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There are those who start the day off with a fresh cup of coffee. And there are those who start the day off with their backs pressed harshly against the coldness of their shower walls. Eyes shut from the water rushing over them and fingers deviously wrapped in ones hair.

"Yes!" Right now, Ming didn't care that she had school to go to. That she had been fighting with the man who was currently fucking the living shit out of her. His face placed desperately in the woman's neck as he ruthlessly relished on her dampened skin. And god did she love the way his back muscles contorted with each of his thrusts. Painting an image against the palm of her hand that was pressed there for dear life.

"Fuck." He couldn't help but say the word. Shoving Ming even higher against the wall as he wrapped both of her legs around his waist. Wanting to hit all of her.

"Baby, please." Voice strained, the woman plead for the man to keep going. For the man to continue fucking her as if it was their first and last time while he connected their lips in a harsh manner. Continuing to whisper out apologies with each moan she'd strangled out against his skin.

And never before had she seen such vulnerability held within ones gaze as she caught the tears in his eyes. Practically crushing her heart almost instantly because she knew that Yoongi needed her. That the demons stored inside his being were constantly getting in the way of their relationship, but that they also weren't his fault. Seeing a though the constant expectations she wanted from him, wouldn't be fulfilled unless she spoke to him about it. But how do you tell a man who'd do anything for you, to change into a man who he doesn't even know?

"I'm sorry." Ming could barely speak due to the pleasure being almost unbearable. Tugging even harder on the man's locks because god had he never been so fucking rough. Thrusting into the woman in such a way that had his own hips beginning to ache.

"I just can't lose you, Ming. And I feel like I am." He croaked out against her neck. Holding onto the woman as if she were the only thing he had left while she whimpered out his name. Tossing her head back into the tiled walls that were completely wet. Matching almost perfectly with the glass doors which were fogged to the brim.

"No you're not." Yes he was. But Ming wouldn't let herself nor Yoongi believe that as she shook her head with trembling lips. Encasing the man's throat with her hands only to slide them up and rest against the sides of his neck.

"You promise?"

"I promise." Shuddered out, the lie still left her lips. Because the girl didn't know wether she was losing herself to Hyungsik or falling for Yoongi all over again. All she knew was that her middle half was aching as she silently cried out her release. Kissing away at Yoongi's heated skin that had her oh so desperate.

"I love you." Yoongi wasn't one to say those three words very often. But right now it seemed like the only thing that could roll off his tongue. Holding such fear in them because it wouldn't take a genius to know that the girl who had put up with so much for him, was slowly escaping from his grip. "God I fucking love you."

"Shh." Ming could see that the man was breaking. Hushing him with her lips in such a way that had the both of them clinging onto each other. Scared that if the other let go they'd be gone. . . forever.

And as Ming coached the man to his own release, Hyungsik continued flashing through her mind. Looking like the devil himself as his grim smirks encased her thoughts. His sinful words spreading through her ears and his grave touches feeling like fire on her skin. But she she wouldn't fall for the idea of him. She couldn't. Because that's all it was—an idea—an idea of being with a man who'd do the things she craved for. The things that had her relationship crumbling right beneath her feet. Because she didn't want Yoongi feeling as though he wasn't enough. As if she didn't already appreciate the things he does for her. Or as if she didn't loved him just as much as he loves her as the softness of her hands, stayed locked within his hair.

So with a heavy grunt, Yoongi dropped his head back. Receiving the most intoxicating kisses along his jawline and neck while Ming's silent moans dragged out against his skin.

"That feel good? Huh?" Her whispers were so gentle. Gentle enough to have him let go as she continued to whimper out sweet nothing into his ear. Making him feel more whipped than he already was for the only woman who ever tried with him. Because Ming tried. Tried to make him feel better about himself, despite being almost too rough around the edges. And tried to make him feel as though he was worthy enough to receive her love. Because he was.

And as he reconnected their lips, Ming felt her back slide down against the shower walls. Having allowed her feet to reach the ground again, in which Yoongi kept her against him. Too afraid to let go.

"I'm coming with you today, okay?"

"Okay." She couldn't help but say yes. Couldn't allow herself to tell him no. Or that the class she had today was with the exact same man who had her falling from the tips of Yoongi's fingers.

So instead she let her stomach flop in discomfort the whole time they got ready to leave. And the minute they walked in, Hyungsik couldn't help but let a smirk. . . adorn his lips.

Hmm, I wonder if Yoongi will get to know this Hyungsik of Ming's *evil laugh*
Ily my little kittens and I hope you're enjoying ♡__<

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