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Yoongi could feel the aching of his veins. Pairing almost perfectly with the heaving of his chest as a silent whisper of his name rang through his ears. Having came from the one girl who could see him sitting at the poker table lingering within the living room. And all by himself. Because he wanted to be alone. Needed to be alone.

"Yoongi baby, what's wrong. . ." She was always so gentle with him. Gentle enough to have the man's back tensing the second he felt the way her lips ran themselves along the side of his neck from behind. Knowing exactly what she was doing. Because he always did.

"Kitten." She could hear the sudden wavering of his voice. And the slight hesitation it withheld as she continued to run her lips along the skin. All while the softness of her hands trailed down his chest. Reaching further and further down until making way against his abdomen. Having wanted nothing more than to relieve the stress buried within the man who couldn't help but release a groan underneath his breath. Knowing that she was doing this due to the argument they had gotten into. The same argument that was about him going back to college with her. Because she wanted them to finish. . . together.

And he continued to feel the way her lips moved along his skin. Her lips that were so soft. And so sensual to the point that Yoongi couldn't help but surrender. Letting her do everything she wanted, all while dropping his head back with a heavy groan. Having watched the girl take place before him where he sat at the poker table with a half empty bottle of alcohol in hand. Even if it was too late at night to be drinking. But he didn't care. He just wanted to let go.

So as Ming got on her knees, keeping her lips attached to his heated skin that was attired in nothing more than a pair of sweats alongside a t-shirt, she made sure to make him feel good. Taking away all that stress and anxiety the man couldn't help but face as she the softness of her hand slowly palmed him through the grey material of his sweats. Feeling just how needy the man was as his heavy breaths fled the silent room.

"Shit." In a sinful whisper, he let the word escape his lips. Wrapping a heavy hand in the woman's hair as she released the man of all restraints. Taking him in a gentle yet firm manner as Yoongi's breath got caught almost instantly. Because god did she know just how the man liked it. Causing each inch of his frame to become engrossed by nothing more than pleasure.

So, she continued pleasing him. Running her hands up and down his abdomen that accepted her trembling fingers, all while the softness of her chocolate eyes looked up at him in complete innocence. Barely able to even see his face due to the darkness of the room.

"Yoongi." And she knew. Knew the man couldn't take it anymore. Having watched the way he got to his feet before taking hold of the woman who let out a sigh from just how hard he connected their lips. Moving them in the most desperate manner, only set her down body down against the green sueded poker table. Making sure she felt the way he gripped on her thighs. Her thighs that stayed trapped against the table, all while their lips continued to move. Wanting nothing more than to listen to the way she begs for him.

And Ming could sense the amount of guilt within his movements. Guilt for being so aggressive towards her when they argued about school, even if she knew. Knew that he couldn't stop himself. Using the current act of sex as a way to apologize to one girl who he would do anything for. Because he loved her. Loved her more than he could ever try to express.

"Yes." He was already thrusting inside of her. Keeping both hands latched onto her slim frame that desperately clung to his own. Having never endured upon see that was so sensual. Speaking the most dirty things to each other as Ming bit down on his bottom lip. Allowing for the length of her fingers to practically strangle his dark locks as she did so, all while those pleas for the man not to stop fled the air. Able to feel every ounce of pleasure rummaging through her system the second she let go. Shutting out every moan with the man's lips. The same man who could feel the way her hand ran itself up and down his torso.

And with a single whimper of his name from the the girl, Yoongi couldn't help but let he himself go. Unable to stop the string of curse words that fell off his lips.

"I love you." Ming raised her hand up to his cheek. Not even realizing that there were tears brimming those chocolates of her eyes as she nuzzled their noses together. Dragging the man's lips with her teeth in the middle of every kiss he gave. Creating tension thick enough to make most sick to their stomach.

However, Yoongi didn't speak. Didn't do anything more than pull her up around his waist. Receiving Ming's arms around his neck as he led them back to their room. Unable to stop himself from wanting more of the one woman who's lips ran themselves along his neck and jawline. Creating marks just subtle enough to show that he was hers. And hers only.

And as dawn passed over the two souls with the sunset glistening their heated skin, Yoongi led the woman into the morning. Fucking her as if to say all of his sorrows. His sorrows and apologies for the things he's put her through. Remembering each time he had almost lost her due to the most idiotic reasons.

However, the girl was still there lying in his arms. Her face buried into his chest and body snuggled up against him. Feeling so safe wrapped up in his arms. Because the man made her comfortable. So, so comfortable.

And Yoongi continued to watch her sleep. Noticing that sudden sunlight that just barely peeled through the windows as his whispered I love you too ran through the air. Even if she couldn't hear it. Couldn't hear all that genuine love for her in his tone. Or need for her to always stay with him. Making the man realize. Realize wether or not he'd continue to allow his business to take a toll on his relationship. . .  or finally give the woman sleeping in his arms all that she deserves.


I'm so happy to be returning back to this book!! You all know that this is my fav series and I really hope you guys enjoy this one. There will definitely be a different theme to this time so please sit back and join the ride! I love youuuu

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