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"Ming baby, be careful. . ." She could feel the way his hands skimmed the skin of her waist. Steadying the girl who was moving faster than he would've liked as his lips pressed themselves against the side of her neck. Resting there just to let her know that he was with her. All while making her smile with a gentle I'm sorry. Unable to contain the excitement lingering within her being. Because they were finally back home. And the familiar room looked all too comforting in her eyes that met her loves gaze as she turned around. Disregarding the slight pain still lingering within her shoulder while moving her hands up to rest against his face.

"I have some people coming over. . ." She could hear the apprehension in his voice. And the way it changed pitches ever so subtly while the strength of his grasp on her waist tightened.

"So I need you to stay in here for me, okay?" He hated having to do this. To deal with business when all of his attention should've been focused on her. But Ming wasn't mad. Wasn't upset or even fretful of the situation as she nodded with a soft connection of the lips. Knowing that certain things had to be done. And that this was the life. . . she chose.

"Just be careful, baby. . . please." He could feel the heat of her breath on his skin. And her nose that brushed up against his own. Something she'd do in want to be more intimate with the man who only pressed a kiss against her forehead. All while feeling her hand slip down to his chest. The action alone enough to make him not want to ever leave her side. Or do something that put not only himself in danger, but her as well. Because nothing was guaranteed. And they knew that. They always did.

So with a quiet I love you, Yoongi let his gaze move away from her own. Unable to keep it held onto the softness of her chocolate eyes. Because the disappointment was still there. Even if she didn't know that it was.

And she watched the way he casted his head down. Trailing a hand to the back of the jeans he attired only to feel the gun placed within them. All while the bedroom door closed shut behind the man who was met with the rest of the boys standing there. The same boys that noticed the immediate darkness that overtook his being while he flickered his eyes over to Jimin. Jimin being the boy who was lucky to still be alive. And who was longing for the woman Yoongi would do fucking anything for.

"Tell Tee I want him here within the next 15 minutes." He didn't care where he was. What he was doing, nor if he would be able to get there in time. And Jimin knew that. He knew it the moment Yoongi glared at him ever so harshly before moving over to where the poker table sat. Flipping open two cases filled with the same substance that had almost gotten him and every single person he's ever cherished, killed as he took hold of each kilo sitting within it. Wanting to make sure everything was there. Even if it always was.

"They should be here any minute." It was Jin's voice that caught Yoongi's attention. Making the younger nod while closing the two cases that laid there still as ever. And Jin could tell something was bothering him. That there was some sort of distance captive within his eyes that retracted back to the front door. Watching it almost too impatiently while taking a seat.

"Yoongi." Jin couldn't afford him being distracted. Nor unaware of just what they were doing while the younger's leg moved up and down in an anxious manner. Because he wasn't worried about the drugs. Wasn't worried about making this deal that was about to gain him thousands. Wasn't worried about anything other than the girl who was carefully placing back the clothes that Yoongi had asked Jungkook to bring her while they were in the hospital. And who couldn't contain the unknown pounding of her heart as the base of her stomach flopped in worry. All because she couldn't help but let herself do so. And all because she couldn't afford losing the man who made her feel so loved. And who'd have her heart racing each and every time she'd meet his eyes in the morning.

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