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"Jimin. . ." She didn't know how she was able to get the man all to herself. Or even get the man to listen to her for more than five minutes as he turned around. Having stopped his action of entering his room while watching the woman walk up to him. Her steps soft and slow as her gentle eyes met with his own. The same eyes he wish he could stare at all day. . . and all night.

"What's wrong?" He could tell something was bothering her. Taking notice of the way she played with her fingers. And Ming didn't know why she felt so sick all of a sudden. Or so nervous as the man trailed his gaze down her body. Letting it linger on her frame that he'd crave for on certain nights while her whispering voice swept through the air. 

"Can I speak with you?" The question was so simple. Yet Jimin could tell the importance it held as he let his head tilt. Making the softness of his black locks, caress the calmness of his eyes while giving the girl a nod.

And just like that, the aura became different. As if the two had no business doing what they were about to do while Jimin opened the door to his bedroom. Discreetly looking past the woman to see if anyone was watching. Even if the house was completely empty.

"What's wrong?" What wasn't. And Ming could feel the increase of her heart rate as she allowed herself to take a seat on the edge of his bed. Acting as if they were strangers even though she had been the closest to Jimin. But even with the unsaid boundaries being set between the two, Ming was still hesitant. And aware of what could and couldn't happen.

"I just wanted to talk to you about Yoojia." She did. Because she wanted to protect not only Jimin. . . but the man who was out with Jin and Jungkook. Having finalized the payments on the engagement ring he got for her. The same engagement ring that she had no idea about. And the same engagement ring that he knew exactly when he wanted to give the woman.

"What about her?" Ming could see the way his brows knitted. And the way his demeanor became somewhat defensive as he fiddled with the random things that littered his room. Not trusting himself with being sat right next to the woman because he knew what happened last time he did so. And he couldn't put himself through that pain of being rejected again. Nor letting someone see him so vulnerable as Ming met his eyes.

"Has she told you anything about her past life? Maybe about any ex relationships or where she even came from?"

"I don't think I need to tell you that—"

"Did she?" Ming wasn't in the mood to play games. Nor fight with the man who let a laugh escape his lips. Unable to stop himself from testing the girl just like he always would. Or try and get her to snap while he moved himself just a little closer to where she sat. Her eyes completely innocent even if they held a sense of danger behind them. Because she was still the same Ming he knew from the first time they met. And she always would be.

"Maybe. . . maybe not."


"Tell me why you care, huh? Or why my girlfriend has anything to do with you?"

And god had Ming never seen the boy become hostile so quickly in his life. Knowing that if Yoongi were to hear him speaking to her in such a way, he would've already killed the man as Ming watched the way his jaw clenched ever so subtly. Because for once he had someone all to himself. . . not knowing that, that someone was never his at all.

"Jimin. . ." She didn't know how to say it. Nor how to let him know without making him think she was lying. But she knew that he would indeed think that way. Because Jimin was hard headed. And fucking hated looking stupid.

"Yoojia she— she's not good for you, okay? And I don't want to see you get hurt just like Yoongi did—"

"What the fuck does he have to do with this?" The name slipping off her tongue felt like poison to his soul. Because it was always Yoongi who was in the way. Who was the one with the power. And the one with the girl who's eyes were already beginning to sting. Because she could see it happening. . . the aggression. The aggression that Yoongi himself had obtained over the years. The years that he had spent with the same girl Jimin was letting himself change for even if he wouldn't dare tell Ming that she was abusing him. That she was abusing him mentally. And that she was trying to turn him into Yoongi.

"Jimin, just listen to me, okay?" Her voice was still so soft. Because she didn't want him to be upset. Nor to distance himself from her all over again. "Yoongi and Yoojia, they—they used to be together, okay? Used to do the things you do with her. . . used to be the one that I am to Yoongi." She could see the way his eyes wavered. Wavering just enough to let her know that he was intrigued. But not how she wanted him to be. Because next were the laughs. The laughs that were satanic enough to have her stomach instantly dropping as he lowered himself down to where she sat. Making sure she could feel the way his breath hit her lips. And the way his nose just barely brushed against her own. Practically craving to come in contact with the girl. To show her that he was the one in control. Because he never was.

"You're lying." She wasn't. But god did she wish she was.


"You're lying and for what, huh? To make yourself feel better? I've known Yoongi for half of my fucking life and not once has he ever said anything about her."

"Why do you think he is the way he is, huh?! Why do you think he lashes out so often? Or why he's so ruthless, Jimin?!" Ming could already feel the way her blood began to boil. No longer caring about being nice. Or calm with the man who watched the way she stood. Just barely meeting with his chin in which he tilted his head just enough to meet her eyes again. Her eyes that had unknown tears relishing within them while Jimin pushed her up against his bedroom door. Acting just how Yoojia wanted him to act. . . aggressive.

"Oh come on, Ming. Don't go acting as if he hasn't always been fucking insane—" And he had never seen her look so disgusted with him before as her hand came across his cheek. Cutting him off almost instantly while the softness of her tears slipped from her eyes. A look that he would always remember. And a look that he never thought he'd see again until now. Having caught the same look of disgust in the girl's eyes that were ridden with tears as she caught his gaze from where she sat in the hospitals bed. And all with Yoongi by her side.

"Jimin. . ." The word just barely left her lips. It being a word that all of a sudden felt like taboo. And she watched the way his own lips trembled. And the way he did nothing but stare at her. Unable to say a word. Or do anything more than let the endless amount of tears slip from the softness of his eyes. Because he knew that she was in there because of him. And that he lost the only girl. . . who ever cared for him.

Hello! Exciting stuff to come soon *evil laugh* ! I hope you all liked it ! And I hope you don't mind how long this story is getting ! I promise it'll end sometime, lmao ! Ok ! Get sum rest for mommy! Night night ! Xoxo !

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