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Like warm water thrown out into freezing degree weather, Yoongi's blood had became completely frozen. Unable to even feel the unstable beating of his heart as he breathed out a chuckle. Keeping the facade of being unfazed because the man knew how to work the system oh so well. And he would never let someone, this being YongJu himself, fuck him over.

"I'm just here to deliver remember. . ." He could feel Jin's eyes on him. And the worry that they held. "And if you know me so well. . . you should know that I never come up short."

And like an answered prayer, the man pulled back from Yoongi. The gun in his hand still disgustingly tight within his hold as Yoongi silently thanked god himself. Swiping his thumb heavily across his nose before sitting upright again in his chair. And he knew that the man who took his seat behind his desk again with a satanic laugh was somebody he could manipulate. Because he was nothing like Yoongi himself. Yoongi being the man who wouldn't give a fuck whether it was their money or someone else's. But instead would've already killed the person.

And Yoongi watched the elder male raise a brow before picking up the telephone laying on the glass of his desk. The cigar smoke stuck between his lips, caressing his skin as he brought the item to his ear. Dialing a number in an aggressive manner only to move his eyes back over to Yoongi's that were dark enough to have the man himself feeling sick. But Yoongi had to be that way. More so made himself be that way. Because he couldn't have people walking all over him or feeling as though he'd give them a second chance. He wanted them afraid. . . and they all were.

So just like that, the man hung up. Having spoken to the lobbyist about making sure that his floor stayed clear. And Yoongi knew that he wasn't off the hook just yet. Watching the man take heavy steps towards him and the boys only to rest his lower back against the desk. Pulling the cigar away from his lips before tossing the thing into the black ashtray still lying on the glass.

"Yoongi. . . Yoongi. . . Yoongi. . ." The smile he gave the boy was so demonic. Almost too petrifying to even look at as he heaved out a sigh in such a way that had Yoongi utterly confused. Because he couldn't tell what he wanted. Nor what he was going to do. But as the roughness of his hand took hold of Yoongi's jaw, it took all of his might not to kill the man right then and there. Because Yoongi fucking hated to be seen as weak. It being a feeling that his father always made him feel when he wouldn't give him a harder job to do. Or a riskier deal that Yoongi craved for when he was younger.

"You should be dead by now, you know that?" He struck the gun across Yoongi's face. Having pulled back his hand before doing so only to cause Yoongi's head to thrash to the side. All while the boy groaned out a stifled laugh. Already feeling blood building on the corner of his lip.

And it was then that Jin reached for his gun. Immediately stopping as the elder criminals guys took hold of their own. Creating the thickest aura of tension as they pointed the barrels at Jin and Hoseok's heads. All while Yoongi dropped his head back with his adam's apple bobbing as he does so. Replaying Ming's gentle words in his head that she'd say anytime she'd try to calm him down. Because right now he was just seconds away from lashing out.

"Manseok." Yoongi had to stop the man alongside his men. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to live with himself if Jin or Hoseok died. The two men who had been with him since just a little kid. And the two men whom he loved more than he did so himself. "How much is it that you need? I can transfer the money from Seoul almost instantly." Yoongi was desperate at this point. And even Jin knew. Being able to hear the silent pleading of his tone that unconsciously quivered.

And with a smirk, Manseok gave a head tilt. Pursing his lips before emitting a careless sigh. "50,000." Was all he let out. Followed by his arms crossing over. "50,000 and were settled. . . and I want it transferred within the next hour." He took his back from off the desk. Tapping the gun he held against the side of Yoongi's head twice before nodding over at his guards. His guards that backed away from Yoongi and his men. And his guards that opened the hotel doors for them. Keeping eyes locked with the three boys that cautiously got to their feet.

"And if I don't have it by then. . ." Manseok looked over at Yoongi. Running the slimness of his digits across his chin."It'll be all three of your fucking heads."

Mommy loves youuuu! Xx, bye bye!

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