because it was Junsu's fist that came across his face. Making the younger groan out a painful breath while Junsu took hold of Yoongi's collar. Shoving him back into the house only to kick the door closed with his foot.

"You fucking—"

"Wait!" God he sounded so broken as he groaned out a plea. So desperate to be listened to and so sickeningly vulnerable. "Just—" There was a pause ". . . wait."

And Junsu waited. He waited until there were tears pooling in the redness of Yoongi's eyes. Dumbfounding the elder because even with the small amount of time he's known Yoongi, the boy had never been one to let his guard down.

"Let me explain."  Yoongi moved away. Running the back of his hand across his lips that had blood building on the corner of them. And with a grunt, Yoongi regained his composure. Stopping the heaving of his chest as he met Junsu's gaze that had him petrified.

"I had to let her go, okay. I had to be the reason why she left me and not him."

"Not who?" Irritated, Junsu questioned the boy while taking a seat on the couch. Too immersed by the boiling of his blood to think that'd he'd be able to control himself if standing near the man any longer.

"Hyungsik." Yoongi seethed out. Tossing the gun he held in the tips of his digits onto the couch as well before taking a seat with his head dropped down. "I could tell something was off with her. Anytime I'd ask about school, she'd brush it off. And when I asked to go with her, all of a sudden she looked worried. Even if she constantly kept trying to get me to go."

"And what does school have to do with anything?" Junsu only got more irritated by the boys sly answers. Wanting to return to his earlier actions of beating the living shit out of the man who lifted his head back up. Meeting Junsu's eyes that could see just how cold Yoongi's gaze had gotten within the few minutes that passed. Completely terrifying him.

"I met him in her class." Yoongi had to cut himself back from scoffing. Replaying the image of the girl he loves in Hyungsik's arms. So blindly infatuated with the man himself. "I knew it was him. I could tell the minute he looked at her. And I could see it in her eyes as well. . ." He tossed his head back with a pained chuckle. One that told Junsu everything he needed to know. Because next were the tears. The tears that reluctantly fell from Yoongi's chocolate eyes as the man bit his lip with a silent groan. Trying to muffle the sobs that didn't dare escape. "You know I love her, Junsu. I'd fucking kill myself for that girl. But I couldn't hear her say those words to me. I couldn't hear her say his name and not mine."

Drugs 3- Yoongi [18+]Where stories live. Discover now